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  1. 愚公坚定的信念和毅力:愚公虽然年迈,但他坚信只要不放弃,就能移走两座大山。这种信念和毅力值得我们学习。

  2. 团结合作的精神:愚公的儿孙和邻居们纷纷加入到移山的行列中,展现了团结合作的精神,这也是我们应该学习的。

  3. 过程中的艰辛与困难:移山过程中,愚公和他的家人们遭受了许多困难和挫折,但他们没有放弃,一直坚持下去,最终实现了目标。

  4. 意义与价值:愚公移山故事告诉我们只要有信念、毅力和团结合作的精神,就能克服重重困难,实现目标。这个故事有着深刻的意义和价值,值得我们去思考和借鉴。






The Story of Foolish Old Man Who Removed the Mountains

Once upon a time, there was an old man named Yu Gong who lived at the foot of two big mountains. He and his family had to travel a long way around the mountains to get to the other side. One day, he decided to remove the mountains so that his descendants could live in peace. His neighbors laughed at him, calling him foolish. But Yu Gong was determined and persisted in his efforts. Moved by his determination, the gods sent two angels to help him. In the end, the mountains were removed and Yu Gong's descendants were able to live happily.


  1. Remove (动词): 去除或摆脱某物

  2. Descendants (名词): 一个人的后代,例如儿女、孙子等

  3. Persisted (动词): 尽管遇到困难或反对而继续做某事

  4. Determination (名词): 在目标上坚定不移的品质

  5. Angels (名词): 被认为是神的使者的灵性存在








The Story of Yu Gong Moving Mountains

In ancient China, there was a man named Yu Gong. He lived with his family at the foot of two big mountains. The mountains blocked their way to the outside world. Yu Gong was determined to move the mountains so that his family and descendants could have a better life.

Many people laughed at him, calling him foolish for thinking he could move mountains. But Yu Gong was not deterred. He worked hard every day, digging and carrying dirt and stones away from the mountains.

After many years of hard work, an old god was moved by Yu Gong's determination and decided to help him. The god sent two boys who magically removed the mountains.

This story teaches us that with perseverance and determination, we can overcome any obstacle in our lives.


1. Ancient(古代的)- 指属于非常遥远的过去并不再存在的事物或人类文明。

2. Determined(坚定的)- 表示已经做出了一个坚定的决定,并且下定决心不改变它。

3. Perseverance(毅力)- 指在面对困难或延迟达成成功时,仍然坚持不懈地做某件事情。











The Story of Yu Gong Moving Mountains

Yu Gong was an old man who lived in ancient China. He and his family lived between two big mountains, which made it difficult for them to go about their daily lives. But Yu Gong was determined to move the mountains, even though he knew it would be a difficult task.

So Yu Gong and his family began to dig away at the mountains, little by little, day after day. Their neighbors thought they were crazy, but Yu Gong never gave up. Eventually, the gods saw Yu Gong's determination and sent two divine beings to move the mountains for him.

This story teaches us the importance of having faith, perseverance, and working together to overcome obstacles. It also reminds us that with determination, anything is possible.


  1. Ancient (adj.): 属于遥远的过去,不再存在的。

  2. Determination (n.): 坚定的目标或意图;坚决。

  3. Perseverance (n.): 在困难或成功延迟的情况下坚定不移地做某事。

  4. Divine (adj.): 来自神或类似神的。







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