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帮我翻译一段话 中翻英 谢谢~

While Jianzhen took a sea-voyage eastward and Xuanzang's westing had maximized the dissemination of Chinese civilization, it moreover promoted the mutual enrichment of Huaxia nationality and world nationalities, widely enriched the progress of human civilization.

While Zhang Qian’s Journey to The Western Regions as well as Zheng He's Sailing West has not only carried out the exchange of material civilization for mankind, but also revealed and disseminated the grandness of China's civilization.


The multimedia teaching into elementary school classroom has a long time, through the images, sounds, and rich color and animation, teaching information, solve the space and time limit of teaching difficulty, arouse the students' interest in learning, to create a real language learning environment for students, learning, to develop students' learning in potential.
This article discusses the application of multimedia teaching in the classroom, and also the advantages that the limitations of its application, proper choice, caution, in order to accomplish the goal. Utilizes

Hello everyone, today my topic is the Olympics.

The 29th Olympics will be held in Beijing, China. The mascots are a group of animals with Chinese characters as well as Olympic flame. Each of them has his own name: Beibei, Jingjing, Huanhuan, Yingying, and Nini. Combining their names together and you will hear a warm welcome:"Beijing welcomes you!"

Meanwhile, let's remember these lovely mascots, and the theme "With a world, with a dream."

That is the end of my speech, thank you.



1. Hello everyone, I talk today is the subject of the Olympics. 2.29 Olympic Games held in Beijing, China. The mascot with Chinese characteristics by small animals, and the Olympic flame composition, They all have their own names ----- Beibei, Jingjing, Huanhuan, Ying-Ying, Nini, their names will be linked together. You will have a warm welcome : "Beijing welcomes you!" 3. Meanwhile, let us remember these lovely Fook conditions, Let us also remember "with a world with a dream." 4. My speech is finished, thank you.

1 ladyes and gentlemen,the topic of my speech is olympic
2 the 29th olympic games will be held in beijing china .the mascots are based on four animals, which are full of chinese traditional chacter,and the olympic fire,they all have theri own name--beibei ,jinjin,huanhuan,yingying,nini.if you put their name together,you will find it is a very friendly sentence"beijing welcome you"
3 so,let's remeber these lovely fuwa,and let's remeber"one world .one dream"
4 that's all.thanks

饿...只有这水平了//楼主 你会出热情的欢迎 这句是什么意思? 我翻译成 你会发现它是一个友好的句子 不知道可不可以///

1. Hello everyone, I talk today is the subject of the Olympics.
2.29 Olympic Games held in Beijing, China. The mascot with Chinese characteristics by small animals, and the Olympic flame composition, They all have their own names ----- Beibei, Jingjing, Huanhuan, Ying-Ying, Nini, their names will be linked together. You will have a warm welcome : "Beijing welcomes you!"
3. Meanwhile, let us remember these lovely Fook condition, let us also remember "with a world with a dream."
4. My speech is finished, thank you.

1. Hello, I speak today the topic is Olympic Games
2.29 session of Olympic Games are held in the Beijing, China, mascotfigure by the micro-organism as well as the Olympic Games ceremonialfire which has the Chinese characteristic is composed, they all haveown name ----- BeiBei,JingJing,HuanHuan,YingYing,NiNi ,theirs name continually in the same place, you can leave the warmwelcome: "Beijing welcome you!"
3. At the same time, lets us remember they these lovable luck babies,also lets us remember "the identical world, identical dream".
4. My lecture, has thanked


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