帮我中文一段话翻译成英文 高手进啊 要生动

来自:    更新日期:早些时候

Perhaps, that is also a kind of success ……
"Successful flower, people's the surprised 慕 her nonce of clear and gorgeous!However at the beginning her bud son, soak through struggling tears spring, spread blood rain of[with] sacrifice ……"perhaps, flower in the middle of struggling growth, acquired success already …… -record
The five per flock of female children's three per, the 唧唧喳喳 ground says that write what, male children totally unconcernedly the hands put side pocket, the vision looking at a ceiling stagnantly.Occasionally will have so 12 to create a big noise or the irony ground smile.Seven(16) want to choose a class of 委 to pull!Seem to everyones all Be competing secretly, but hanging that kind of in the on the face false smile falsely:I play to see.
The small S is a gentle and quiet girl's son.She isn't outstanding, being unlike other people to have very strong performance desire so, the but again is a polite girl.Listen to lesson peaceful and serenely, take note peaceful and serenely.The teacher gives public recognition, the animadversion has never appeared her name as well.Campaign to this class of 委 , but the mother hope she can try."Is I all right?"The small S soliloquizes.
The class 委 election started, what to go up was Anne's honey first.Arrive here, can not no longer say Anne honey.She is again beautiful study result and then quite good girl's son.Opposite say in the small S, she is the active person in the class.Having a class the fascinating speech can usually win teacher and the classmates to drink colourful.
The Anne's honey's self-confidence is full and everywhere to walk up the platform:"I want to campaign leader of class ……" set descends not a few classmates Be shouting bravo for the Anne's honey slightly.The election completes, the set descended to ring out as the applause of thunder.Anne honey still is stand down set so and very tranquil and enjoyablely, the on the face takes shallow smile shallowly.
Immediately after, the second,the third ……more and more classmates go up an election.
Don't know how of, the heart of small S is before the ground of 咚咚 jump …… she canned not help reminding of morning go out, the mother still encourages her with the vision of kindly.
Also don't know where the courage come, the small S walks quickly up the platform:"I ……want to be ……leader of class."
The set descends to start a disturbance immediately.How to also don't thought of the peacetime peaceful and serene small S will campaign leader of class everyone!Connect small S oneself, seem to be drive also oneself just said of words get a fright.
The discussion of vehemence later on the classroom become surprisingly peaceful, everyoneses brush ground to looking at a this place, listenning to small S give a lecture.
The result of behind seems to a point also not come from person's idea to anticipate, Anne honey win an election.Although everyones admire the courage of small S,this kind of fact come from person's idea to anticipate too, ream everyone can't accept.
The Anne's honey smiled, but the small S also smiled sweetly, she knew finally, fighting for hard of the process is how interesting.Although she failed,this is perhaps also a kind of success.Class the election of the 委 ascended the most precious one lesson for her.That a moment, everyone discovers, she, in fact very beautiful ……

♥ 基本信息 ♥

01. 名字: 崔珉焕(mInArI much? XD)——括号里面不懂
02. 生日 & 象征: 1992年11月11日 天蝎座
03. 血型: A
04. 学校: 首尔艺术学院(SOPA)——意思是这样,不过也可能有专门的翻译
05. 身高: 120cm, 对吗? kekeke(这里应该是语气词,由于不懂韩语,无能)
06. 视力ː 0.5 0.5 远视...
07. 专业/职业ː 音乐
08. 宗教ː 珉焕宗教
09. 昵称ː Minari, Choi Minal
10. 性格ː 胆小?? 呵呵呵

♥ 喜好 ♥

01. 最喜欢的食物ː 鸡肉!!!
02. 最让你感动的电影ː 有很多但我记不住了~
03. 最让你感动的书籍ː 鲁宾逊漂流记~呵呵呵
04. 最喜欢的天气ː 晴朗但是凉爽的天气
05. 最喜欢的艺人ː 那个..FTIsland
06. 最喜欢的季节ː 秋天
07. 每周最喜欢哪一天ː 星期六!!
08. 最喜欢的电视节目ː 我不知道~
09. 最喜欢的歌曲ː Muse-unintended(缪斯-意想不到)
10. 最喜欢的游戏ː Pah Okay!!(工作) *[不太确定]

♥ Composition ♥

01. 烦恼ː 我的脸越来越肿..ㅜ
02. 手机待机时的标语(LCD屏幕上显示的字)ː我什么都没写..;;
03. 每天平均发多少条短信ː 10?
04. 好朋友的 IDː秘密..ㅜ
05. 我现在用的香水ː Rockx light blue
06. Cyworld地址ː 这里..ke
07. 每月津贴ː100,000 韩元 (87.63US)?? 我想这里有些我用不完..ㅠ
08. 当我孤独和感伤的时候ː 我哭的时候ㅜㅜ
09. 手机号码ː 000-0000-0000
10. 我信心增强的时候ː 1分满分的1分. *[滑稽模仿2PM的10分满分的10分]

♥ Love 1 ♥

01. 最爱ː 就是你~
02. 你喜欢的人ː 家人, 成员们!
03. 和你恋爱的人ː 让我们的思念相连吧~
04. 理想型ː 比我矮的女孩但是性格一样? Heh
05. 一见钟情ː 这得在外面, 当然...Heh
06. 选择爱情还是友情ː 爱情~! 如果你选爱情, 友情永远不会离你而去!!!^^
07. 选择“我爱的人”还是“爱我的人”ː我爱的人!!!
08. 当你特别想见一个你喜欢的人时(你想见谁): 我想见你..ㅜ
09. 当你观察异性时你最注重什么ː 性格
10. 爱是ː 太重要了所以会痛


♥ 随便问问 ♥

01. 你记得最清楚的梦ː 关于我父母去世的梦ㅠㅠ
02. 你最不喜欢异性的什么特点ː 没感觉
03.一个你尊敬的人ː 我父亲
04. 你最近和朋友出去玩时经常去的地方ː 解肠汤*[一个喝东西的地方,可以减轻你的宿醉]
05. 一个你喜欢的服装品牌ː 我想我不知道..
06. 交往100天纪念日时你想要做的事情ː 亲亲ㅡ 3ㅡ
07. 一个真正的朋友ː我的朋友
08. 我人生中撒的最大的谎ː ddengddeng-ee..ㅜ *[一个经常游手好闲的人& 混日子]
09. 现在的发型ː 是黑色的~
10. 一件你想要承认发生过的事ː我是怎样专门为一个人写了一首曲子并送给他/她作为礼物

♥ Love 2 ♥

01. 你第一次见到别人的好的特点ː他们很开心
02. 你第一次见到别人时不好的特点ː ː 我会想念他们
03. “年长的”还是“年少的” 还是“갑”ː 呃..虽然我都喜欢..ㅜ还是“年长的”吧?
04. 你想从喜欢的异性那里得到的礼物ː 内衣 *[LOL.]
05. 你想送给喜欢的异性的香水类型ː我不太了解ㅠ
06. 如果你喜欢某个人,你会做的第一件事情是ː 给他们发短信
07. 我理想的爱人ː 有点糊涂的女孩,这样我可以照顾她们
08. 女朋友 vs. 配偶ː 女朋友是爱情,配偶是现实
09. 我最想对我喜欢的人说的话,并且是真的ː相信我!
10. 你想对你喜欢的人唱的一首歌ː Because I Didn't Know How To Love(因为我不懂要如何爱)

♥ 过去♥

01. 喜欢过我的人的人数ː我想我不知道..
02. 我喜欢过的异性的数目?: 是3个人吗?呃,我不知道
03. 我第一次喝酒ː 4岁时kekeke
04. 个印象深刻的地方ː 首尔火车站
05. 我哭得最厉害的一次ː 有一个亲人去世的时候..
06. 我能记住的一个假期ː 因为我很小所以没记住
07. 旧的寻呼机号码ː Bbeebbee~
08. 在我困难的时候给我力量的是ː你们大家都知道的,是吧? Heheh
09. 我买的最大的东西ː 成员们和..Heh——(这里好像是回答的有点问题啊)
10. 我现在觉得后悔的事情ː 我的人生中没有后悔.

♥ 我喜欢的♥

01. 我喜欢的ː 吃饭/吃东西
02. 我讨厌的ː 不吃饭
03. 我现在穿的衣服ː 短裤 ke
04. 我想买的一幢房子ː一间普通的32坪的房子 *[坪:一种土地计量方式,相当于6平方米
05. 宝物1号ː 手机??
06. 我最喜欢的一句谚语ː If you don't walk today you need to run tomorrow(你今天不走,明天就需要跑——呃,译的有点直白了)
07. 人们问我最多的问题?ː 你多大了? *[LOL]
08. 我现在真的最想要的一样东西ː 一个通行证钱包/护照夹?
09. 我最喜欢自己外貌的哪一部分ː 有吗..ㅜ
10. 你想立即改变的ː 没有

♥ 选择一个♥

01. 异性抽烟讨厌/喜欢ː 讨厌!!!
02. 河莉秀是一个女孩/男孩ː 是女孩, 不是吗~ *[河莉秀是一个变性人]
03. 如果你的家长不同意你结婚, 你会分手/逃跑ː直到得到允许,我不会分手
04. 喜欢雨天/雪天ː 雪天!
05. 你能/不能和一个与你闹翻的人成为朋友ː 我不认为我能和他们呆在一起..ㅜㅜ
06. 因为我是一个男孩/女孩,我很满意/不满意ː 满意^^
07. 如果我和我喜欢的人分手了,我会生气/哭泣ː 我会接受它
08. 雷和闪电很可怕/有趣ː 可怕
09. 我希望成为一个有好的外貌/性格的人ː 性格!

♥ 关于未来♥

01. 对未来的希望ː 是个好丈夫
02. 如果有时光机,你想到哪一年ː 2016
03. 如果你可以隐身一天ː 那一定会很有趣!!! Heheh
04. 如果一个出众的异性在市中心像你索吻ː 我会拒绝
05. 你想给你未来的孩子取的一个名字ː Choi Minhae?
06. 如果你出国留学,会去哪个国家ː 美国
07. 你和爱人约会的日程表/计划ː 秘密~~
08. 如果某一个娱乐行业邀请你成为一个名人ː 我的天哪..
09. 如果你想写100个问题和100个答案,你的问题是什么?ː 似乎所有的问题都解决了..heheh
10. 你未来的计划ː Kekeke感觉好像我在做一个采访~ㅃㅇ

2、通行证钱包(Passport Wallet)
微软的误导性行为还包括,微软宣称,相对在同样网站没有透过通行证钱包(Passport Wallet)进行的购物,透过通行证钱包的购物行为“在通常情况下更为安全”。

I am one of your students from the Class two of the Electronics Department. Please allow me to talk about a problem by us. I, and many my classmates as well, have booked bus tickets in the Friday afternoon, because the exam was originally fixed on Wednesday. However, after the exam was adjusted to Friday afternoon, we have to return our tickets. In this case we must change our plan and take the bus on Saturday to leave Nanjing, but it is difficult to buy tickets on that day. So my classmates and I ask you for shifting the exam to an earlier time or postponing it to a day after May 1st, the Labor Day, if it is conveniet by you. Thank you very much.

I am a student, you from electronic class two. Originally set on Wednesday, exam I appointed the bus on Friday afternoon, many students are the same as me. But now the examination adjustable became Friday afternoon, we have to bounce, but this for me the arrangement was completely on Friday, may disrupt on Saturday morning, more likely to leave Nanking bought tickets. So I represent many students will you take the test time early or postponed until after labor day. Thanks a million!

I am a student, you from electronic class two.

Originally set on Wednesday, exam I appointed the bus on Friday afternoon, many students are the same as me.

But now the examination adjustable became Friday afternoon, we have to bounce, but this for me the arrangement was completely on Friday, may disrupt on Saturday morning, more likely to leave Nanking bought tickets.

So I represent many students will you take the test time early or postponed until after labor day.

Thanks a million!

I am one of your students, from the electronic second class. The original exam given on Wednesday, I set the Friday afternoon of the bus, many of my classmates and me. But now tune into Friday afternoon examination, we have to refund, but that the arrangements for me was completely disrupted on Friday, possibly Saturday morning to leave Nanjing, are more likely to buy tickets. Therefore, I urge you on behalf of many students to test ahead of time or postponed until after Labor Day. Congratulations!

I am one of your students from No.2 electronic class . Originally exam was set on Wednesday,so I appointed the bus ticket on Friday afternoon, so did many students. But now the examination is changed to Friday afternoon,.In this way we have to refund the tickets, What's more ,it would make a bad influnce on the arrangement completely on Friday,.What's worse,maybe we would be able to leave on Saturday morning, or more likely we can't get tickets. So I represent all the students that to ask youto make the test time early or postpon it until the labor day. Thanks a lot!

帮我中文一段话翻译成英文 高手进啊 要生动视频




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