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Individually the posters also tend to reflect what is going on culturally at the time, for example posters for the 1995 performances of The Tempest and Troilus and Cressida carried the political and promotional message “Free Will” that was not only an advertisement for the free performances, but also as rallying cry to arts supporters to exercise their public influence as that year a conservative Republican Congress was threatening federal funding of the arts.
在特别情况下,海报也倾向于反映在文化方面发生的事情。比如,为1995年《暴风雨》和《科利奥兰纳斯》表演制作的海报就携带着“自由意志”的政治推销信息。这一信息不仅是为“自由演出”刊登的广告,也是在当保守共和国会威胁到艺术联邦基金时, 艺术支持者用来运用它们政治影响的强有力的战斗口号。

The 1996 poster for the productions of Henry V and Timon of Athens afforded Scher some of the most playful typography of the series. "I call this poster simply 'The Vee,' because the big V held the whole poster together," she says.

Scher combined her trademark handwriting with wood type in the 1997 poster for On the Town and Henry VIII. The season represented the culmination of Papp's ambition to produce all of Shakespeare's plays at the Delacorte. The marathon took ten years and its success is noted on the left side of the poster.

The typography of the 1998 poster emphasized the melodrama of the two plays featured, Shakespeare's Cymbeline and Thornton Wilder's Skin of Our Teeth.

While winking at news headlines during the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal, the posters for The Taming of the Shrew and Tartuffe singled out the words "lust," "shrew" and "tart" in a degraded fluorescent red.

For the 2000 design of the poster for Winter’s Tale and Julius Caesar, Scher reversed form and did a deliberately pastel poster. The design also subtly related the state of print in the millennium—on the Web.

The 2001 poster for Measure for Measure and The Seagull doubled as a map of Central Park. "It took me seven years to realize that the park is the same proportion as the posters," says Scher.

In 2003, after the invasion of Iraq, a poster for Henry V featured a quote from the play (“We doubt not of a fair and lucky war…”). Due to budget constraints from the weakened economy, only one play is produced for the next two years.

The 2004 poster for Much Ado About Nothing was the only photography based poster and "the one I like the least," says Scher. But the lush image of the park at night perfectly captured the romanticism of the play.

Posters for the 2005 plays As You Like It and Two Gentlemen of Verona ushered in Akzidenz Grotesk as the identity's new principal font.
2005年的《皆大欢喜》和《维罗纳二绅士》海报开创了使用Akzidenz Grotesk作为标题的新的主要字体的先河。

In 2006 the Akzidenz Grotesk was extended and “War” was declared for productions of Macbeth and Mother Courage and Her Children
2006年,Akzidenz Grotesk字体继续被使用。这一年,“战争”环绕在《麦克白》和《勇敢妈妈和她的孩子》的海报中。

A corrective slate of the romantic comedies Romeo and Juliet and A Midsummer Night’s Dream in 2007 led to “Free Love" in the park and an Akzidenz Grotesk that was ardently italicized and provocatively rounded.
2007年,浪漫剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》和《仲夏夜之梦》的修正后的石板色海报在公园里倡导着“自由恋爱”。在这张海报中,Akzidenz Grotesk被排成斜体字,并被很强烈的圆形化了。


在重新认识莎士比亚的启动仪式上,让我们回顾一下过去13 年Sher为纽约莎士比亚节(现在叫在公园中的莎士比亚)做的宣传海报。2002年单这项活动是在室内做时 Sher缺席了那次活动。Sher第一次着手为“大众”设计的是1994 年公园中的莎士比亚年度作品“温莎风流娘们” 和“维洛那二绅士”。那张宣传海报借用了传统英国古典剧院的布告方式和大胆的有些写小坏的语言。Scher是为“大众”更特别而发挥作用。这些年来,那些宣传海报以有趣的方式建立自己的风格,然而在不知不觉中他们却改变了自己的给人们的印象。





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