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~ Good morning, welcome to NANJING. A city full of love, youthful vigor and a rich culture. There are only 780 days left before the opening of the NYOG.I am so glad to be your tourist guide here.


Before we starting our trip, let's know something about the YOG.The first YOG was held on August 2010 in Singapore, bringing together 3,600 athletes and 900 officials.On Feb.11, 2010, the 122nd IOC session at Vancouver announced Nanjing the host city of the second Summer YOG .

在我们开始旅途之前,让我们来了解一下青奥会的相关知识。 第一节青奥会是2010年在新加坡举行的'。共有3600运动员和900个奥运官员参与。在日内瓦第122届国际奥委会上,南京被宣布为第二节夏季庆年奥运会的举办城市。

Well, do you know how many sports are on the programme of NYOG? A:28 B:38 C:48(询问评委).Thanks you for your answer. The answer is A. There are 28 sports including road cycling, handball, judo

and so on. All the sports will be held in the three themed zones in Nanjing.They are the Olympic Center Zone, Cultural Scenic Spot Zone, and University Pavilion Zone.

那么,大家知道这次南京青奥会有多少个项目么?A:28 B:38 C:48(询问评委)谢谢您的答案。正确答案是A。这次有28个参赛项目包括公路自行车,手球,足球等等。所有的项目会在三大主题区域举行。他们是奥体中心区,文化风景区和大学城区。

First let's look at the Olympic Center Zone. It is made up of pavilions of Nanjing Olympic Sports Center and there will be held 26 sports. This Zone is filled with sporting character and Olympic culture.

首先,让我们来看一下奥体中心区。它包括了南京奥林匹克中心的所有的场馆。这里会有26个项目举行。 这个区域充满了运动精神和奥运文化。

Second it is the Cultural Scenic Spot Zone. It consists of Xuanwu Lake Scenic Area, Zhongshan Mountain Scenic Area, Laoshan National Forest Park and Jinniu Lake Scenic Area. Especially the Laoshan national park will be used as road cycling course during

the Youth Olympics. I really like this sport.


The third one is the University Pavilion Zone. It made up of stadiums of Nanjing Jiangning University Zone. It influences two hundred thousand teachers and students in fifteen universities and gives them a chance to experience Olympics directly


The NYOG will be a festival for the Youth.Learning to know, learning to be, learning to do and learning to live together are the four important parts you will find in this game.


Thanks for your listening and hope you can enjoy your trip in Nanjing!



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