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第十诀:避难场所,固守待援。假如用手摸房门已感到烫手,此时一旦开门换鹧嬗肱ㄑ淌票赜�嫫死础L由�ǖ辣磺卸锨叶淌奔淠谖奕司仍�U馐焙颍�刹扇〈丛毂苣殉∷�⒐淌卮��陌旆āJ紫扔�亟粲�鸬拿糯埃�蚩�郴鸬拿糯埃�檬��硪皇�既�旅欧旎蛴盟���薇幻缮衔蚀叭缓蟛煌S盟�芡阜考洌�乐寡袒鹕�耄�淌卦诜磕冢�钡骄仍�嗽钡健?br> 第十一诀:缓晃轻抛,寻求援助。被烟火围困暂时无法逃离的人员,应尽量呆在阳台、窗口等易于被人发现和能避免烟火近身的地方。在白天,可以向窗外晃动鲜艳衣物,或外抛轻型晃眼的东西;在晚上即可以用手电筒不停地在窗口闪动或者敲击东西,及时发出有效的求救信号,引起救援者的注意。因为消防人员进入室内都是沿墙壁摸索行进所以在被烟气窒息失去自救能力时,应努力滚到墙边或门边,便于消防人员寻找、营救;此外,滚到墙边也可防止房屋结构塌落砸伤自己。请记住:充分暴露自己,才能争取有效拯救自己。

Thirteen fire escape tactic】 【The first tactic: Escape preview unruffled. Each person for their work, study or live in buildings where the structure and means of escape route to be clear in the chest, if necessary, emergency escape preview of centralized organization, so that we are familiar with the building to escape the fire facilities and self-help approach. Thus, when the fire broke out, they will not feel cornered. The second tactic: familiar with the environment, export markings. When you're in an unfamiliar environment, such as hotel, shopping, access to entertainment, in order to their own safety, be sure to heed evacuation routes, safety exits and stairs and orientation to critical time to flee the scene as soon as possible. The third tactic: Channel exit open. Staircase, access, security, export is the most important time of the fire escape route, should ensure uninterrupted, or equipment must not put their things locked gate to an emergency can safely and quickly through. The fourth tactic: Fight a small fire, to benefit others. When a fire occurs, if that fire is not large, and not posing a great threat to the people, when surrounded with enough fire-fighting equipment, such as fire extinguishers, fire hydrants, etc., should be struggling to control a small fire, extinguish; Do not panic to barking scurry about, set a small fire but the expense of a catastrophe. Remember: Fight against time "initial fire." Fifth tactic: stay calm, tell the direction of rapid withdrawal. Suddenly encountered a fire, smoke and fire face, first forced himself to remain calm and quickly determine hazardous locations and safe place to determine ways to escape as soon as possible evacuation of danger. Do not blindly follow the crowd and each other crowded, chaotic red rampant. Should pay attention to evacuate toward the bright and open area outside the office or running, try to run to the floor below, if the channel has been blocked fireworks, fireworks should be back on the direction of left, through the balcony, louvers, roof and so escape to the outdoors. Sixth tactic: Nothing danger, not love of money thing. In the scene, human life is most important. At risk, should be withdrawn as soon as possible, do not take into account because of shyness or valuables, and to waste valuable escape time dressing or looking for, move out on valuable items. Persons have fled danger and must not return to the danger, right time. Seventh tactics: simple protection, Mongolian nose crawl. Escape route through the smoke-filled, to prevent smoke poisoning, prevention of suffocation. To prevent choking smoke into the fire, can be used towels, masks Mongolian nose, prostrate withdrawal approach. Light and smoke float in the air over the upper part, close to the ground evacuation is to avoid smoke inhalation, the best way to filter out poison gas. Through the blocked area fireworks should wear a gas mask, helmet, fire-retardant insulation clothing and other protective gear, if you do not have protective gear, look to the head, body cold water or wet towels, wet blankets, wet blankets, etc. will head, wrapped in good, and then rush out. Remember: many pieces of protective equipment in hand, better than bare hands. Eighth tactics: use of channels, Mo into the elevator. Designed and built according to normative standards of buildings, there will be more than two escape staircases, access or security out of date. During a fire, to choose according to the stairs into the relatively safe passage. In addition to using the stairs, you can also use the building's balcony, bay windows, the day climb to the surrounding surface of the roof and other safe locations along the water pipe, lightning lines, and slide down the building floor structure, projections can be out of danger. In high-rise buildings, the elevator when the power supply system in the fire off at any time or for the role of thermal deformation of the people trapped in elevators in an elevator while the elevator shaft as if through a chimney-like through the floor, where the smoke direct toxic threat to the lives of people trapped, so do not take the ordinary elevators. Ninth tactics: slow down to escape, sliding rope to help themselves. High-level, multi-storey public buildings are generally located at high altitude slow down, or any lifelines, personnel can safely leave these facilities dangerous floors. Without these specialized facilities, and secure channel has been blocked, rescue personnel can not be rushed in the case, you can quickly use the rope around or bed sheets, curtains, clothes and other homemade simple life-saving rope, and water wet from the window sill or Slowly slide along the rope below the balcony or ground floor; safe escape. Remember: bold but cautious life-saving rope on the side. X formula: shelter, stick to be assistance. If the door has been very hot to touch, then open the door for partridge Evolution once brachial ㄑ mobility votes Ze � ugly woman died basis L unloaded by the � ǖ shovel leaves drip hot sulfur Ben Wilson Pi Xuan Xiu baking Secretary still � U brake fan Ying � XI tactic: throwing light slow shaking, to seek assistance. Fireworks can not escape being trapped by the staff, should try to stay in the balcony, window, etc. and can easily be found to avoid the fireworks close the place. During the day, you can shake out of the window brightly colored clothing, or something outside the throwing dazzling light; at night with a flashlight that you can keep flashing in the window or hit things, issue timely and effective distress signal, causing the attention of rescuers. Because the firefighters are all along the wall into the interior to explore road so lost in self-help capabilities by gas asphyxiation, should be rolled to the wall or door, easy to find firefighters, rescue; In addition, the roll structure of the wall also prevents housing collapse injured himself. Please keep in mind: to fully expose themselves to fight effectively to save themselves. Formula XII: Fire has been and body, do not stampede. Fire the person who found his field on fire, do not be scared to run or hand flapping, because when running, or tapping the formation of wind and speed up the supplementary oxygen, and promoting Wang fire. When the body clothes on fire, you should quickly try to take off their clothes or in-place roll, pressure fire seedlings; people in time to jump into the water or body water, sprayed fire extinguishing agent is even more effective. Remember: Although embarrassed roll in place, the fire to burn us are exempt. XIII tactic: jumping with surgery, although the loss of survival. Fire smoke in the living person, often find themselves mentally extreme terror and close to collapse, panic easily lead to desperate psychological harm behavior such as jumping off a building to escape. It should be noted: only firefighters and rescue cushions ready to jump or when the command floor is not high (usually 4 layers below), non-jumping off a building that is burned in the circumstances, the only way to jump. Even if there is no way out, if life has not been seriously threatened, but also calmly waiting for fire rescue. Jumping also required to have skills, jumping as much as possible should be central to the life-saving air jump or select a pool, soft awning, grass and other direction jump; if possible, to try to hold some blankets, sofa cushions and other soft items or open large umbrella jump to slow the impact. If the hand must be jumping grilled window or balcony jump off the body naturally sag, to minimize the vertical distance, hold hands before landing the head body bent and curled, in order to reduce damage. Although the main jumping rectifiable, but will cause some harm to the body, so be cautious. Please keep in mind: jumping off a building does not mean suicide, the key is to have a way.

  2、起火时,如果楼道被烟火封死,应该立即关闭房门和室内通风孔,防止进烟。随后用湿毛巾堵住口鼻,防止吸入热烟和有毒气体,并将向上的衣服浇湿,以免引火烧身。如果楼道中只有烟没有火,可在头上套一个较大的透明塑料袋,防止烟气刺激 眼睛和吸入呼吸道,并采用弯腰的低姿 势,逃离烟火区。

We do
1, the rapid escape when fire strikes, do not hate to leave their property.
2, family members usually must understand the basic approach of the fire escape, familiar with few escape routes.
3, by the fire threat, we must act decisively to put wet clothes, blankets and other directions out of the emergency exit.
4, through the smoke to escape, we should try to keep the body close to the ground and cover your mouth with a wet towel.
5, the body on fire, do not run, roll or may place pressure flames with heavy clothing.
6, in case of fire can not take the elevator to escape to the safety of export orientation.
7, an outdoor fire, when the door is hot, do not open the door to prevent the fires fleeing into the room. Use wet bedding, clothing and other plug Chuang Feng, and splashing water cooling.

Many people now rive and work in very tart buildings. It is often not so easy to get away from these buildings in an emergency, resulting in great toss of lives. So how to survive in case of a fire is a problem concerning all those involved.

No one knows for sure when a fire witt happen, so it is extremely necessary to make preparations before a fire starts. Check the fire escape in advance and make sure that you can find it in the dark when lights have failed. Find out where the nearest fire extinguisher is and read the instructions to learn how to use it.

when we sleep it gets fire we should pick up our bags and go out of home quickly we should use wet clothes to cover our mouth and we must run one by one as quickly as we can we shoud not be afraid or frightened we should calm down ourselves these we all should do

When we sleep at home at night,it gets fire. What should we do?

Fire is very useful,It can give light and keep us warm.we can cook food with fire,sometimes it can protect us from wild animals.But if sometimes it can be very dangerous, we must be careful when we use fire.we mustn't drop the burning cigerette ends everywhere,we must remember to put out the barbecue fire when we leave, we mustn't play with fire, we mustn't play with matches.Fire is very useful and harmful,so we must be careful with it.



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