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求文档: 人教版七年级英语上学期期末考试试题~


1. Fěi cuì páng bó yí hàn nuǎn kàng jǐn shèn
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
qí zhì xùn měng ēn cì kāng kǎi liǘ lǎn
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

兴 安 气 人 舍 逐 前 后
单 匹 唇 舌 走 无 应接
你知道的成语还有: 。

近义词 制约( ) 诞生( ) 稳定( ) 心驰神往( )






使弈秋诲二人弈,其一人 ,惟弈秋之为听;一人虽听之,一心 ,思援弓缴而射之。


⑵这句话摘自 的《列子·汤问》。你能补充他说的这句话吗:知之为知之, ,是知也。

一. 读拼音写词语。(5分)

qián kūn tuǒ tiē kāng kǎi yí hàn shān luán

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


瑕( ) 代( ) 既( ) 锈( )

暇( ) 伐( ) 即( ) 绣( )

协( ) 综( ) 资( ) 瞻( )

胁( ) 踪( ) 姿( ) 檐( )


膝盖(xī qī) 歼灭(jiān qiān) 慰籍(jì jiè)

剥开(bō bāo) 眷恋(juàn quàn) 挪动(nuó luó)


红叶__ 奇峰__ 高不__ 水平__

__不断 __壮阔 __嶙峋 __密切

__突兀 喜出__ __剔透 __可亲

深情__ 栩栩__ __自得 __天工


A 含义 B兆头 C趣味 D愿望 E心意、

1. 这是我的一点儿小意思,请收下。( )

2. 这个故事很有意思。( )

3. 天有下雨的意思。( )

4. 大家的意思是一起去。( )

5. 他说这句话的意思我明白了。( )


1. _______,任尔东南西北风。《 》( )

2. 千锤万凿出深山,_______。《 》( )

3. 金沙水拍云崖暖,_______。《 》( )

4. 不要人夸好颜色,_______。《 》( )


1. 改为反问句。



2. 改为间接引用的句子。



3. 改为“被”字句。

















1. 全班加倍努力,争当三好学生。

2. 我已养成了爱动脑筋。

3. 多读好书,可以丰富和提高我们的知识。

4. 夏天的小兴安岭是一年中最好的季节。

5. 战士们击落了敌人的三架飞机和两辆坦克。


南方一家幼儿园公开招聘(pìn pìng)园长,由于待遇优厚,一时间报名者云集,其中甚至包括专攻幼儿心理的女研究生和多名早已有了职业和稳定收入的女大学生,但经过考试,最终被录取的却不是他们,而是一个相貌平平、扎着小辫子的文静姑娘——她叫文文。

最后一次考试安排在二楼。楼外阳光明媚,春风和煦,鸟儿欢唱;楼梯拐角处,却有一个脏(zāng zhāng)兮兮的小男孩,拖着鼻涕,泪汪汪地站在那儿等着什么。众多应聘者,大多面容姣好,打扮入时,举止得体,他们经过小男孩的面前,穿过长长的楼梯,满怀信心地去棉试;只有文文一个停下来,她不仅掏出手帕(pà pò)给男孩子擦了擦鼻涕,还亲切地说了一句:“小弟弟,是不是找不到妈妈了?别急,等我一会儿,姐姐去去就来,带你去找妈妈。”




1. 结合上下文,理解词语。(2分)



2. 把文中带点字的错误读音划去。(3分)

3. 写出下列词语的近义词或反义词。

近义词:亲切—— 羞愧—— 惊讶——

反义词:必然—— 出色—— 淘汰——

4. 根据短文内容,回答问题。
















2.选择一件自己亲生经历的事写下来,注意表达真情实感。第一部分 听力(20分)
( )1.A.D T B.B T C.P T
( )2.A.N M B.M N C.L N
( )3.A.S X B.X S C.S L
( )4.A.G J B.J G C.J K
( )5.A.Q U B.U Q C.W Q
( )6.A.383838 B.338833 C.333888
( )7.A.class B.glass C.glasses
( )8.A.football B.volleyball C.basketball
( )9.A.100156 B.101056 C.100516
( )10.A.you B.yours C.your
( )11.A.Yes, it is. B.Yes, there is.
C.Yes, I can.
( )12.A.He works in a factory.
B.He has supper at seven.
C.He often watches TV at home.
( )13.A.I want a cup of te
B.I'm from Tianjin.
C.I can speak English.
( )14.A.I'm fine, thanks. And you?
B.Not at all.
C.Here it is.
( )15.A.Yes, she does.
B.No, she doesn't.
C.Yes, he does.
This is a picture 16 the bedroom. It is not 17 . The twins live here(双胞胎住在这). There is a 18 on the floor. Their shoes are under the desk. Their trousers 19 on the bed. Where're they? Now it's nine thirty. They are 20 school now.
第二部分 笔试(80分)
21.A.name B.have C.game D.cake
22.A.go B.so C.do D.no
23.A.pear B.wear C.bear D.near
24.A.bowl B.grow C.yellow D.down
25.A.heavy B.ready C.speak D.bread
26. zer __
A.e B.a C.u D.o
A.e B.a C.u D.i
28.n __ber
A.am B.em C.un D.um
29.j __p
A.ee B.ie C.ea D.ii
30.bl __se
A.au B.ou C.uo D.ao
31.man(复数)____ 32.new(反义词)____
33.box(复数)____ 34.white(反义词)____
35.women(单数)____ 36.know(同音词)____
37.these(单数)____ 38.stand up(反义词)____
39.that is(缩写)____ 40.come(反义词)____
41.The man is ____father.
A.Kate B.Kate's
C.she's D.Kate's
42.How old ____?
A.are you mother B.are your mother
C.your mother is D.is your mother
43.---- Who's that girl?
---- She's ____.
A.my sister B.ten
C.in red D.nice
44.I go to bed____9:15 in the evening.
A.in B.at
C.under D.on
45.Tom is ____English boy. He's in ____Class Four, Grade Three.
A.an; the B.an; ×
C.a; × D.×; ×
46.Let me ____it.
A.to do B.do
C.do to D.do the
47.---- Is this box heavy or light? --____.
A.Yes, it is B.No, it isn't
C.It's light. D.Yes, it's heavy
48.---- What colour is that hat?
A.That's blue. B.It's a blue
C.It's blue D.Its blue
49.Hello, Jim! Nice____ you!
A.see B.seeing
C.sees D.to see
50.____ turn is it now?
A.Who's B.Whose
C.Who D.Whom
51.The man ____the bike is our teacher.
A.at B.in
C.on D.by
52.I am ____.
A.an Chinese B.Chinese
C.the Chinese D.one Chinese
53.---- ____is your father?
---- He is all right.
A.How B.What
C.Where D.Who
54.---- Are you a student?
---- ____.
A.Yes, I am B.No, you aren't
C.Yes, you are D.Yes, I'm
55.Please look ____the picture on the wall.
A.in B.at
C.to D.on
56.---- Hello. Here is your pencil-box. ____very much.
---- ____.
A.Thank; That's right
B.Thank you; That's all
C.Thank you; You're welcome
D.Thank you; No, no
57.---- Have you any sisters?
---- ____.
A.Yes, I have B.No, haven't
C.Yes, I've D.Have
58.---- ____that girl?
---- She's my sister.
A.Where's B.Which is
C.Who's D.Whose
59.---- ____are we?
---- We're in Hubei.
A.What B.Who
C.Where D.How
60.---- ____?
---- How do you do?
A.How do you do
B.How are you
C.What's your name, please
D.How old are you
61.There's some milk in the glass.(变否定句)
62.Sometimes he goes shopping with his mother(就划线部分提问)
63.They have lunch in the middle of the day. (就划线部分提问)
64.Mr White is about thirty.(就划线部分提问)
65.He carries one frisby in his hand. (变复数句子)
66.jeep, green, is, their(.)
67.am, in, I, not, two, class(.)
68.his, are, these, pictures(.)
69.colour, dress, is, Kate's, what(?)
70.that, is, who, old, woman(?)
Now look 71 the picture. The farm in the picture is in the 72 . It is not cold today. The sun is in the sky. There's a farm-house near the river. There are many tall trees 73 the farm-house. In the field there are some small trees. They are some apple trees. There are a lot of apples 74 them. There are many 75 on the farm. They are horses, cows, 76 , and pigs. The man near the gate (门口) is the 77 . A woman is feeding the chickens. This is the 78 wife. (妻子)
They have two children. One is a boy. The other is a girl. They are 79 school. They study hard.
It's a happy 80 , isn't it?
71.A.in B.at C.for D.with
72.A.country B.farm C.city D.town
73.A.in front B.in C.in front of D.at
74.A.at B.from C.on D.in
75.A.animals B.pigs C.people D.cats
76.A.a sheep B.sheeps C.sheep D.sheep's
77.A.farmer B.writer C.driver D.teacher
78.A.his B.farmer's C.farmer D.farmers
79.A.go to B.for C.at D.with
80.A.house B.family C.home D.room
Look! It's a picture of a family. There is a white house in the picture. Behind the house, there are some tall trees. In front of it, there are some flowers. There is a little child in front of the house. She's about eight. She is a schoolgirl. She doesn't go to school today. She is watering some flowers. She loves flowers. She does it every day. A man and a woman are near the house. They are the girl's father and mother. The man is mending a bike. He is a worker. He doesn't go to his factory today, too. The woman is reading a newspaper. She is an English teacher. She speaks English very well. She is in the same school with her daughter. To day is Sunday. They are all at home. This is a very good family.
( )81.The house is in the ____.
A.country B.city C.picture
( )82.Near the house there are some ____.
A.trees B.trees and flowers C.flowers
( )83.All the people in the picture are ____.
A.free B.working C.studying
( )84.The father goes to work ____.
A.by plane B.on foot C.by bike
( )85.It is a____ family.
A.happy B.interesting C.kind
86.A:How are you?
B:Fine, ____And you?
A:I'm ____, too.
87.A:Excuse me! Are you Liu Wei?
B:Sorry, I am ____.
88.A:____ that over there?
B:It's a green bike.
A:Is it yours?
B:No, ____.
89.A:are you in?
B:I'm ____Class Four.
90.A:Whose shirt is this? Is it ____, Jim?
B:No, it isn't. Mine ____green, and this one is yellow.
91.A:Excuse me, ____that boy?
B:Which one?
A:The one under the tree.
B:Oh, ____my friend, Li Lei.
1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.C
6.A 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.A
11.Is this a yellow bag? (A)
12.What does Li Ying often do at home?(C)
13.Where are you from? (B)
14.How are you?(A)
15.Does she get up at six?(A)
This is a picture 16(of) the bedroom. It is not 17(big) . The twins live here(双胞胎住在这). There is a 18(ball) on the floor.
Their shoes are under the desk. Their trousers 19(are) on the bed. Where're they? Now it's nine thirty. They are 20(at) school now.
21.B 22.C 23.D 24.D 25.C
26.D 27.C 28.D 29.A 30.B
31.men 32.old 33.boxes 34.black
35.woman 36.no 37.this 38.sit down
39.that's 40.go
41.B 42.D 43.A 44.B 45.B
46.B 47.C 48.C 49.D 50.B
51.C 52.B 53.A 54.A 55.B
56.C 57.A 58.C 59.C 60.A
61.There isn't any milk in the glass.
62.What does the sometimes do with his mother?
63.When do they have lunch?
64.How old is Mr White?
65.They carry frisbies in their hands.
66.Their jeep is green.
67.I am not in Class Two.
68.These are his pictures.
69.What colour is Kate's dress?
70.Who is that old woman?
71.B 72.A 73.C 74.C 75.A
76.C 77.A 78.B 79.C 80.B
81.C 82.B 83.A 84.C 85.A
86.thanks;fine 87.not 88.What's ;it isn't
89.What class;in 90.yours ;is 91.Who's;he's

第一部分 听力(20分)
( )1.A.D T B.B T C.P T
( )2.A.N M B.M N C.L N
( )3.A.S X B.X S C.S L
( )4.A.G J B.J G C.J K
( )5.A.Q U B.U Q C.W Q
( )6.A.383838 B.338833 C.333888
( )7.A.class B.glass C.glasses
( )8.A.football B.volleyball C.basketball
( )9.A.100156 B.101056 C.100516
( )10.A.you B.yours C.your
( )11.A.Yes, it is. B.Yes, there is.
C.Yes, I can.
( )12.A.He works in a factory.
B.He has supper at seven.
C.He often watches TV at home.
( )13.A.I want a cup of te
B.I'm from Tianjin.
C.I can speak English.
( )14.A.I'm fine, thanks. And you?
B.Not at all.
C.Here it is.
( )15.A.Yes, she does.
B.No, she doesn't.
C.Yes, he does.
This is a picture 16 the bedroom. It is not 17 . The twins live here(双胞胎住在这). There is a 18 on the floor. Their shoes are under the desk. Their trousers 19 on the bed. Where're they? Now it's nine thirty. They are 20 school now.
第二部分 笔试(80分)
21.A.name B.have C.game D.cake
22.A.go B.so C.do D.no
23.A.pear B.wear C.bear D.near
24.A.bowl B.grow C.yellow D.down
25.A.heavy B.ready C.speak D.bread
26. zer __
A.e B.a C.u D.o
A.e B.a C.u D.i
28.n __ber
A.am B.em C.un D.um
29.j __p
A.ee B.ie C.ea D.ii
30.bl __se
A.au B.ou C.uo D.ao
31.man(复数)____ 32.new(反义词)____
33.box(复数)____ 34.white(反义词)____
35.women(单数)____ 36.know(同音词)____
37.these(单数)____ 38.stand up(反义词)____
39.that is(缩写)____ 40.come(反义词)____
41.The man is ____father.
A.Kate B.Kate's
C.she's D.Kate's
42.How old ____?
A.are you mother B.are your mother
C.your mother is D.is your mother
43.---- Who's that girl?
---- She's ____.
A.my sister B.ten
C.in red D.nice
44.I go to bed____9:15 in the evening.
A.in B.at
C.under D.on
45.Tom is ____English boy. He's in ____Class Four, Grade Three.
A.an; the B.an; ×
C.a; × D.×; ×
46.Let me ____it.
A.to do B.do
C.do to D.do the
47.---- Is this box heavy or light? --____.
A.Yes, it is B.No, it isn't
C.It's light. D.Yes, it's heavy
48.---- What colour is that hat?
A.That's blue. B.It's a blue
C.It's blue D.Its blue
49.Hello, Jim! Nice____ you!
A.see B.seeing
C.sees D.to see
50.____ turn is it now?
A.Who's B.Whose
C.Who D.Whom
51.The man ____the bike is our teacher.
A.at B.in
C.on D.by
52.I am ____.
A.an Chinese B.Chinese
C.the Chinese D.one Chinese
53.---- ____is your father?
---- He is all right.
A.How B.What
C.Where D.Who
54.---- Are you a student?
---- ____.
A.Yes, I am B.No, you aren't
C.Yes, you are D.Yes, I'm
55.Please look ____the picture on the wall.
A.in B.at
C.to D.on
56.---- Hello. Here is your pencil-box. ____very much.
---- ____.
A.Thank; That's right
B.Thank you; That's all
C.Thank you; You're welcome
D.Thank you; No, no
57.---- Have you any sisters?
---- ____.
A.Yes, I have B.No, haven't
C.Yes, I've D.Have
58.---- ____that girl?
---- She's my sister.
A.Where's B.Which is
C.Who's D.Whose
59.---- ____are we?
---- We're in Hubei.
A.What B.Who
C.Where D.How
60.---- ____?
---- How do you do?
A.How do you do
B.How are you
C.What's your name, please
D.How old are you
61.There's some milk in the glass.(变否定句)
62.Sometimes he goes shopping with his mother(就划线部分提问)
63.They have lunch in the middle of the day. (就划线部分提问)
64.Mr White is about thirty.(就划线部分提问)
65.He carries one frisby in his hand. (变复数句子)
66.jeep, green, is, their(.)
67.am, in, I, not, two, class(.)
68.his, are, these, pictures(.)
69.colour, dress, is, Kate's, what(?)
70.that, is, who, old, woman(?)
Now look 71 the picture. The farm in the picture is in the 72 . It is not cold today. The sun is in the sky. There's a farm-house near the river. There are many tall trees 73 the farm-house. In the field there are some small trees. They are some apple trees. There are a lot of apples 74 them. There are many 75 on the farm. They are horses, cows, 76 , and pigs. The man near the gate (门口) is the 77 . A woman is feeding the chickens. This is the 78 wife. (妻子)
They have two children. One is a boy. The other is a girl. They are 79 school. They study hard.
It's a happy 80 , isn't it?
71.A.in B.at C.for D.with
72.A.country B.farm C.city D.town
73.A.in front B.in C.in front of D.at
74.A.at B.from C.on D.in
75.A.animals B.pigs C.people D.cats
76.A.a sheep B.sheeps C.sheep D.sheep's
77.A.farmer B.writer C.driver D.teacher
78.A.his B.farmer's C.farmer D.farmers
79.A.go to B.for C.at D.with
80.A.house B.family C.home D.room
Look! It's a picture of a family. There is a white house in the picture. Behind the house, there are some tall trees. In front of it, there are some flowers. There is a little child in front of the house. She's about eight. She is a schoolgirl. She doesn't go to school today. She is watering some flowers. She loves flowers. She does it every day. A man and a woman are near the house. They are the girl's father and mother. The man is mending a bike. He is a worker. He doesn't go to his factory today, too. The woman is reading a newspaper. She is an English teacher. She speaks English very well. She is in the same school with her daughter. To day is Sunday. They are all at home. This is a very good family.
( )81.The house is in the ____.
A.country B.city C.picture
( )82.Near the house there are some ____.
A.trees B.trees and flowers C.flowers
( )83.All the people in the picture are ____.
A.free B.working C.studying
( )84.The father goes to work ____.
A.by plane B.on foot C.by bike
( )85.It is a____ family.
A.happy B.interesting C.kind
86.A:How are you?
B:Fine, ____And you?
A:I'm ____, too.
87.A:Excuse me! Are you Liu Wei?
B:Sorry, I am ____.
88.A:____ that over there?
B:It's a green bike.
A:Is it yours?
B:No, ____.
89.A:are you in?
B:I'm ____Class Four.
90.A:Whose shirt is this? Is it ____, Jim?
B:No, it isn't. Mine ____green, and this one is yellow.
91.A:Excuse me, ____that boy?
B:Which one?
A:The one under the tree.
B:Oh, ____my friend, Li Lei.
1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.C
6.A 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.A
11.Is this a yellow bag? (A)
12.What does Li Ying often do at home?(C)
13.Where are you from? (B)
14.How are you?(A)
15.Does she get up at six?(A)
This is a picture 16(of) the bedroom. It is not 17(big) . The twins live here(双胞胎住在这). There is a 18(ball) on the floor.
Their shoes are under the desk. Their trousers 19(are) on the bed. Where're they? Now it's nine thirty. They are 20(at) school now.
21.B 22.C 23.D 24.D 25.C
26.D 27.C 28.D 29.A 30.B
31.men 32.old 33.boxes 34.black
35.woman 36.no 37.this 38.sit down
39.that's 40.go
41.B 42.D 43.A 44.B 45.B
46.B 47.C 48.C 49.D 50.B
51.C 52.B 53.A 54.A 55.B
56.C 57.A 58.C 59.C 60.A
61.There isn't any milk in the glass.
62.What does the sometimes do with his mother?
63.When do they have lunch?
64.How old is Mr White?
65.They carry frisbies in their hands.
66.Their jeep is green.
67.I am not in Class Two.
68.These are his pictures.
69.What colour is Kate's dress?
70.Who is that old woman?
71.B 72.A 73.C 74.C 75.A
76.C 77.A 78.B 79.C 80.B
81.C 82.B 83.A 84.C 85.A
86.thanks;fine 87.not 88.What's ;it isn't
89.What class;in 90.yours ;is 91.Who's;he's


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    段狄苗七年级英语期末考试,想说爱你不容易!我整理了关于,希望对大家有帮助! 人教版七年级上册期末测试卷 I. 单选题每小题2分,共40分 1.Tom is 8-year-old boy. A.a B.an C.the D.\/ 2.---Mum, is my friend, Jim. ---Nice to meet you. A.that B.this C.he D.it 3.--- is ...

  • 19312903670七年级上册期末考试英语作文
    段狄苗Hello,everyone!(大家好。)My name is Li Yida.(我叫李依妲)I am a girl.(我是一个女孩。)I come from Sichuan.(我来自四川。)My birthday is April 11.(我的生日在4月11日。) My family has three people。(我家有三个人。)They are my father, mother and I.(他们是我的爸爸,妈...

  • 19312903670七年级英语上期期末考试试题
    段狄苗七年级英语上期期末考试试题 一.单项选择, 从A B C 中选出最佳答案。(每小题1分,共计15分) ( )1、---How are you ? ---___. A、I’m ok B、Thanks C、Hi ( )2、---Hello ! Are you Alice . ---___. A、No ,I’m not B、Yes , I’m C、Yes ,I’m Kate ( ) 3、She is ...

  • 19312903670七年级上册期末英语试卷(人教版)
    段狄苗七年级英语期末考试试题第一卷选择题(50分)I.单项选择。(每小题1分,计15分) ( )1. This is ___ alarm clock. A. a B. an C. the D. \/ ( )2. We don’t like___. A. broccoli B. broccolis C. a broccoli D. broccolies ( )3. ___. Is this your pen? A. Sorry B. Hello ...

  • 19312903670七年级上学期英语考试的作文,外研版教材,主要是六到十模块,各一篇好的...
    段狄苗My parents This is my father and that is my mother. They’re from China. My father is a worker. He is 42 years old. My mother is a teacher. She teaches English. She is 40. They all like playing table tennis. I love them very much.My school My school is a nice ...

  • 19312903670【初中英语】人教版初一七年级上册英语unit3测试题

  • 19312903670初中英语(七年级上)(配人教版)
    段狄苗链接: https:\/\/pan.baidu.com\/s\/1ddLu7iY3qpdTgNCp5z_QPA ?pwd=3nhw 提取码: 3nhw 01 初中英语七年级上(况霍凌霄)-27等多个文件|b.基础初中英语七年级下(胡灿奎)-66|a.基础初中英语七年级上(胡灿奎)-52|02 初中英语七年级下(况霍凌霄)-36|01 初中英语七年级上(况霍凌霄)-27|09...

  • 19312903670新人教版七年级上学期必考的10篇英语作文

  • 19312903670学习资源包 英语七年级上(人教版)(就是那张光盘里的)
    段狄苗《人教版初中7年级英语上册》百度网盘资源免费下载 链接: https:\/\/pan.baidu.com\/s\/1MKeDuu5vGe-vgquR3NawUQ ?pwd=p3jd 提取码: p3jd

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