Nature is speaking. | 《大自然在说话》(三):“我是雨林”。

来自:    更新日期:早些时候
~ 如今,大火、病毒、蝗虫、地震、海啸种种灾难频发,这不就是大自然在给我们警示吗?让我们一起听听大自然到底跟我们说了些什么。倾听大自然的所知所见,更重要的是,倾听大自然给予人类的建议。与此同时,希望可以带你感受到语言的魅力。

I am the rainforest. I watch them grow up here. They’d left, but they always come back, yes, they always come back for my trees, their wood, my plants, their medicines, for my beauty, their escape. I’ve always been there for them. And I have been more than generous. Sometimes Igave it all to them, now, gone forever.


But humans, they’re so smart, so smart, such big brains and opposable thumbs. They know how to make things, amazing things. Now why would they need an old forest like me anymore, jungles, and trees? Well, they do breathe air and I make air. Have they thought about that? Humans, so smart, they’ll figure it out. Humans, making air, that’ll be fun to watch. 




They'd left, but they always come back, yes, they always come back for my trees, their wood, my plants, their medicines, for my beauty, their escape. 


这个句子中最突出的一个特点是用了“省略”的技巧,让句子表意清晰的同时还能简洁不拖沓。本来一字一句说清楚应该是They always come back for my trees as their wood; they come back for my plants as their medicines; they come back for my beauty as their escape. 但是由于后面的句子都共享了一样的主语和谓语动词且形式一致,所以可以承前省略。

Well, they do breathe air and I make air.


他们呼吸不是用they breathe表示就好了吗?为什么要加个do呢?对的,在谓语动词前加对应的助动词是英语中表示“强调”的一种手段,中文翻译成“他们总得呼吸吧”也非常符合这篇小短文的调性,很妙。

Nature is speaking. | 《大自然在说话》(三):“我是雨林”。视频




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