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Animals Are Our Friends
I like all kinds of animals, such as birds, monkeys, pandas, and tigers.I think they are our friends.We can't live in the world without them.
Animals are part of nature. They can't be seperated from us.If we want to live happily, we must keep the balance of nature.We should love nature and animals, and stop doing harm to them.

1、Even ferocious beasts, if always kept in cages, will lose their courageous nature. —— Tacitus
2、 attach equal importance to human rights and animal rights, which should be the consensus of all mankind. —— Lincoln, President of the United States
3、God's creations, even the lowest animals, are members of the Chorus of Life. I don't like any religion that only caters to human needs and ignores animals like cats and dogs. —— Lincoln, President of the United States
4、Human love, hope and fear are no different from animals. They are like sunshine, coming from the same origin and landing on the same ground. —— John Moore
5、A person who is cruel to animals will become cruel to humans. —— Thomas Aquinas

6、Accept a world outlook that transcends anthropocentrism and can even love other animals as much as they love themselves. —— Ralston, Scotland
7、People who are cruel to animals will not be merciful to people. —— Schopenhauer, Germany
8、A nation's moral is great, can from the animal 's attitude to see.——India Mahatma Gandhi
9、Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.——Albert Einstein
10、agree that animal has its rights as human rights, are as. This is the kind of expansion.——The United States President Lincoln.
我赞同动物均有其权利,如同人类均有人权一样。这才是扩充仁心之道。 ——美国总统林肯

protect animals,protect ourselves. 保护动物,保护我们自己。
it's our duty to protect animals from harm.这是我们的责任保护动物免受伤害
measures must be taken to protect animals.必须采取措施,保护动物。
let's live in harmony with animals.让我们与动物和谐生活。
everything in the earth is equal, so please treat animals fairly一切都在地球上是平等的,所以请善待动物相当



  • 18440363691保护动物的英语标语
    程帝清答:1、Protect animals,treat creatures。保护动物,善待生物。2、See the snake for three minutes。见蛇就打三分罪。3、Don't let man be the last animal。不要让人类成为最后一种动物。4、Please be good fiends with animals。请和动物做好朋友。5、Animals are friends of human beings。动物是...

  • 18440363691保护动物的英语名句
    程帝清答:4、没有动物,生命没有了动力。Without animals, life loses its drive.5、不鼓励买动物放生,善心可能导致恶果。Do not encourage buying animals for release; good intentions may lead to bad outcomes.6、提高环境意识,爱护花草树木,保护野生动物,维护公共设施,促进人与人、人与社会、人与自然的...

  • 18440363691保护动物的英语句子
    程帝清答:10、爱护动物,就是爱护你自己。Take care of animals.11、保护野生动物,不打鸟,不捉蛇,不捉青蛙。Protect wild animals, do not fight birds, do not catch snakes, do not catch frogs.12、动物是人类的朋友,请爱护它吧!爱护动物人人有责。Animals are friends of human beings, please tak...

  • 18440363691有没有5句关于保护动物的句子(要用英语说)
    程帝清答:(1)Together we can move the world to protect animals.我们可以共同推动世界保护动物。(2)One of our vision is a world where animal cruelty has ended.我们的愿景之一是: 世界上虐待动物已经结束。(3)Find out how we can help stop animal cruelty and support animal protection.找出我...

  • 18440363691保护动物的英语名言
    程帝清答:2、护鸟光荣,打鸟可耻。hudiao glory, birding shame.3、没有动物,生命没有了动力。no animal, life did not have the power.4、保护动物,与自然和谐。to protect animals, harmony with nature.5、善待动物,和谐生存!people for the ethical treatment of animals, harmonious survival!6、关注...

  • 18440363691保护动物的名言英语
    程帝清答:29、保护鸟类,保护野生动物,人人有责烹饪家养动物人人有责。Protect birds, protect wildlife, everybody is responsible for cooking everybody is responsible for domestic animals.30、即使是凶猛的野兽,如果总关在笼里,也会失去自己的勇猛本性。Even fierce beast, if always confined in a cage, ...

  • 18440363691保护动物的标语简短英文
    程帝清答:保护动物的标语简短英文1 1、地球上没有动物,那是一个没有活力的世界。 there are no animals on the earth, it is a world without vitality. 2、我们的地盘我作主,我们的动物共爱护。 our site i make decisions, our animal care. 3、不要让人类成为最后一种动物。 dont let man be the last animal...

  • 18440363691保护动物的英语宣传语
    程帝清答:Care for life, protect birds.4、同在蓝天下人鸟共家园。The blue sky with a total human bird homes.5、是先有鸟还是先有蛋,你不知道,我不知道,只有鸟知道。Is the first bird or egg, you do not know, I do not know, only the birds know.6、保护鸟类保护野生动物人人有责。To ...

  • 18440363691保护动物的英语名句
    程帝清答:25、莫以人的智能去诱骗,迫使动物做勉为其难之事。 26、爱的力量是伟大的我相信爱可以融化我们冰封的心。 27、善待动物,和谐生存! 28、保护动物,与自然和谐。 29、大家行动起来吧,为保护动物而战斗。 30、不鼓励采集,购买,制作动物标本,莫以科学名义伤天害理。 31、保护鸟类,保护野生动物,人人有责烹饪家养动...

  • 18440363691保护动物的英语标语
    程帝清答:19、保护动物,人人有责。请维持生态的平衡。Animal protection, everyone's responsibility. Please maintain ecological balance.20、不参与残害生灵的活动,如射猎动物。Do not participate in activities such as maim, hunted animal.21、尽量少用杀虫剂,除草剂等化学药品。Try to avoid pesticides, ...

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