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望对你有所帮助(*^__^*) ...谢谢~祝学习进步~

Dear Sun Teacher:
Thank you for the earnest of our induction, we are straight up in English. But in recent days, we seem to not like it used to be row of active. I do not know why the other people did, but I found myself becoming impetuous up, surprisingly, last week I actually make the job! If I want to keep on the results, it must be hard, that I was well aware of that. Recently lost interest in learning, I should be back as soon as possible the benefits of learning, I'm trying to restrain myself, but I know that this is not enough, I hope your parents under the supervision of the impetuous fire out! For the whole class in this thank you!
Sincerely wish you the best: smiling, very happy, happy!

dear teacher Sun,
thanks for your patiently teaching,our english skilles are progress repidly!recently,however,our group seems not as much active as before.i have no idea about someone else,but i found i;m getting blundering,.i unexpectedly made homework up last week!i clearly know that i must make efforts if i wanna be success!iI have no more interest for studing,i should find back the interest of studing as soon as possible.i'm trying to control myself,but i know,it;s not enough,hoping i can pass through under my parents' overssing and your! thank you again for everyone1
wish you have a happyness day and goodness life! truthly!
your student,
june 4 2011

Dear Mr. Sun,
Thanks for your untiring and sincere teachings,our english skills are going up in an straight line!Recently,however,our group seems not as much active as they used to. I have no idea about someone else,but I know clearly that I become a rather superficial person. Of all things, I made homework up last week! I clearly know that Imust make efforts if I wanna be success! I have no more interest in studying, I should find back the interest of studing as soon as possible.I'm trying to control myself, but I know, that's not enough, so I hope the fire of fickleness can be confined under the supervision of you and my parents! Here, I represent the whole calss to thank you again .
Wish you grin all the time and have a goodness life!
Truthly yours,
Jiaqi Liu
June 4, 2011

Dear Mr. Sun,
Thanks for your patiently teaching,our english skills are going up in an straight line!Recently,however,our group seems not as much active as they used to. I have no idea about someone else,but I know clearly that I become a rather superficial person. Of all things, I made homework up last week! I clearly know that Imust make efforts if I wanna be success! I have no more interest in studying, I should find back the interest of studing as soon as possible.I'm trying to control myself, but I know, that's not enough, so I hope the fire of fickleness can be confined under the supervision of you and my parents! Here, I represent the whole calss to thank you again .
Wish you grin all the time and have a goodness life!
Truthly yours,
June 4, 2011



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