描写季节的英语作文80-90词 用I like …… 有翻译

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~ I like the Autumn,because in this season,people can enjoy the cool after summer ,taste harvest fruit and fresh fish and crab,appreciation by autumn frost test still chrysanthemum in full bloom,stepping on the wind and rain after the ground is golden,appreciate the leaves return to the earth.Autumn and many festivals,the most special is the national day and the Mid-Autumn Festival,is one of the most hope,happiness in each person's face could be seen.Gorgeous autumn means maturity and harvest,it brings much happiness and romantic imagination,and most importantly,it carries the good wishes of the people,that is:all the hard efforts to repay.So the people longing for love autumn.

描写季节的英语作文80-90词 用I like …… 有翻译视频

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