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英语翻译 用s+v+oi+od的形式翻译以下句子.在线等 急急急~

I asked the teacher a question.
I will give you a cup of fresh tea.
Can you spare me five minutes?
I introduce my friend to my parents.
He gives me an mp4 as a birthday present.
A foreign teacher teaches us English this term.
She bought me some food in the supermarket just now.
We wish each other good luck for the test.
She is going to give us a report about AIDS this weekend?
Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the airport?


1.新闻学院 school of journalism
2.新闻与传播系 department of journalism and communications
3.三个代表实践团------这是一个学校的社团,如果翻译不出,麻烦告诉我某某(学校里的)社团要怎么翻译 practice club of Three Represents Theory
4.获优胜奖 receive a winning prize
5.作品予以采纳 adopt the work
6.某某网站 ** website
7.被选入百度某某吧名人堂 be chosen for the Hall of Fame of ** Baidu Bar

1.School of Journalism
2. Department of Journalism and Communication
3. Three Representatives Practice Mission
4. By winning
5 Entries will be accepted
6 Certain sites
7. Baidu certain it was elected to Hall of Fame

1.News institute

2.News and dissemination department

3."The Three Represents" practices the group

4.Attains the winning prize

5.The work accepts

6.Someone website

7.Selects into hundred degrees someone the celebrity hall



  • 15289729834麻烦帮忙用英语翻译,在线急求 不要用软件翻译谢谢。
    宁秋拜Dear ###,(您好,###)I made an appointment with you and explained the reason for my asking for a leave. But my reason was not so serious.I went back home to have an return visit with my doctor and got the new medical certificate for my sick leave in accordance with the ...

  • 15289729834麻烦请翻译一下这段英文~急用`明天的英语作业``
    宁秋拜To me in fact,the most interesting thing is that my parents could stay with me every evening when i was a little child.We watched TV,ate chafing dish,took a walk or played games.Though all these were simple or not interesting.But i was the happinest.Because later after i ...

  • 15289729834麻烦用英语翻译下“我是高中学生会科技部部长”
    宁秋拜I am the minister of Science and Technology of the Students' Union in senior school.

  • 15289729834麻烦各位英语高手给翻译一下,急用!非常之感激!
    宁秋拜With the advent of knowledge economy enterprise assets, intangible assets in the proportion of more and more big, in some enterprises in intangible assets has become the main component of assets, such as Microsoft. Goodwill as important intangible asset, and its role in the enterprise...

  • 15289729834我有一篇中文对话,想翻译成英语的...急用,麻烦大家了...
    宁秋拜A: 你好!-=Hi!B: 你好! =-=Hi!A: 最近过得好吗? How are you going on these days?B: 恩,过得还不错!你呢? Well, not bad! What about you?A: 我也还好,就是出了点小状况。 Me,too. But there is just a little trouble.B:怎么了? What's about?A: 我的电脑坏了,...

  • 15289729834帮忙用英语翻译以下的内容,急用(请不要用翻译器,谢谢)
    宁秋拜foreign schools are already accepting great numbers of Chinese international students for the sake of earning money, causing its quality of teaching and environment to degrade tremendously. Besides, employments issues back home are rather controversial too!不是专业翻译,翻错了请指点。

  • 15289729834急!请英语高手帮忙翻译一下以下这二段话用英语怎么说(不要用翻译软件...
    宁秋拜1/你好,我已经收到您的信件,麻烦您将损坏的物品拍下照片发邮件给我,如果的确是运输过程导致物品破损,我表示深深的歉意并会尽快重新寄过新的物品给您.等待你的回音.hi,I have received your letter.please help to take some photos of the damaged goods and mail to me.I am very sorry if ...

  • 15289729834麻烦用英语帮我翻译几个句子,关于姚明的.急用.
    宁秋拜1.Yao get the award of "The chinese people that influence the world".2.Yao has been troubled by the wounded problem in recent two years.But all his fans wishes that he would recover soon and win a champion ring. I think it is also his wish.

  • 15289729834帮忙翻译成英语,谢谢,急用
    宁秋拜从去年9月份到现在,我公司与贵公司没有任何联系,We haven't had any contact with your company since last September,贵公司使用我公司的资料作为宣传作用,请务必经过我公司的同意.Any data of our company to be used for propaganda must be approved by our company in advacne....

  • 15289729834小弟急用,麻烦高手翻译成英文,谢谢!!!
    宁秋拜The antibiotic industrial waste is a kind of high chromaticity, including difficult to degrade and biological toxic material many high potency organic waste water [1], the domestic more than 300 enterprises produce. Accounts for the world output 150% more than 70 variety antibiotics, ...

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