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英文名:Anne Hathaway 中文名:安妮·海瑟薇 全名:Anne Jacqueline Hathaway 出生日期:1982年11月12日 出生地:纽约布鲁克林 星座:天蝎座 身高:173CM 发色:深棕色 眼睛:棕色 学历:东海岸自由艺术学院 最爱的书:Either Beloved (Toni Morrison) 工作愿望:英语教授或心理学者 人生目标:在百老汇唱歌 安妮担任的第一个主要角色是1999在电视连续短剧《真实(Get Real)》中扮演的梅根·格林,并凭借在该剧中的出色表演而获得2000年电视剧最受欢迎的女演员奖;除此之外,她还因为电视连续剧《年轻人》而获得了2000年青年艺术家奖最佳表演奖提名。不过,使安妮得到普遍认可的却是2001年拍摄的影片《公主日记(The Princess Diaries)》和2004年拍摄的《公主日记》的续集:《公主日记2:皇室婚约(The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement)》。 除此之外,安妮还于2002年与查理·胡纳姆和杰米·贝尔共同主演了影片《尼古拉斯·尼克贝(Nicholas Nickleby)》,并于2004年主演了影片《魔法灰姑娘(Ella Enchanted)》,这两部影片都使得安妮成为一名家喻户晓的演员。 安妮出演的影片还包括《浩劫(Havoc)》(2005)、《断臂山(Brokeback Mountain)》(2005)、《穿普拉达的恶魔(The Devil Wears Prada)》(2006)、《成为简·奥斯丁(Becoming Jane)》(2006)、糊涂侦探Get Smart .... Agent 99(2008)、陌生人Passengers (2008)、蕾切尔的婚礼Rachel Getting Married .... Kym(2008)、Bride Wars (2009) 等。 有消息称,周星驰有部新片正在筹备。据悉,新片讲述一个超级英雄的故事,好莱坞投资,目前已约得好莱坞大明星安妮·海瑟薇和杰克·布莱克一同主演。故事发生在现代,片中将充满动作和搞笑的元素。影片目前正在剧本打磨阶段,将在明年中开机。 〖演员作品〗 The Fiance(2010) (pre-production) Alice in Wonderland (2010) (filming) The White Queen Bride Wars (2009) (completed) .... Emma 蕾切尔的婚礼 Rachel Getting Married .... Kym(2008) 饰 基姆 Passengers (2008) .... Claire Summers 糊涂侦探 Get Smart .... Agent 99(2008)饰 99号特工 成为简·奥斯汀 Becoming Jane(2007).... Jane Austen饰 简·奥斯汀 穿普拉达的女王 The Devil Wears Prada .... Andy Sach(2006) 饰 安德丽娅·桑切丝 小红帽的真实故事 Hoodwinked(voice) .... Red (2005) 动画片配音 断臂山 Brokeback Mountain .... Lureen Newsome (2005) 饰 露琳 浩劫Havoc (2005) 饰 Allison 公主日记2:皇室婚约 Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (2004) 饰 公主米娅·泰梅波莉斯 魔法灰姑娘 Ella Enchanted (2004) .... Ella 饰 埃拉 猫的报恩The Cat Returns(2002) 动画片配音 Neko no ongaesh (2002) (voice: English version) .... Haru 少爷返乡Nicholas Nickleby (2002) 饰 Madeline Bray 天堂的彼端 Other Side of Heaven .... Jean Sabin (2001) 饰 吉恩 公主日记 The Princess Diaries (2001) .... Mia Thermopolis 饰 公主米娅·泰梅波莉斯 "Get Real" (1999) ...Meghan Green (4 episodes, 1999)









  8、你拿它做什么? 我要让它服务大众。我们不能放他走吗?这东西得学会适应,墨菲。













英文名:Anne Hathaway
全名:Anne Jacqueline Hathaway
最爱的书:Either Beloved (Toni Morrison)
安妮·海瑟薇(全名Anne Jacqueline Hathaway)于1982年11月12日出生于美国纽约布鲁克林区,在新泽西州长大。她的父亲杰拉德(Gerald Hathaway)是律师;母亲凯特·麦高莉(Kate McCauley)是歌手兼演员,也正是她影响了海瑟薇,使其步她的后尘,走上了演艺之路;安妮的名字来源于莎士比亚的妻子(貌似叫安.海瑟薇),她有一个哥哥和一个弟弟,分别是米歇尔和托马斯。安妮拥有以色列和法国血统,也具有部分德国和美国本土基因,可谓是多国综合体。安妮是在天主教地区长大的,小时候她曾经有过当一名修女的梦想。但在十五岁的时候,她得知了他的哥哥米歇尔是一名同性恋,因此而放弃了做修女的梦想。虽然是个天主教徒,但海瑟薇感觉自己似乎并不信教,她并不赞同他哥哥的性取向。她是一个素食主义者,从小就有男孩子般的个性。目前,安妮仍然是纽约大学的学生,她在纽约Poughkeepsie的Vassar大学主修英文,副修妇女研究英语语言与文学专业,兼修妇女研究。由于电影表演的需要,她不得不而再、再而三地推迟毕业时间。她说过,如果当不成演员,她会想当一位文学家或是心理学家。 安妮拥有灿烂明媚的笑容和高雅端正的气质,还带有一点点的调皮可爱,被誉为“茱莉亚·罗伯茨和奥黛莉·赫本”的综合体。安妮·海瑟薇这辈子最大的愿望就是在百老汇演出音乐剧。她曾经在新泽西州的Paper Mill剧场实习,并在Rising Star奖中被提名“最佳高中演员”卓越演出奖。安海瑟薇喜欢演出一些“特别”的角色,当然她的笑容也特别抢眼。
安妮担任的第一个主要角色是1999在电视连续短剧《真实(Get Real)》中扮演的梅根·格林,并凭借在该剧中的出色表演而获得2000年电视剧最受欢迎的女演员奖;除此之外,她还因为电视连续剧《年轻人》而获得了2000年青年艺术家奖最佳表演奖提名。不过,使安妮得到普遍认可的却是2001年拍摄的影片《公主日记(The Princess Diaries)》和2004年拍摄的《公主日记》的续集:《公主日记2:皇室婚约(The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement)》。
除此之外,安妮还于2002年与查理·胡纳姆和杰米·贝尔共同主演了影片《尼古拉斯·尼克贝(Nicholas Nickleby)》,并于2004年主演了影片《魔法灰姑娘(Ella Enchanted)》,这两部影片都使得安妮成为一名家喻户晓的演员。
安妮出演的影片还包括《浩劫(Havoc)》(2005)、《断臂山(Brokeback Mountain)》(2005)、《穿普拉达的恶魔(The Devil Wears Prada)》(2006)、《成为简·奥斯丁(Becoming Jane)》(2006)、糊涂侦探Get Smart .... Agent 99(2008)、陌生人Passengers (2008)、蕾切尔的婚礼Rachel Getting Married .... Kym(2008)、Bride Wars (2009) 等。
安妮担任的第一个主要角色是1999在电视连续短剧《真实(Get Real)》中扮演的梅根·格林,并凭借在该剧中的出色表演而获得2000年电视剧最受欢迎的女演员奖;除此之外,她还因为电视连续剧《年轻人》而获得了2000年青年艺术家奖最佳表演奖提名。不过,使安妮得到普遍认可的却是2001年拍摄的影片《公主日记(The Princess Diaries)》和2004年拍摄的《公主日记》的续集:《公主日记2:皇室婚约》(The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement)》。 除此之外,安妮还于2002年与查理·胡纳姆和杰米·贝尔共同主演了影片《尼古拉斯·尼克贝(Nicholas Nickleby)》,并于2004年主演了影片《魔法灰姑娘(Ella Enchanted)》,这两部影片都使得安妮成为一名家喻户晓的演员。
The Fiance(2010) (pre-production)
Alice in Wonderland (2010) (filming) The White Queen
Bride Wars (2009) (completed) .... Emma
蕾切尔的婚礼 Rachel Getting Married .... Kym(2008) 饰 基姆
Passengers (2008) .... Claire Summers
糊涂侦探 Get Smart .... Agent 99(2008)饰 99号特工
成为简·奥斯汀 Becoming Jane(2007).... Jane Austen饰 简·奥斯汀
穿普拉达的女王 The Devil Wears Prada .... Andy Sach(2006) 饰 安德丽娅·桑切丝
小红帽的真实故事 Hoodwinked(voice) .... Red (2005) 动画片配音
断臂山 Brokeback Mountain .... Lureen Newsome (2005) 饰 露琳
浩劫 Havoc (2005) 饰 Allison
公主日记2:皇室婚约 Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (2004) 饰 公主米娅·泰梅波莉斯
魔法灰姑娘 Ella Enchanted (2004) .... Ella 饰 埃拉
猫的报恩The Cat Returns(2002) 动画片配音
Neko no ongaesh (2002) (voice: English version) .... Haru
少爷返乡Nicholas Nickleby (2002) 饰 Madeline Bray
天堂的彼端 Other Side of Heaven .... Jean Sabin (2001) 饰 吉恩
公主日记 The Princess Diaries (2001) .... Mia Thermopolis 饰 公主米娅·泰梅波莉斯
"Get Real" (1999) ...Meghan Green (4 episodes, 1999)
天堂的彼端 The Other Side of Heaven (2001)
Mitch Davis
安妮·海瑟薇 Anne Hathaway
Joe Folau
Christopher Gorham
类型:剧情 / 冒险 / 传记
片长:113 min
发行公司:Excel Entertainment
上映日期:2001年12月14日 美国
官方网站:othersideofheaven.com [us] (Flash site)
约翰与吉恩深深爱恋着对方,蓝色月光下相拥取暖抚慰彼此的寂寞,纵情欢乐的日子仿佛将永远这样继续…… 然而造化弄人,约翰被指派到三万英里外的太平洋小岛传教。两人从此只能靠书信传情,两人遭受着痛苦的煎熬。土族人的猜疑攻击、夺命的热带病毒,约翰在这孤独的岛上抵抗着命运。三万英里以外,面对众多追求者的包围,面对父母的逼婚,吉恩最终决定远渡重洋去寻找自己的爱人…… 当两人历经磨难终于重逢、尽享鱼水之欢时,屋外的海滩上,一场前所未有的狂暴海啸已迅猛到来……
上映日期: 2001年8月3日
演员:安妮-海瑟薇 茱莉-安德鲁斯 哈克特-埃利桑多 海瑟-马托拉佐
制作: Whitney Houston, Debra Martin Chase, Mario Iscovich
编剧: Gina Wendkos
Julie Andrews不是第一次出演这类题材的电影。早在20世纪50年代,在经典音乐片《窈窕淑女》中,她扮演的百老汇底层少女,经过Henry Higgins教授的调教,成为了一个举止幽雅得体的贵族式小姐。
米娅对欧洲一无所知,更不要说如何治理国家了,但女王却十分乐于指正她的举止和言语措辞,以及如何衣着得体……以便把她调教成一个真正的传统意义上的公主。公主这差事固然有许多好处——正如对于只有一辆爬坡都费力的老爷车的女孩子来说,豪华轿车实在是不可抗拒的诱惑;然而,米娅生性腼腆害怕皇室高位带来的聚光灯。那么,善意的祖母是否能使米娅顺利成为君主呢?亦或是在加里福尼亚形成的价值观如此根深蒂固,以至于连Henry Higgins自己也不能改变米娅呢?
《公主日记》以米娅的视角展开故事情节,迎合了十多岁的观众群,因为他们有着和米娅相似的的个性冲突和青少年特有的生活细节——与母亲拌嘴,叛逆,以及学校里的恋爱故事——这些都在电影里一一展现。此外,角色的成功选择使整部电影充满了生气:Andrews扮演的女王; Anne Hathaway扮演的外孙女;;Caroline Goodall扮演的米娅的母亲;还有Hector Elizondo扮演的皇室助理;以及成功扮演米娅密友的Heather Matarazzo。而剧中米娅生活中的男孩就显得十分普通了。
从容的节奏加上并不花哨的制作,《公主日记》倒更像是迪斯尼拍的传统老片,当众多电影为了吸引年轻人而不断发起视觉冲击波和流行浪潮时,导演Garry Marshall却向我们讲述了一个连端庄的吉尼维亚女王也鼓掌认可的故事。
英文片名:Princess Diaries 2:Royal Engagement
发行:迪斯尼公司 Walt Disney Pictures
导演:加里·马歇尔 Garry Marshall
主演: 安妮·海瑟薇、朱莉·安德鲁丝、哈克特·埃利桑多、海瑟·马托拉佐
全部剧组成员:导演: 加里·马歇尔 Garry Marshall
主演: 安妮·海瑟薇 Anne Hathaway
朱莉·安德鲁丝 Julie Andrews
哈克特·埃利桑多 Hector Elizondo
海瑟·马托拉佐 Heather Matarazzo

导演:Barbara Kopple
主演:迈克尔·比恩 Laura San Giacomo 安妮·海瑟薇 碧悠·菲利浦 西瑞·阿普莱比
类型:犯罪 剧情 爱情
地区:美国 德国 对白:英语
颜色:彩色 声音:
时长:85 分钟

主演: 梅格·瑞恩,乌玛·瑟曼,安妮·海瑟薇
导演: Diane English
类型: 剧情|喜剧
上映日期: 2008-09-12 颜色: 彩色
拍摄年份: 2007
对白语言: 英语 国家/地区: 美国|英国

◎译 名 历劫俏佳人◎片 名 Havoc
◎国 家 美国 6E3b7P9q;H%C
◎类 别 剧情/爱情/犯罪
◎字 幕 中文字幕
◎IMDB链接 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0285175
◎文件格式 HDrip-RMVB
◎视频尺寸 800 X 432
◎文件大小 2CD/394MB
◎片 长 85 Min ◎导 演 Barbara
◎主 演 安妮·海瑟薇 Anne Hathaway 迈克·沃格尔 Mike Vogel
Bijou Phillips .... Emily
西瑞·阿普莱比 Shiri Appleby
Amanda 迈克尔·比恩 Michael Biehn .... Stuart 山姆·博顿斯 SamBottoms .... Lt. Maris
Laura Breckenridge ....
Raymond Cruz Chino Alexis DzienaGordon-Levitt .... Sam
Terri Hanauer 马修·奥利瑞 Matthew O'Leary
Eric 4

片名:The Devil Wears Prada
导演:大卫·弗兰科 David Frankel
主演:安妮·海瑟薇 Anne Hathaway
梅利尔·斯特里普 Meryl Streep
阿德里安·格兰尼 Adrian Grenier
西蒙·贝克 Simon Baker
乘客Passengers (2008)
Epivates, Oi.....Greece
罗德里格·加西亚 Rodrigo García
Ronnie Christensen ....(written by)
安妮·海瑟薇 Anne Hathaway ....Claire Summers
帕特里克·威尔森 Patrick Wilson ....Eric
大卫·摩斯 David Morse
惊悚 / 恐怖
Rated PG-13 for thematic elements including some scary images, and sensuality.
USA:PG-13 / Philippines:PG-13 (MTRCB) / Taiwan:PG-12
结婚大作战Bride Wars (2009)
Morsianten sota.....Finland
A Csajok háborúja.....Hungary
Bride Wars - Beste Feindinnen.....Germany
Bride wars - La mia miglior nemica.....Italy
Guerre des mariées, La.....Canada (French title)
Nyfes se polemo.....Greece
Rat medu nevjestama.....Croatia
Válka nevest.....Czech Republic
盖瑞·温尼克 Gary Winick
Greg DePaul ....(screenplay) and/(story)
琼·戴安·拉法尔 June Diane Raphael ....(screenplay)
Casey Rose Wilson ....(screenplay) &
凯特·哈德森 Kate Hudson ....Liv
安妮·海瑟薇 Anne Hathaway ....Emma
布赖恩·加连保格 Bryan Greenberg ....Nate
爱情 / 喜剧
Rated PG for suggestive content, language and some rude behavior.
UK:PG / USA:PG / Ireland:PG
2008年3月31日 - 2008年6月

Anne Jacqueline Hathaway (born November 12, 1982) is an American actress. She made her acting debut in the 1999 television series Get Real, but her first prominent role was in Disney's family comedy The Princess Diaries (starring opposite Julie Andrews), which established her career.

She continued to appear in family films over the next three years, with lead roles in Ella Enchanted and The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement in 2004. Hathaway would later venture away from the "G-rated" image her early acting career bestowed upon her, starring in the adult-themed films Havoc and Brokeback Mountain. She later starred in The Devil Wears Prada, opposite Meryl Streep; Becoming Jane, in which she portrays Jane Austen, and Get Smart, opposite Steve Carell. In 2008 she earned widespread critical acclaim for her star turn in the film Rachel Getting Married, for which she was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress.

Her acting style has been compared to that of Judy Garland and Audrey Hepburn and she cites Hepburn as her favorite actress and Streep as her idol.People magazine named her one of 2001's breakthrough stars,and in 2006, she was listed as one of the world’s 50 Most Beautiful People.


Early life and career
Hathaway was born in Brooklyn, New York, to Gerald Hathaway, a lawyer, and Kate McCauley, an actress who inspired Hathaway to follow in her footsteps. The family moved to Millburn, New Jersey, when she was six years old.She has an older brother, Michael, and a younger brother, Thomas. Hathaway has mainly Irish and French ancestry, with more distant German and Native American roots.

Hathaway was raised a Catholic with what she considered "really strong values," and has stated she wanted to be a nun during her childhood.However, at the age of fifteen she decided not to become a nun after learning that her brother, Michael, is gay.Despite her Catholic upbringing, she felt that she could not be part of a religion that disapproved of her brother's sexual orientation. She has stated that she is a non-denominational Christian because she hasn't "found the religion" for her.

As a child, Hathaway was involved in a Montessori program as a preschooler and was then able to enter first grade while she was technically still a kindergartner.Hathaway graduated from Millburn High School where she participated in many school plays; her high school performance as Winifred in Once Upon a Mattress garnered her a New Jersey Rising Star Award nomination for Best Performance by a High School Actress. During this time, Hathaway was also involved in plays such as Jane Eyre and Gigi at New Jersey's Papermill Playhouse (which is located in Millburn, accross the street from Hathaway's middle school).She spent several semesters studying as an English major and Women's Studies minor at Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, New York before transferring to New York University's Gallatin School of Individualized Study.She referred to her college enrollment as one of her best decisions, because she enjoyed being with others who were trying to "grow up." Hathaway was a member of the Barrow Group Theater Company's acting program and was the first teenager ever admitted into the program.She is a trained stage actress and has stated that she prefers performing on stage to film roles.

A soprano, Hathaway performed in 1998 and 1999 with the All-Eastern U.S. High School Honors Chorus at Carnegie Hall and has performed in plays at Seton Hall Prep in West Orange, NJ. Three days after her 1999 performance at Carnegie Hall, she was cast in the short-lived Fox television series Get Real, at the age of sixteen.

2001–04: Career development

Hathaway made her film debut in the Garry Marshall-directed The Princess Diaries (2001).
It was generally well received by critics.Hathaway's first role in a motion picture was as Jean Sabin in The Other Side of Heaven, opposite Christopher Gorham. Before production of Heaven began in New Zealand, she auditioned for the lead role of Mia Thermopolis in The Princess Diaries, directed by Garry Marshall. Hathaway auditioned for the role during a flight layover on the way to New Zealand and won the role after only one audition. Marshall claimed that he loved her immediately because she fell off her chair during the audition and believed her clumsiness would make her perfect for the role. (However, in a 2008 conversation with Steve Carell, Hathaway denied that she fell during this audition, although she openly admits to being a "klutz".) The Princess Diaries was released before The Other Side of Heaven in the hopes that its success would increase interest in Heaven. Across the world, The Princess Diaries was a commercial success, and a sequel was planned shortly thereafter. Many critics praised Hathaway's performance in Diaries; a BBC critic noted that "Hathaway shines in the title role and generates great chemistry." The Other Side of Heaven was received weakly by critics, but it performed well for a religion-themed film.

In February 2002, Hathaway starred opposite Brian Stokes Mitchell in the City Center Encores! concert production of Carnival! in New York City, receiving positive reviews for her portrayal of Lili. Also in 2002, Hathaway began voicing the audio book releases of The Princess Diaries and has since voiced the first three books of the series. She also provided the voice of the character Haru in the English version of Hiroyuki Morita's The Cat Returns.

Hathaway continued to appear in family-oriented films over the next three years, subsequently becoming known in mainstream media as a children's role model. In 2002, she appeared in Nicholas Nickleby, opposite Charlie Hunnam and Jamie Bell, which opened to positive reviews. The Northwest Herald referred to it as "an unbelievably fun film," and the Deseret News said that the cast was "Oscar-worthy."Despite critical acclaim, the film never entered wide release and failed at the North American box office, totaling less than US$4-million in ticket sales.

Hathaway's next film role was as the titular character in Ella Enchanted (2004), the film adaptation of the novel, which opened to mostly indifferent reviews. Hathaway sang two songs in the film as well as three on the soundtrack.

In 2004, Hathaway was set to star opposite Gerard Butler in The Phantom of the Opera, but was forced to turn down the role because the production schedule of the film overlapped with that of The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement, which she was contractually obligated to make. Disney began production on The Princess Diaries 2 in early 2004, and it was released in August of that year. The film opened to negative reviews, but still managed to peak higher at the box office than its predecessor, commissioning $95.1-million against a $40-million budget.

2005–07: Career transition

Hathaway's career moved in a less comedic direction with her role in
Brokeback Mountain (2005).Hathaway began appearing in more dramatic roles after The Princess Diaries 2. She said that "anybody who was a role model for children needs a reprieve,"although she also noted that "it's lovely to think that my audience is growing up with me", a reference to her previous status as a children's actress. She voiced Little Red Riding Hood in Hoodwinked! (2005), which received generally positive reviews. That same year, Hathaway starred in the R-rated Havoc, in which she played a spoiled socialite. In a surprise move, Hathaway was featured in several nude and sexual scenes throughout the film. Although the content of the movie was radically different from her previous films, Hathaway denied that her role in the film was a blatant attempt to be seen as more of a mature actress, citing her belief that doing nudity in certain movies is merely a part of what her chosen form of art demands of her; and because of that belief she does not consider appearing nude in the appropriate films to be morally objectionable.

After Havoc, Hathaway appeared opposite Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal in the drama Brokeback Mountain, in a role that further displayed a more serious side of her. Havoc was not released in theaters in the United States (but was later released in other countries) because of its weak critical reception, but Brokeback Mountain won rave reviews for its depiction of a homosexual relationship in the 1960s and received several Academy Award nominations Hathaway would later assert that the content of Brokeback Mountain was more important than its award count and that making the film made her more aware of the kind of stories she wanted to tell as an actress.

Hathaway's next film was the 2006 comedy The Devil Wears Prada, in which she starred as an assistant to a powerful fashion magazine editor portrayed by Meryl Streep, whom Hathaway described as being "just divine." Hathaway said that working on the film made her respect the fashion industry a great deal more than she had previously, though she also claimed that her personal style is something she "still can't get right."

In an interview with Us Weekly, Hathaway spoke about her weight loss for the film, stating, "I basically stuck with fruit, vegetables and fish [to slim down for the movie]. I wouldn’t recommend that. Emily Blunt and I would clutch at each other and cry because we were so hungry."

Hathaway was initially cast in the 2007 comedy Knocked Up, but dropped out before filming began and was replaced by Katherine Heigl. Writer/director Judd Apatow stated in a May 2007 issue of The New York Times Magazine that Hathaway dropped out "because she didn't want to allow us to use real footage of a woman giving birth to create the illusion that she is giving birth." In an August 2008 interview with Marie Claire magazine, Hathaway commented that she "didn't believe that it was necessary to the story."

Hathaway was next seen in the 2007 drama Becoming Jane, in which she portrayed English writer Jane Austen. Also in 2007, Hathaway performed a selection from the musical Saturday Night for Stephen Sondheim's 75th Birthday and ASCAP Foundation Concert.

Tim Burton considered Hathaway for the part of Johanna in his 2007 film Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, but the role went to Jayne Wisener, a then-unknown actress, reportedly because Burton decided he wanted an unknown actress for the part.

2008–present: Recent and future projects
Hathaway's first film of 2008 was a modern adaptation of the 1960s Mel Brooks television series Get Smart, in which she starred opposite Steve Carell, Dwayne Johnson, and Alan Arkin. The film was a hit at the box office and received mostly positive reviews, prompting talk of a sequel. She also made a cameo appearance in the corresponding film Get Smart's Bruce and Lloyd: Out of Control. In October 2008, she premiered the drama Passengers, alongside Patrick Wilson, as well as the drama Rachel Getting Married, opposite Debra Winger. Rachel Getting Married premiered at the 2008 Venice and Toronto Film Festivals and garnered her both an Academy Award and a Golden Globe nomination for her performance as Kym. Hathaway stated that the film appealed to her because of its real depiction of relationships and because of the strong emotional connection she felt with her character.

Hathaway most recently appeared in the comedy Bride Wars, released on January 9, 2009, in which she starred opposite Kate Hudson; Hathaway has described the film as "hideously commercial – gloriously so." She appeared with Hudson on the February/March 2009 cover of Modern Bride despite her admission that she is "not the type of girl who dreams about her wedding." Her future projects include a film adaptation of the Julie Buxbaum novel The Opposite of Love, a Tim Burton-directed adaptation of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass alongside Helena Bonham Carter and Johnny Depp, and the romantic comedy The Fiancé, in which she will play a woman who ends her engagement only to have her overzealous parents try to get her back together with her ex。

In January 2008, Hathaway joined beauty giant Lancôme as the face of their fragrance Magnifique. In October of that year, Hathaway hosted Saturday Night Live, with musical guest The Killers.

Personal life
Hathaway is involved with various charities, including The Creative Coalition, The Step Up Women's Network, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, The Human Rights Campaign, and The Lollipop Theatre Network, an organization that screens films to critically ill children. In 2008, she was honored at Elle magazine's "Women in Hollywood" tribute, and has also been honored for her work with The Step Up Women's Network and The Human Rights Campaign.

In early 2007, Hathaway spoke of her experiences with depression during her teenage years, saying that she eventually overcame the disorder without medication.

In a fall 2008 appearance on the Late Show with David Letterman, Hathaway noted that she had once again stopped smoking. The actress, who had begun smoking "heavily" while filming Rachel Getting Married, had "quit for a while", but had started again in the wake of her stressful summer and the end of her relationship with Raffaello Follieri.She credited the decline in her stress level to quitting smoking. She also declared her return to being a vegetarian.

As of November 2008, Hathaway is reportedly in a relationship with actor Adam Shulman.

In regard to personal strife and subsequent media attention, Hathaway's self-subscribed mantra is a quote by Oscar Wilde: "The less said about life's sores the better."

Relationship with Raffaello Follieri
In 2004, Hathaway began a relationship with Italian real estate developer Raffaello Follieri. During their relationship, Hathaway took part in the development of the charitable Follieri Foundation, serving as a financial donor as well as a member of the foundation's board of directors until 2007. A Manhattan-based charity founded in 2003 focusing on programs such as providing vaccinations for children in Third World nations, the organization had come under investigation in early June 2008 by the IRS, reportedly for failing to file tax papers required from non-profit organizations. Citing the fear that this and other ongoing legal issues involving Follieri would become detrimental to her acting career (as well as for her own ethical reasons), Hathaway ended her relationship with Follieri in mid-June 2008.

Follieri was arrested in June 2008 on fraud charges for allegedly fleecing investors out of millions of dollars in a scheme involving purchasing Catholic Church properties in the U.S. for redevelopment. Court papers state that Hathaway was an unwitting beneficiary of the stolen money, which had in large part paid for Follieri's opulent lifestyle of jet-setting, shopping sprees, and fine dining.It was reported that the FBI had confiscated Hathaway's private journals from Follieri's New York City apartment as part of their ongoing investigation into Follieri's activities; however, Hathaway was never implicated in any wrongdoing from the events.

In the October 2008 issue of W Magazine, Hathaway spoke for the first time of the break-up and Follieri's subsequent arrest. She related that she "spent a week in shock" after Follieri's arrest, and credited the kindness of friends for her ability to keep working during such difficult times.

  Anne Jacqueline Hathaway (born November 12, 1982) is an American actress. She made her acting debut in the 1999 television series Get Real, but her first prominent role was in Disney's family comedy The Princess Diaries (starring opposite Julie Andrews), which established her career.

  She continued to appear in family films over the next three years, with lead roles in Ella Enchanted and The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement in 2004. Hathaway would later venture away from the "G-rated" image her early acting career bestowed upon her, starring in the adult-themed films Havoc and Brokeback Mountain. She later starred in The Devil Wears Prada, opposite Meryl Streep; Becoming Jane, in which she portrays Jane Austen, and Get Smart, opposite Steve Carell. In 2008 she earned widespread critical acclaim for her star turn in the film Rachel Getting Married, for which she was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress.

  Her acting style has been compared to that of Judy Garland and Audrey Hepburn and she cites Hepburn as her favorite actress and Streep as her idol. People magazine named her one of 2001's breakthrough stars, and in 2006, she was listed as one of the world’s 50 Most Beautiful People.

  1999–2000 Get Real
  2001 The Princess Diaries
  The Other Side of Heaven
  2002 The Cat Returns
  Nicholas Nickleby
  2004 Ella Enchanted
  The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement
  2005 Hoodwinked!
  Brokeback Mountain
  2006 The Devil Wears Prada
  2007 Becoming Jane
  2008 Get Smart
  Rachel Getting Married
  2009 Bride Wars
  2010 Alice in Wonderland
  The Fiance



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