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求 查理和巧克力工厂的英文影评 不用太长、一篇高一英语课文长短就好~

In Johnny Depp, Tim Burton found an actor who perfectly captured the dark, quirky tone the director sought for his films. Never has the pairing (Charlie And The Chocolate Factory is their fourth collaboration) been more successful. Depp is utterly wonderful in the role of the eccentric chocolatier Willy Wonka. In Pirates Of The Caribbean, Depp modeled his performance of Jack Sparrow on Keith Richards. For his mischievous, childlike depiction of Wonka, he blends a pinch of Pee Wee Herman, a dash of Andy Warhol and the palid features of Michael Jackson to create an enchanting and memorable character.

Depp's performance alone is worth the price of admission, but when combined with Burton's idiosyncratic vision, Roald Dahl's cherished story and a strong supporting cast, headed by the adorable Freddie Highmore as Charlie Bucket, then Charlie And The Chocolate Factory becomes an irresistible treat.

Technology has come along way since Dahl's book was first adapted for the screen in 1971 with Gene Wilder playing Willy Wonka. Even the author, who died in 1990, would have marveled at the wondrous world Burton has created. Everything, from the ramshackle home of the Bucket family to the magical factory with its river of chocolate, has been conjured from a combination of a vivid imagination, fantastical sets and marvelous FX. The latter, Burton using only when no other alterative was available. It's why he had dozens of squirrels trained to perform difficult tasks but used just one actor (Deep Roy) to play all the Oompa Loompas.

"This is a story of an ordinary boy," states the opening voice-over. And although Charlie may be ordinary, it's immediately clear that where he lives is anything but. His poverty struck family is crammed into a dilapidated shack that leans at a gravity-defying angle. Despite their circumstance they are impossibly upbeat, a trait exemplified by young Charlie. The young boy's obsession with the nearby chocolate factory where his grandfather (David Kelly) once worked reaches a climax when he finds one of the five lucky golden tickets offering a tour of the premises which have remained closed to outsiders for 15 years.

The four other winners are loathsome, spoilt brats who are accompanied on the tour, given by the normally reclusive Wonka, by their equally obnoxious parents. "Enjoy yourselves, but don't touch," commands Wonka who clearly has little patience or affinity with the children. There is something a little perverse in a children's story in which most of the youngsters are so loathsome. It's certainly a feature Burton and screenwriter John August exploit to the full, particularly in the creative punishments that befall those who misbehave. Indeed, there is a sinister undercurrent to much of the film, one that perhaps borders on inappropriate with the inclusion of a spoof on the shower sequence from Hitchcock's Psycho.

The story's darker shades, most of which stem from Wonka's loveless upbringing at the hands of a strict father (Christopher Lee), are no doubt what attracted Burton in the first place. There are also some very touching moments involving Willy and Charlie, not to mention some hysterical ones, mostly courtesy of Depp whose expressive delivery solicits a laugh from even the most offhand comment.

When done well, children's films have the ability to captivate the imagination of old and young alike, distilling life into its most essential and simplistic elements. With the collective genius of Burton, Depp and Dahl, Charlie And The Chocolate Factory does that in the most inspired and enjoyable way possible.

Kevin Murphy


Each winter,alone in the ice deserts of Antarctica, emperor penguins in their thousands abandon the deep blue security of their ocean home and climb onto the frozen ice to begin their long journey into a region so cold,so extreme;it supports no other wildlife at this time of year. In single file(纵列), the penguins march blinded by severe snow storms, hit by gale-force winds (7-10级的大风).

  Guidedbyinstinct2, they head for their traditional breeding ground(繁殖地) where they will pair off3 into monogamous(一夫一妻制的) couples and mate. The days grow shorter, the weather ever more bitter. The females remain long enough only to lay a single egg. Once this is accomplished, exhausted by weeks without nourishment (食物,养料),they begin their return journey across the ice-field to the fish-filled seas. The journey is hazardous (有危险的,冒险的),and seals (海豹) a predatory (以捕食其他动物为生的) threat. The male emperors are left behind to guard and hatch the precious eggs,which they cradle4 at all times on top of their feet.

  After two long months during which the males eat nothing, the eggs begin to hatch. Once they have emerged into their ghostly(冷落地,荒凉地)white new world, the chicks (小鸡,小鸟) can not survive for long on their fathers' limited food reserves. If their mothers are late returning from the ocean with food,the newly-hatched young will die.

  Once the families are reunited, the roles reverse5, the mothers remaining with their new young while their mates head, exhausted and starved (饥饿的), for the sea, and food.While the adults fish, the chicks face the ever-present threat of attack by giant petrels(海燕).As the weather grows warmer and the ice floes(浮冰) finally begin to crack and melt,the adults will repeat their journey countless times, marching many hundreds of miles over some of the most dan- gerous territory on Earth, until the chicks are ready to take their first faltering(蹒跚的,踉跄的) dive into the deep blue waters of the Antarctic. "March of the Penguins" tells one of the most beautiful love stories on Earth.


你还是写查理和巧克力工厂吧 看一遍很好写的 像个童话 不过我看的时候觉得有点小恐怖 估计没人愿意直接给你写出来啦 写作文之类的很麻烦的 尤其是不是给自己写的。。



天哪 让神仙来吧


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