小学生 半分钟英语自我介绍 英汉都要有

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用英语作自我介绍 小学生~

Hello,boys and girls!Nice to meet you!My name's XXX,and I am X years old.I like to XXX,XXX,and XXX.I want to be a XXX in the future,because I like XX very much.This is me,and I hope to make friends with you.Thanks!

It depends on the situation. If it is a job interview, you should introduce your personal infomation briefly, including your name, age,education background, work experiences,certificates,skills,interests,etc. Sometimes, you may also express the reason why you want this position and how you will fulfill.

We were dreamers, my mother and I. We would sit on the beach, digging our toes into the heavy, wet sand and watch the big, slow breakers come curling in, green and white... and we would dream. I dreamed that I wanted a house on the beach. She dreamed that she wanted a pair of real diamond earings.

我们都是喜欢梦想的人,我妈妈和我。我们常常坐在海滩上,把脚趾头插进厚厚的、湿漉漉的沙子中,望着徐缓的巨浪翻滚而来,浪花飞溅,绿白相间... 一边沉浸在各自的梦想中。她34岁。我14岁。我梦想在海边拥有一所房子。而她梦想的,是一副真正的钻石耳环。

请注意 是 自我介绍!!!!!!!!!

小学生 半分钟英语自我介绍 英汉都要有视频




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