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Britain's Prince William (Prince William) and his wife Kate Middleton (Kate Middleton) wedding in 2011 29 April 11 a.m. (UK time) held in London's Westminster Abbey.

Time: 11 April 29, begin
伴郎:哈里王子 王子哈里将担任哥哥的伴郎

Prince harry groomsman: prince harry will serve as the brother groomsman
伴娘:王妃妹妹 新娘凯特选择妹妹菲莉帕作自己的伴娘
Princess bride Kate bridesmaid: sister lisa phillips choice sister Patricia make oneself of one of the bridesmaids.

: including of the royal family, the number of 1900 people

Plan: 5 carriage cruises, Charles presided over dinner


Process: all participation in the cathedral, married personnel collection after the wedding leave, to the White House, the queen, the groom and bride and family members in the balcony debuted, the plane stunt flying after

在星期五 on Friday
2.严重感冒 have a bad cold
3.每周 every week
4.很忙 very busy
5.我的阿姨 my aunt / aunts
6.在学校 at school
7.一个小城镇 a mall town
8.从周一到周六 from Monday to Saturday
9.一节体育课 a PE lesson
10.一张邮票 a stamp
11.去购物 go shopping
12.浇树 water the trees
13.她的学生们 her students
14.学英语’ learn / study English
15.跑得快 run fast
16.他的双脚 his feet
17.十次 ten times
18.向右转 turn right
19.一只左手臂a left arm
20.在深夜 in the midnight
21.六点半 six thirty / half past six
22.带一些面包 take some bread
23.准备吃午饭 be /get ready for lunch 或 be / get ready to have lunch
24.确实很热 really hot
25.一点四十五 a quarter to two / one forty-five
26.喜欢体育运动 like sports


He might be a stamp collector. that he have took three-years savings to buy a precious stamp is proof for that
It cannot be too much to appreciate the beauty of these roses.they attract every tourists`attentions by all kind of manners
At first,he take it for grant that it should be built more highways there.but after accurate cost calculations.they have to take a new consideration before final decision
No matter how much presents he accepted from me,my friend bill have never forgot to express his gratitude
That journalist decided to find the young man that the old women refered.that letter
praised the efforts which young people made for their more agreeable life conditions

求追加分数……= =

1. John (John) expressed his sincere speech, those who are in trouble in his generous help given him the gratitude of people.
2. He can be a philatelist (a stamp collector). He had two years of savings to buy a Zhenyou it is proved.
3. How beautiful these roses not be overstated. They attracted a variety of ways all the tourists.
4. At first, he granted that the region should build some more roads. However, careful calculation of costs, before a final decision he has had to reconsider.
5. Every time I receive my gift, no matter how much, my friend Bill (Bill) will never forget the grateful.
6. The journalist decided to find the hearts of the old couple who referred to young people. The letter praised the young people make their living conditions more comfortable (agreeable) and efforts.
When he gave him in trouble generous help of the people

1. 约翰(John)真诚的讲话表达了他对那些在他处于困境时给过他慷慨帮助的人们感激之情。
1. John (John) expressed his sincere speech, those who are in trouble in his generous help given him the gratitude of people.
2. 他可说是一个集邮家(a stamp collector)。他曾经积蓄了两年去买一张珍邮这件事便是证明。
2. He can be a stamp collector (a stamp collector).He had two years of savings to buy a stamp it is proved.
3. 这些玫瑰的美丽怎么评价也不过分。它们以各种方式吸引住了所有的游客。
3. How beautiful these roses not be overstated. They attracted a variety of ways all the tourists
4. 起先,他理所当然地认为该地区应当多造一些公路。然而仔细计算费用后,他在作出最后决定前有不得不重新考虑了。

4. At first, he granted that the region should build some more roads. However, careful calculation of costs, before a final decision he has had to reconsider.
5. 每次收到我的礼物,不管多少,我的朋友比尔(Bill)决不忘记表示感激。
5. Every time I receive my gift, no matter how much, my friend Bill (Bill) will never forget the grateful.
6. 那位新闻记者决定找到那位老夫妇心中提及的年轻人。那封信赞赏了年轻人为使他们的生活条件更为惬意(agreeable)而付出的努力。 在他处于困境时给过他慷慨帮助的人们
6. The journalist decided to find the hearts of the old couple who referred to young people. The letter praised the young people make their living conditions more comfortable (agreeable) and efforts.When he gave him in trouble generous help of the people

1. John sincere speech expressed his were in trouble in his who gave him the people generous help gratitude.

2. He is a stamp collector. He had saved two years to buy a ZhangZhen mail it is proof.

3. These roses beauty how evaluation too much. They lived in a variety of ways to attract all the visitors.

4. At first, he take it for granted that the region should be made some highway. However carefully calculated expense, he made a final decision in front have to rethink.

5. Each received my gift, no matter how much, my friend Bill never forget in token of gratitude.

6. The journalist decided to find the old couple heart young man. Mentioned The letter praised the young people to make their living conditions more agreeable .

He was in trouble in gave him generous help people .


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