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Another life Another change
Life always were chose all time , chose survival or death , chose continue or give up . Life is very difficult that for choose .
The earth is round , human all same , all have body , all have head , all have brain , all can thinking . why some people can drive the sports car gallop on the road ? why some people can eat some food count for hundreds upon thousands dollars every time ? why some people can inhabit very beautiful and expensive house and some people almost cannot find mere place for sleep ? why ? why ? why ? Did you ask youself any questions before like this ? the answer is not . almost all of the people never think about this , and they didn't care about this , maybe they real like this lifestyle , maybe they life get by , maybe they already lower their head to God .
What's means succeed ? what's means mature ? what's means riches ? what's means exist ? what's means dead ? Maybe you said , only achieve our hearts desire is succeed ; your age reach at 18 years old is mature ; you think of you already have money enough is riches ; maybe you think about you can make your heart normal fuction is live and if your stop breath is dead . no no no , wrong theory . we survive in the world is not only in ord to eating to sleepping , no no , not like this , we need improement ourselves , we need choose another lifestyle , another change .
I have a dream , you too , I always pursuing exceeding , I hope you too . we need change our life , we need enjoy our life .
At the present , many many many worker working never stop , and only for a little money sell themselves , it is not worth . too foolish , too stupid , everybody need rest , whatever how stronger their are , how poor their , only for keep full of your bingy is not real meaning for life , you must be change your life , you have no choice , if you can't I think you'd better go to die !
Another life another change , I get ready for this , and you ?
I wrote this by myself


Karin B. Kirk, 329 Little Wolf Road, Bozeman MT 59715, [email protected]

John J. Thomas, 8 Piping Rock Circle, Saratoga Springs NY 12866, [email protected]


The Lifestyle Project is a way for students to learn about environmental alternatives by modifying their own lifestyles. It is a three-week exercise for students to reduce their impact on the environment by changing the way in which they live from day to day. The project has fairly rigid parameters, allowing students to achieve a gradual but definitive change in their everyday habits. Students choose three categories from a list of six: heat, garbage, electricity and water, driving, eating, and activism. They write about their experiences in journals, which are incredibly insightful, illustrating just how profoundly the project affects them. At the end of the project, students have had an experience that may be life altering, affecting not only the students themselves, but also their friends and families. We felt that we unexpectedly stumbled across a real solution to an environmental problem.

Keywords: energy conservation, water conservation, waste reduction, environmental education.


The Lifestyle Project was created in 1993, borne out of a physical geology class discussion about Earth’s resources that left students and teachers alike wondering about a creative approach to environmental awareness. The project was conceptualized rather hastily and was presented to the students during the following class. The vast majority of the students loved the idea and opted to take on the challenge. What followed was quite an amazing experience in education, wherein we all came face to face with our personal environmental decisions and experienced both triumphs and frustrations. When we read the students’ journals that recorded their actions, thoughts and feelings throughout the Lifestyle Project, we were incredibly moved. Over the years the Lifestyle Project has been modified, offered in an additional course, and taught by several instructors. It has become a fixture in both our physical geology and environmental science courses.


The Lifestyle Project asks each student to choose three different ways in which they are interested in changing their habits. The possible categories are: use of electricity and water, heat, automobile usage, food consumption, waste production and environmental education or activism. For each category the rules are clearly defined, such as turning down the heat three degrees or eliminating the use of the car. Each week the project becomes more rigorous, as the students have to meet the requirements more frequently. For example, during the first week of the project students who have chosen the automobile usage category must spend two days without driving their car. Instead they must seek alternatives such as the campus bus, walking or bicycling. During the second week they must forego the comforts of their cars for three days. For the third and final week, they must leave their cars parked for four days. The idea is a gradual but definite change that follows a structure, rather than simply telling the students to drive their cars less.


For the project to be successful, some context should be provided within the course. This can be achieved several ways. Three options are presented here, which can be used alone or in combination. The critical point is that when the project begins the students need to be eager to take on the challenges. Otherwise they will not have enough incentive to really try out the alternatives that the project offers them.

Originally the project was introduced in a laboratory discussion about energy resources. We set up a mock town meeting to discuss a fictional campus-wide energy shortage and how to overcome it. Faced with the idea of adding a coal burning or nuclear power plant, or the complications of carpeting the campus with solar cells, the students realize that no form of energy is without significant environmental impacts. The notion of conservation arises during the discussion, and the students are challenged to see for themselves if conservation can really work.

Alternatively, the project can be introduced with a baseline assessment. The students are asked to rate their environmental impacts, and then to take an Eco-rating Quiz. The quiz is a multiple-choice questionnaire relating to the categories included in the lifestyle project. At the end of the quiz the students score themselves so that the feedback is immediate and often shocking. Very few of the students have a low score indicating a low environmental impact.

Another way to introduce the project is quantitatively. The students are provided with worksheets to record their consumption of energy, water and food, and production of waste for two days. After the students have recorded their activities, they are given spreadsheets so their records can be converted into BTUs of energy, gallons of water and pounds of garbage. We provide them with all the formulae and conversions they need to complete the calculations (available at http://www.skidmore.edu/~jthomas/lifestyleproject), but they collect the data, do the calculations, and analyze the results. The figures are eye-opening and students begin thinking about their impacts on the environment.

The Lifestyle Project assignment is then introduced to the students. The assignment reflects the changes we’ve made to it over the years, but the categories or details can be changed or modified to fit a particular course, audience or campus.


Our discussions in class have left us thinking about changes we could make in our lifestyle that would be beneficial to the environment, would be realistic to make, and might even improve the quality of our lives.

The rules:

1. The idea of this project is to make changes in your lifestyle that will have a beneficial effect on the environment. The changes aren’t difficult, but they are significant. Mostly they will require planning and thinking about your actions.

2. You will slowly increase the degree or frequency of the changes, week by week, for a total period of three weeks. You can pick which days will count as your “project days.”

3. You will keep a journal with entries for each day that you complete your project requirements.

4. For whatever reason, you can bail out part way through and complete an alternative assignment instead.

5. The Lifestyle Project involves making changes to your personal lifestyle. If you feel that these changes might negatively affect your health, happiness, and well being in any way, or if they conflict with your religious or philosophical beliefs, then you may choose another assignment.

Choose any three categories from the six choices below. Don’t pick something that you already normally do, as the idea of this project is to make changes. Some changes won’t be possible in your particular living situation, so obviously you can’t pick those.

The Categories:

1. HEAT - Expand your comfort zone by turning your heat down 3 degrees Fahrenheit from its normal setting. Continue lowering the heat by 3 degrees every week until you have reduced it by 9 degrees at the end of three weeks. The heat reduction applies for the entire week. This option is limited to those who have control over their own thermostats and who have cooperative housemates!

2. GARBAGE - Spend each project day producing no waste at all. You will have two waste-free days the first week, then three days the second week and four days for the last week. The idea of reducing your input to landfills follows a certain hierarchy. The best thing is to reduce the amount of garbage you make by simply using less, buying less, and wasting less. The second option is to reuse whatever you can to avoid buying new things that will eventually end up as garbage. Recycling is the last option, to be used only when the first two options fail. So on your waste-free days you must live by these rules, and not contribute anything to the landfill on those days. Even though some types of plastics are recyclable, if you aren’t able to recycle a particular type of plastic, it counts as garbage. Make sure you write on both sides of the paper, make copies only when necessary, and use the backs of old paper instead of using a fresh sheet. It is considered cheating to just hang on to something until you’re given waste-free days pass, and then throw it out. Toilet paper does not count as garbage; it goes to the wastewater treatment plant, not the landfill. Cigarette butts are exempt from this category as well, because quitting smoking is beyond the scope of this project. However, all butts must be put in the garbage can, not on the ground or out your car window.

3. ELECTRICITY AND WATER - Trim the fat off your excess energy consumption by reducing your water and electricity needs by at least 50%. To do this, you can do the following things: turn the lights off when you're not around; turn on only one light instead of two; study next to a window; leave the TV and the stereo off; cook meals that don't require lots of burners at once or long cooking times; use the microwave instead of the stove or oven; take a shower at half the usual duration; turn the water down in the shower so it's not full blast; take a cooler shower; don't leave the water running while washing, shaving, brushing your teeth, or washing dishes; skip the blow dryer and electric razor; don't use any unnecessary appliances; run the washing machine and dishwasher only when totally full; and hang laundry to dry instead of using the dryer. If you do all of these things it is possible to cut your consumption by 50% or more. The first week, you'll do this on two days, and you will add one more day each week, until you have four days for the last week.

4. LEAVE THE CAR AT HOME - Experience the thrill of the outdoors by riding your bike, walking or taking the bus in your daily travels. Hitching a ride with your friends or roommates does reduce the amount of driving, but is also just too easy, so avoid that option unless there are no other alternatives. You will start with two days and increase the number of car-free days per week by one, until you have four days of bike riding (or whatever) during the last week.

5. EAT EFFICIENTLY - The production of meat requires a large amount of water and energy, and also produces considerable waste. Approximately ninety percent of the grain grown in the US is fed to livestock. If you ate the grain crop directly, instead of the livestock, you would be using resources more efficiently. For example, 16 pounds of grain fed to beef cattle produces only one pound of edible meat (Cunningham and Saigo, 1999). The majority of the calorie content is used up by the animal for metabolism. This means that you ingest only about 6% of the original calories produced by the grain crop. Another way of looking at this is by the amount of water required to produce different foods. For example, it takes 160 gallons of water to produce a loaf of bread, but it takes 2,500 gallons of water to produce one pound of beef (Cunningham and Saigo, 1999). By reducing the amount of meat that we eat, we can have a smaller environmental impact. So, for your first week, spend two days feasting on healthy and delicious fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains, and yes, even cheese doodles; just cut out the meat on these days. Add one vegetarian day each week, until you have four days by the end of the project. You should also be very vigilant about not wasting food during the project. Think of all the resources that go into the production of the food that are wasted if food is thrown out.

Note: If you eat a balanced diet otherwise, you don’t need to worry about getting enough protein without meat. An average adult needs about 40 grams of protein per day (Cunningham and Saigo, 1999). Vegetarian sources of protein include whole grain bread (4 g per slice), beans (7 g per serving), pasta (7 g per serving), peanut butter (7 g per serving) and yogurt (11 g per cup). In any case, you should consult a physician or nutritionist before making changes to your diet or if you have any questions about your ability to complete this aspect of the project.

6. CREATE YOUR OWN CATEGORY - There are many different things that you can do to lessen your impact on the environment or to have a positive effect on the environment. Be creative and come up with your own way of making a difference. You could write letters to your senators, volunteer with the Sierra Club, spend time cleaning up the woods, set up a carpooling system or recycling system in your dorm or workplace, find ways to educate others about the importance of conservation, or change your lifestyle in a way not described in the categories above. Invent your own category and discuss it with your instructor before the project starts.


The students keep a journal of their activities in the project with one entry for each day of participation. Journal entries include exactly what they did to meet the requirements of the project, such as their thermostat temperature, the length of their showers, their mode of transportation and their diet. Students are also asked to describe how the lifestyle changes affected them. Reading the journals has become one of the highlights of the semester. It’s a real privilege to gain insights into the actions, thoughts, and lives of the students. Often a student will write a long saga about the attempt to make it through 24 hours without producing garbage by avoiding over-wrapped junk food, using a cloth towel instead of paper towels, writing on the back sides of junk mail paper, only to be foiled by a late-night fast food wrapper and a pile of greasy napkins. The journals are collected weekly and returned within two days. The instructor writes plenty of comments, suggestions and encouragement in the journals. Students are encouraged to make the journals themselves environmentally-friendly, so they are often e-mailed, or written on the back sides of scrap paper, or constructed entirely of materials that were destined for the landfill. The journals are also the basis for grading the project. For each week of the project the journals are graded out of 10 points. There is usually a homework assignment added to the project each week, such as calculating the BTUs for shower use or computer time. The weekly grade is based on the completion of the homework assignment and also on the quality of the journal and the degree to which the student is adhering to the project. It is difficult to assign a letter grade for something so subjective, but some criteria include the effort the student puts forth, the depth to which the students describe the details of their project, their sincerity and the commitment they demonstrate.


This option is offered to students who are interested in becoming more active in campus environmental issues. The activist project provides an alternate project for students who feel they already lead an environmentally sound lifestyle, or for students that are not interested in changing their personal lifestyle. Students are encouraged to investigate an environmental issue on campus. Examples include junk mail overflowing from campus mailboxes, waste reduction from the dining halls and campus recycling. Before embarking on a project, students meet with the instructor to help them organize their plan and generate solutions. Students use weekly journals to record their plans, meetings, phone calls, and any roadblocks that they encounter. At the completion of the project, students give a short presentation to the class about the results of their efforts.


The impact of the project is greater than we could ever have expected. The students don’t realize what they are getting into at the start. It looks easy, but it is not! The most compelling way to illustrate the results of the project are with the students’ words themselves. At the beginning of the project, students reflect on their typical lifestyles, “I love long, hot showers, and I listen to my stereo and watch TV constantly. I leave Christmas lights on in my room most of the time because I don’t like coming home to a dark room.” “My thermostat is usually set at 85 degrees because I am from Florida.” “My car is my life. In two years I put seventy thousand miles on it.” The first week of the project is difficult for students, many of who have never conceived of the idea of conservation until now. “My general mentality was really challenged. I was constantly stopping myself from doing things I do everyday. By the end of the day I was questioning everything I did.” The project challenges the students to come up with new alternatives to their usual habits. “As we were headed to the parking lot to drive downtown I realized it was a project day and I couldn’t use my car. At first I was upset that I couldn’t just do what I wanted, but then I decided to walk and my friends agreed to walk with me. We ended up having a nice walk and just had some time to relax and talk.” The students become suddenly awakened to the impacts of their everyday habits. “It seems impossible to not produce garbage for even one day. At first it didn’t sound like a big deal, but after trying it for just this first day I realized just how much garbage I normally produce! It’s embarrassing!”

As the project continues and becomes more rigorous, students find themselves defining new habits and rituals. “Today I cut my showering time down to four minutes. I


My healthy lifestyle
The greatest wealth is what? Is money or health?
Only lost just know to cherish, when you lose your health, just know it's important, Life for people only once, when you lost your life, you are on the wealth without use of waste. Health is the greatest wealth, you lose your health, has lost many of life.
Since the wealth in, So let us go to pursue everyone can obtain health fair wealth.
Want to have healthy most is to have a healthy lifestyle. So my healthy lifestyle? Is?
The first is scientific and reasonable diet.
Restrain themselves less meat or don't eat meat, eat more vegetables. Because the protein cannot too much, especially in an office or not, people who do manual work. Most people from animal flesh saturated fat, saturated fat is the killer, it can improve the blood of low density increases blood, thick, Thick blood, cardiac burden, significantly increased the risk of heart disease, When blood vessels of being stuck in the heart, heart disease cannot be reached when blood will attack, reach the brain occurs when the stroke, Blood can reach increase blood thick nerve, accelerate ageing of the skin. Now we have already obese, primary school, have recently statistics fatty said about 30% of the people have fatty liver.
People talk about cancer. Actually many cancer is not properly produce sequelae of lifestyle.
I don't eat meat, attention is tie-in, not eating pickle grains. Peacetime eat eat only seven 80% full, drink milk for breakfast. These food law from their health and immediate family cases, and the combination of the doctor carefully discuss the diet, and formulate measures of vegetarianism ancona said nothing.

The second is the life and moderate exercise regularly
We all know the life lies in sports, not only can accelerate blood circulation, a large number of sports, and human body to produce large sweat, can effectively promote human body toxin. A normal adult at least twice a week can effectively prevent sweat in human body toxin. However, the modern people to indulge in a comfortable life, can be burning playing mahjong, Internet, play games, but to spare some time to exercise. So now, the incidence of disease, diabetes, high blood fat, high waist intervertebral disc cone, pointed, born on the incidence of such age has declined year by year.
My life is regular exercise three times a week, and major sport is playing badminton, swim, climb. No conditions can through the movement to the sauna sweating, but have cardiovascular and heart disease person sauna careful. In dry evaporate indoor stay time cannot too long, once found breath should immediately leave dry evaporate room.
Every day I side lunch watching "estrade of, take a nap after watching, after dinner on walking.

Idol's' Still a Tough Act to Follow'Idol's' Still a Tough Act to Follow 。

Obama Maintains "Lie," Disrespects "Idol"!

That should have been yesterday's headline. Sadly, it was not. Here's what happened:

Back in early January, Fox, which had noted the ratings success of CBS's "The Mentalist" -- about a guy who uses his keen powers of observation to solve crimes -- announced that it would debut its drama "Lie to Me" -- about a guy who uses his keen powers of observation to solve crimes -- in the plum post-"American Idol" Wednesday-night-at-9 time slot.

Once again this year, Fox decided that the Wednesday "Idol" results show would move to 9 p.m., once viewers got to start voting -- so "Lie" would move to 8 o'clock. In late January, Fox sent out a memo to that effect, and the change was to have started this week.

When Fox found out, in early February, that the White House had scheduled President Obama's first speech to the joint houses of Congress for Tuesday, which meant next week's two-hour performance "Idol" would be bumped from Tuesday to Wednesday, causing "Lie" to be preempted -- "Lie's" second preemption in three weeks -- Fox sent out a memo that it would instead keep Wednesday's "Idol" in the 8 p.m. berth until March 11 -- as originally announced in December.

Sadly, all that news got past a trade reporter, who discovered Monday that "Lie" and "Idol" were swapping time slots, which would mean that the traditional Wednesday "Idol" results show would air in the traditional Wednesday "Idol" results show's traditional 9 p.m. time slot -- the same time slot in which ABC airs its struggling "Lost."

"Fox moves 'Idol' against 'Lost,' " the reporter blogged late Monday.

That, in turn, caused the Web site Defamer to write " 'Lost' faces a new villain: permanently rescheduled 'American Idol,' " yesterday morning, with a link to the trade reporter's blog.

The story spread like a rash through a "Real World" house.

Sunday's broadcast of the Academy Awards -- a.k.a. Super Bowl for Chicks -- is shaping up to be one of the franchise's more dismal, from a TV broadcast point of view.

Last year's Oscarcast copped historically low ratings: 32 million, down from nearly 40 million in 2007.

Still, that's a number any other TV program except the actual Super Bowl would kill for this season, including this year's Academy Awards, which is expected to clock an even smaller number Sunday, based on the fact that everything is down this year in ratings -- except the Super Bowl. And let's face it, those Nielsen numbers are somewhat dubious given that Nielsen's final stats differed from its preliminary figures by an unheard of 3.3 million viewers, which bewildered even people at Nielsen.

This year's Oscarcast will probably attract even fewer viewers because the Best Picture nominees aren't any box-office barnburners: They are "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" which, yes, stars Brad Pitt, but he's an old prune for at least part of the flick, plus "Frost/Nixon," "Milk," "The Reader" and favored-to-win "Slumdog Millionaire."

Then there's this year's host: Hugh Jackman, who, while enormously talented, is not exactly a household name, nor is he the kind of "get" who inspires The Reporters Who Cover Television to give the show millions of dollars' worth of free advance publicity in the form of "OMG, how did they persuade Jon Stewart to host the Oscars?!" kinda articles and columns.

From ABC's point of view, the Oscar outlook "is anything but golden" according to media buyer TNS Media Intelligence. Thanks to our grim economy, ABC has cut its asking price for a 30-second commercial by about 18 percent, though that still translates to $1.4 million per 30-second ad.

And while we already knew that GM is out and Hyundai and Audi are in as this year's automotive sponsors, General Motors had been a continuous presence in the Oscar broadcast since at least 1992. L'Oreal also dropped out as the Oscar's beauty brand just one week before the broadcast, according to a report in Mediaweek.

This year, the motion picture academy finally agreed, for the first time, to let the network sell ad time to movie studios. In the past the academy has refused, lest it give the appearance of give and take, or that a studio knew in advance the outcome of the voting. That said, the academy is allowing ads only for films that open the last weekend of April or later.

'Idol's' Still a Tough Act to Follow'Idol's' Still a Tough Act to Follow

Obama Maintains "Lie," Disrespects "Idol"!

That should have been yesterday's headline. Sadly, it was not. Here's what happened:

Back in early January, Fox, which had noted the ratings success of CBS's "The Mentalist" -- about a guy who uses his keen powers of observation to solve crimes -- announced that it would debut its drama "Lie to Me" -- about a guy who uses his keen powers of observation to solve crimes -- in the plum post-"American Idol" Wednesday-night-at-9 time slot.

Once again this year, Fox decided that the Wednesday "Idol" results show would move to 9 p.m., once viewers got to start voting -- so "Lie" would move to 8 o'clock. In late January, Fox sent out a memo to that effect, and the change was to have started this week.

When Fox found out, in early February, that the White House had scheduled President Obama's first speech to the joint houses of Congress for Tuesday, which meant next week's two-hour performance "Idol" would be bumped from Tuesday to Wednesday, causing "Lie" to be preempted -- "Lie's" second preemption in three weeks -- Fox sent out a memo that it would instead keep Wednesday's "Idol" in the 8 p.m. berth until March 11 -- as originally announced in December.

Sadly, all that news got past a trade reporter, who discovered Monday that "Lie" and "Idol" were swapping time slots, which would mean that the traditional Wednesday "Idol" results show would air in the traditional Wednesday "Idol" results show's traditional 9 p.m. time slot -- the same time slot in which ABC airs its struggling "Lost."

"Fox moves 'Idol' against 'Lost,' " the reporter blogged late Monday.

That, in turn, caused the Web site Defamer to write " 'Lost' faces a new villain: permanently rescheduled 'American Idol,' " yesterday morning, with a link to the trade reporter's blog.

The story spread like a rash through a "Real World" house.

Sunday's broadcast of the Academy Awards -- a.k.a. Super Bowl for Chicks -- is shaping up to be one of the franchise's more dismal, from a TV broadcast point of view.

Last year's Oscarcast copped historically low ratings: 32 million, down from nearly 40 million in 2007.

Still, that's a number any other TV program except the actual Super Bowl would kill for this season, including this year's Academy Awards, which is expected to clock an even smaller number Sunday, based on the fact that everything is down this year in ratings -- except the Super Bowl. And let's face it, those Nielsen numbers are somewhat dubious given that Nielsen's final stats differed from its preliminary figures by an unheard of 3.3 million viewers, which bewildered even people at Nielsen.

This year's Oscarcast will probably attract even fewer viewers because the Best Picture nominees aren't any box-office barnburners: They are "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" which, yes, stars Brad Pitt, but he's an old prune for at least part of the flick, plus "Frost/Nixon," "Milk," "The Reader" and favored-to-win "Slumdog Millionaire."

Then there's this year's host: Hugh Jackman, who, while enormously talented, is not exactly a household name, nor is he the kind of "get" who inspires The Reporters Who Cover Television to give the show millions of dollars' worth of free advance publicity in the form of "OMG, how did they persuade Jon Stewart to host the Oscars?!" kinda articles and columns.

From ABC's point of view, the Oscar outlook "is anything but golden" according to media buyer TNS Media Intelligence. Thanks to our grim economy, ABC has cut its asking price for a 30-second commercial by about 18 percent, though that still translates to $1.4 million per 30-second ad.

And while we already knew that GM is out and Hyundai and Audi are in as this year's automotive sponsors, General Motors had been a continuous presence in the Oscar broadcast since at least 1992. L'Oreal also dropped out as the Oscar's beauty brand just one week before the broadcast, according to a report in Mediaweek.

This year, the motion picture academy finally agreed, for the first time, to let the network sell ad time to movie studios. In the past the academy has refused, lest it give the appearance of give and take, or that a studio knew in advance the outcome of the voting. That said, the academy is allowing ads only for films that open the last weekend of April or later.


China's top 10 ceos lifestyle

"I like my choice," lifestyle represents one of the inner attitudes and social identity. Besides the charisma and deepening degrees can also will be an individual style, many European business actor even become "theocracy" spirit of enterprise leaders.

Under the influence of the CEO will be introduced in China top 10 lifestyle, five W and luxury index, cost, and comprehensive understanding and for your reference coordinate a wise choice.

No. 1 top private club

Top clubs client group limited "pointed pyramid". With high fee and harsh review of measures to ensure customer "pure", the club has a very high itself, is a special group of business communication platform, and thus formed a circle of energy giant, can bring many business opportunities for its.

Luxury index: u u u u u

Li Yang yuanqing, representing celebrity: li, packaging, chaoyang,

Individual membership general budget: 2 ~ 20 million, corporate membership plus 10-30%

Recommend club

Beijing: changan club and the capital club, Beijing, China will club America

Shanghai: the banker, the club and will YongFu arts, Shanghai securities and club America

Other domestic club: guangzhou Louvre club, shenyang royal house club, shenzhen joy

No. 2 blogs

A blog is open network diary, known as the era of symbols, the world 500 strong enterprises, the communication CEO esteem to the public display their comprehensive network tools. In China's CEO bloggers jiancheng fashion, blog is communication with the public, pr, interpretation of life and the management idea, thereby better platform to build up their CEO and enterprise brand image.

Luxury index: u ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

Representative celebrity: wang shi, Mr Pan (blog), li kaifu, GuoFanSheng JiangNaChun XuGang, and

Budget expenses: free

Recommend blog: netease blog, blog, Chinese bloggers in China

No. 3 extreme sports

Challenge the limit of luxury sport more like enjoy "happy" game, need money, courage and interest. China's emerging business leaders often have even overseas education background, which makes them more internationalization, not only in the concept of enterprise management, followed by even in the way of life is following its lead.

Luxury index: u u u ☆ u

Representative celebrity: wang shi, chaoyang (climbing), WangChaoChong (far), sailing ZhangYue, jinshan kau pak kwan (private plane)

Cost budget

Gliding, diving, relatively cheap, a standard set of equipment of millions of dollars.

Climbing: equipment complex high prices, a set of standard equipment and other surcharges on Everest, at least $65,000 etc.

The private plane of the light plane is suitable for beginners: 18 million us dollars, driving training 80,000 yuan, not including downtime repair, maintenance fee and spending.

No. 4 art collection

Collect and ponder, flourishing edify. Not only have spare collect art, and businessmen who made the art collector, literally become industry. Entrepreneurs are out of play, the pursuit of cultural and personal taste, and the need for companies to high-grade art collection, and corporate image has very good effect.

Luxury index: u u u u u

Representative celebrity YangXiu: XuJiMing LiuHanZhen, l. Chen,,, ma did not

Budget expenses: no, input caps

Collection is recommended

Auction mechanism: fine China international auction Co., LTD, Beijing art auction company, writing sea in SAN jia international auction trading Co., ltd., Shanghai jing hua artwork to auction a company, Shanghai DuoYunXuan artwork auction company

Antique market: Beijing antique city, chengdu send bridge art curios and zhengzhou curio city, market of pan home secondhand goods, from xiguan antique city

No. 5 of charity

Entrepreneurs keen, can let people feel charity this part of China is changing social elite of wealth. Charity is not an obligation, but it must be a power, it is through the charitable investment, mutual benefit, mutual promotion of synchronous individual, company image, has become the social responsibility of the carrier performance

Luxury index: u u u u u

Represent different HuangRuLun, celebrity: the cow, wong kwong-yu, and LiShuFu WangJianLin,

Budget expenses: no, input caps

Recommend: Chinese young children's development foundation, China youth development foundation, China charity federation, etc

The fashionable party

The party is the degree of internationalization, commercial vigor index and celebrities, entrepreneurs, and mentality of grade ZhanShiChuang to expand the circle a relaxed social mode. This is to display their nature glamour electronic-waste, let oneself in the shortest time sends out the most dazzling rays of light. Meet celebrities, feeling and costly, fashionable party excellent to undertake this task.

Luxury index: u u u ☆ u

Representative celebrity: Mr Pan, Yang LAN, RongWenWei HeChaoQiong,

Major investment budget: apparel, club membership, cap on

Recommend foreign parties, the charity categories: parties, brand, business party, alumni party, etc

No. 7 costly travel

For the Chinese entrepreneurs with business, tourist can let the madding crowd, relax, enjoy happiness. Foreign luxury travel agencies, international hotel chain, health care, the first group of 300, private plane, luxurious passenger liner companies to establish branch, attend exhibitions domestic tourism market, the luxury.

Luxury index: u u u ☆ u

Budget expenses paid higher than regular visitors: 2 ~ 5 times, increase characteristic project. Another

Recommended location

The world's top ten tourist resort:

Hong Kong, Macao, France, Singapore, Thailand, Greece, Australia, Korea, Malaysia, the maldives

Domestic top tourist resort:

Zhejiang hangzhou, guangxi guilin, zhangjiajie in hunan province, jiangsu suzhou, Tibet, anhui huangshan, sichuan jiuzhaigou, hainan and yunnan lijiang, shaanxi xianyang

No. 8 high-end charging

Education background "decision" to choose, entrepreneurs, reputable college to learn the course selections, business rules, a new way of thinking, and establish effective and useful, bring good business relationships. Alumni resources, experts, Alma mater will become the enterprises and individuals to long-term think-tank, support.

Luxury index: u u u ☆ u

Li ning, representing celebrity: DengSong ChengYan ZhangWeiHua LiuXiaoMing,,,, YangGe

Budget expenses: can measure in the 25-50 million fee includes tuition fee, transportation, accommodation, etc

Recommend school: tsinghua university, central and guanghua school of Shanghai jiaotong university, antai college of management and fudan university.

No. 9 counseling

In normal eyes for wealth is the embodiment of entrepreneurs are hidden by anxiety, lonely and melancholy of mental illness, high-risk groups. A psychological barriers, also do not need to actively cooperate with criticism, psychological doctor tutors and treatment, moderately timely adjust yourself with emotion, active accept life's challenges.

Luxury index: u u u ☆ ☆

Budget expenses: general social consulting organization 150 yuan/hour, 200-300 yuan each time. Foreign medical institutions to about $100 / hour. Beijing university of clinical psychology center: open the domestic each 50 minutes 1200 yuan

Recommend: Chinese psychological society, Peking University institute of mental health, Chinese academy of sciences psychological research institute, China association of mental health

No. 10 golf

Golf etiquette rules have strict training, is the movement, the gentleman, not only exercise self-discipline required modesty will also can be pleasing to the eye, patience and unless be overwhelming. Great skill, free to enjoy life, is uncommon cause and upgrade the best reward. Opponents with peers, communicating via pitch and cooperation, and change the atmosphere has many classic example of negotiations.

Luxury index: u u u ☆ u

Representative celebrity: LongYongTu LiBinHai XuShaoChun, larry yung, and

The club membership fee for lifelong budget: $30,000 to $9 million. General for 400-800 yuan/day, holiday 1000 yuan of above

Recommend stadium, yunnan pine valley Beijing: spring lake, shenzhen, Shanghai silport mission hills, dalian, hainan boao.




No.1 顶级私人俱乐部









No.2 博客秀






No.3 极限运动








No.4 艺术品收藏








No.5 公益慈善






No.6 时尚派对






No.7 奢华旅游









No.8 高端充电






No.9 心理咨询





No.10 高尔夫







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