帮我翻译几个句子 不要用翻译文件翻译的

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帮忙翻译下句子 不要用WORD文档里的翻译~

1、when heard the report that beijing success in holding the olympic games of the 2008, we all cheered up.
2、these measure can take advantage of the promoting the production's quality.
3、don't give up, after all we are the new-coming for this job.
4、i think the various information and attractive about the advertisement.
5、the index was advetised on the front page in order to help the readers to find what they interested in.

我可以翻 不过要耗费写时间 10分钟后给你 请看完后决定 不要随便选择 好吗?

题目: 改变 你人生积极的一幕You must avoid breaking when things don't go your way. You'll always be secure to the degree that you accept change.
当事情没有按照你的想法发展的时候, 你不要崩溃. 在一定程度上, 你要坚信, 你能够接受改变.
True security comes from being able to bend your insecurities.
Recognize and accept that change will inevitably take place.
承认并且接受一个事实, 唯有改变是永恒不变的.
You'll become secure, not by standing still, but by growing, moving, and staying energized.
不要固步自封, 要成长, 前进, 干劲十足, 你会坚不可摧

我没有完全字对字的翻译 而且按照中文的习惯做了意译 如果你需要直译 我可以再翻一遍 取决于你 希望你满意O(∩_∩)O~

1. I can speak French as well as he.
2. His oral English is not as good as that of his friend, but his wriiten English is excellent.
3. His illnessis was more serious than we had imagined.
4. Yao is 40 centimeters higher than me .
5. The harder he works, the happier he feels.
6. Helen joined the ranks of the unemployed. (或:Helen became one of the jobless people.)
7. I don't know how they can afford such expensive holidays.
8. I made my first long journey by train when I was 16.
9. I'll never forget my first day at school when I was seven.
10. I changed those pants for large-sized ones .
11.I really don't want to bother to ask for their opinions.

帮我翻译几个句子 不要用翻译文件翻译的视频




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