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友好的OG(OfficeGirl?)和会照顾人的日本夫妇招人租房同住,住在新筑。距离Daviespark(有westent Market的地方)两分钟路程,距离公车站5分钟,离超市10分钟,在那周边还有饭店和咖啡馆。

盗梦空间是一个2010年写作、产生的美国科幻动作片,由克里斯托弗·诺兰导演。Dom Cobb是一个从受害者睡觉时的潜意识里提取信息的盗贼。不能去看望他的孩子,Cobb被提供了一个机会去换一个最后的工作去恢复他的旧生活:表演盗梦,对客户的竞争对手的意识里种植想法。
约九年前盗梦空间开始发展在准予发表之前。在2001年,诺兰写了一篇80页关于盗梦者治疗的文章,这份华纳兄弟构想的故事最初是作为一种恶作剧电影写的,即清晰性梦境和梦想孵化的概念化。感觉他需要更有大型电影的经验。诺兰选择了在蝙蝠侠,致命魔术,和黑暗骑士上工作。他花了六个月打磨盗梦空间的剧本在华纳兄弟公司以前。2009年2月,长达拍摄六个国家四大洲在东京开始,到2009年6月19日,同一年在加拿大在11月底完成。汉斯·齐默尔包揽了电影作曲,using parts of Edith Piaf's song "Non, je ne regrette rien". (最后一句不懂)

We are going to buy two computers for our new colleagues. But first I need to fill in an application form to be signed by our boss. I'd like to know if you have such kind of applicaton form?

we intended to buy two computers for new colleagues ,boss required that they must be filled in a application form and over his signature .please tell me if you have application like this ~

We have to buy two computers for our new workmates, and my supervisor ruled that they should sign at an application first, so, do you have that kind of application?

We are going to buy two computers to the new collegues. Our manager required us to fill in an application form, which he can sign on it, and then the computers can be purchased. Do you have the applicatino form?

We want to buy two computers for our new colleagues,and we could't buy them until our boss signed on an application talbe,and whether you have the form of the kind of application talbe.

we are going to buy two computers for our new workmates. However, the application form signed by the boss is required, so do you have the application form like that here?


  • 15341821438翻译,英文翻成中文,急

  • 15341821438请帮我翻译一段话(翻成英文)
    朱关振products with lower environmental standards, and take technical innovation, which make their products more competitive in the international markets. Therefore, the trade barrier still has the positive aspects.自已翻的,希望有帮助,另外 Although 这个句型后面是不能用but 的,这是常识哦 ...

  • 15341821438帮忙翻译段句子(汉翻英)
    朱关振This is also the main view point (major principle) discussed in the paper.

  • 15341821438求达人翻译一段话(汉—英)
    朱关振主人公威利,因年老体衰,要求在办公室里工作,却被老板辞退。威利懊丧之下,责怪两个儿子不务正业,一事无成。儿子反唇相讥,嘲笑他不过是个蹩脚的跑腿罢了。Willy,the protagonist, requested to be assigned to work in the office due to his old age and infirmities, but he was retired by...

  • 15341821438帮我翻译一小段文字(翻成英文)
    朱关振1. Feel for doing, and it will feel for you.2. Follow your own way.3. Trash "Preparation" when you are prepared.4. Your doing is always wider than thinking.5. Listen.6. Action.You have been provided with a choice, which either makes you a victim of situation, or the ...

  • 15341821438请英文翻译帮忙翻译成中文(不要用翻译软件翻)谢谢
    朱关振你的脚感到冷么?你不会如同大多人那样写作。你写的文章正如你站在这里与我对话。仿佛我能看到你的脸,听到你的声音。你知道,我非常尊敬中国人民,但我不知道自己是否可以生活在那里。我也许会遇到麻烦!你知道的,会说错话什么的。但我至少可以去参观!参考资料:我自己 ...

  • 15341821438请帮忙翻译句子(英翻中)要人工翻译通顺的,谢谢!

  • 15341821438满分,帮我翻译一段话(中翻英)
    朱关振但无论是面对战争的硝烟、父母的去世还是生活的贫穷艰难,在和她承受同样的痛苦的人们当中,她都是最刚并最先从艰难中走出来的一个。Scarlett looks like a desire for the rich and unscrupulous desire for this goddess. But both face the smoke of war, 父母 death or life of poverty and ...

  • 15341821438帮忙翻译一段文字(汉译英)
    朱关振Cheng's father passed away two years. Has not portrait. One day he chanced to meet an old beggar was exactly like his father. Words like go home, so that artists painted Zhang shining portrait of his father. That have enough to eat a good addition to the daily management, ...

  • 15341821438请帮忙翻译一段中文翻译成英文,谢谢
    朱关振The company is located in zhongshan guzhen, creates in 2000. The main production residential lighting and commercial lighting in 2009 and started to independent research and development, design, and the formation and commercial lighting LED residential LED lighting. The company by the ...

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