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And the lead - under the stress of cadmium, maize grain weight than the control rate of decline compared to 7.47% to 69.79%. Few result in a drop in grain output to reduce the main reason. In addition, the results showed that maize production trends and changes in the lead content of corn grain There is no significant correlation between, which is due to the impact of cadmium poisoning.

The year 2007 is already here, soon it'll be 2008. This year's Chinese New Year is very different to previous years -- this year, we can play with fireworks(英文就是这么说的,或者你想说fireworks display。。是看烟花。。自己放就是play with), it's great!
At the moment the bell rang, everyone became lively!
Pitch-darked night is suddenly made extraordinarily beautiful by the colourful fireworks, one after another, the sky is ripped like a pot, ringing everywhere. (I am) so happy, this is how the atmosphere of New Year should be.
However, there is one thing that is inconvenient to many people,there's fireworks even in the night, this would inevitably interfere with the rest of others, some begin in the early morning, I advise people to consider others' feelings, don't just think about having fun theirselves.
Finally, I wish you all a happy Year of the Pig!

基于大量浅海工程地震实测资料,定性分析了利用反射波进行海底土层调查时,海底砂土、粘土、淤泥土等不同类型及不同物性状态土层的反射波纵波速度的变化规律及影响因素。||Measure data actually according to the in great quantities neritic engineering earthquake, qualitative analysis when the exploitation reflect wave to carry on the bottom of sea soil layer inquisition, bottom of sea sandy soil,glue the variety regulation of the glint wave of different types, such as soil and the silt soil...etc||Measure data actually according to the in great quantities neritic engineering earthquake, qualitative analysis when the exploitation reflect wave to carry on the bottom of sea soil layer inquisition, bottom of sea sandy soil,glue the variety regulation of the glint wave of different types, such as soil and the silt soil...etc. and the different thing appearance soil layer primary wave speed and influence factor.基于影响反射波传播特征的理论基础,对比分析不同土的室内物理力学参数测试结果和反射波特征对应关系,确定了影响不同土层反射波特征的主要因素。||and the different thing appearance soil layer primary wave speed and influence factor.According to the influence glint wave the theories foundation that spread a characteristic, the contrast analyze the indoor physical mechanics parameter test result and the glint wave characteristic of the different soil to make sure to influence the different soil layer glint wave the main factor of the characteristic towards should relate to,.研究结论对于解释地震实测资料具有指导意义。

Based on the massive epicontinental seas project earthquake actual material, the qualitative analysis when carried on the seabed soil layer investigation using the reflected wave, seabed sandy soil, clay, yuni soil and so on different type and different natural condition soil layer reflected wave compressional wave velocity change rule and influence factor. Based on the influence reflected wave dissemination characteristic rationale, in the contrast analysis different earth room the physical mechanics parameter test result and the reflected wave characteristic correspondence relations, has determined the influence different soil layer reflected wave characteristic primary factor. The research conclusion has the instruction significance regarding the explanation earthquake actual material.

For a shallow sea engineering earthquake measured data analysis using reflection wave seabed soil surveys, submarine sandy soil, clay, silt and other territories of the different types of soil and different from the reflection wave longitudinal wave speed changes and factors. Reflection on the impact of the wave propagation characteristics of the theoretical basis, comparison and analysis of different soil mechanics parameters indoor physical characteristics of the test results and corresponding wave reflection, the impact of different layers to determine wave characteristics reflection of the main factors. Research findings to the interpretation of seismic data is validated guidance.

Based on the massive epicontinental seas project earthquake actual material, the qualitative analysis when carried on the seabed soil layer investigation using the reflected wave, seabed sandy soil, clay, yuni soil and so on different type and different natural condition soil layer reflected wave compressional wave velocity change rule and influence factor. Based on the influence reflected wave dissemination characteristic rationale, in the contrast analysis different earth room the physical mechanics parameter test result and the reflected wave characteristic correspondence relations, has determined the influence different soil layer reflected wave characteristic primary factor. The research conclusion has the instruction significance regarding the explanation earthquake actual material.


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