喜羊羊与灰太狼之兔年顶呱呱3 英语全集片段翻译

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Moon Castle:The space adventure
wolffy灰太狼 weslie喜羊羊 1wolnie is now pregnant .红太狼又怀了宝宝
2.The home of wolffy was demolish by it relative. 灰太狼家被它亲戚拆了
3.The tears shed by wolffy when is laughing are sweet. 灰太狼的眼泪是甜的 4.And the sweetness is as intense as the Sweetness tree! 甜蜜的程度跟甜甜树不相上下 5.Shed some loughing to save the Moon, 笑出眼泪能拯救地球

A Nice FilmThe day before yesterday,I saw a film named Ring King It is said the film has won the Oscar award.Before filming,the director spent seven years planning.There are about one thousand actors and actresses taking part.The film is about a powerful ring which affects the fate of the beings.In their fight for peace,many people lost their lives.But in the end,justice defeated the evil.The film tells us that persistence and courage are the source of success.With persistence and courage,you are sure to win no matter how weak you are.I enjoyed the film very much.It'sworth seeing although it's very long.

我有啊~但要等两天。我们班要排练英语话剧 正好是喜羊羊与灰太狼之兔年顶呱呱
老师安排我们每人打一段。回校拿到后我就给你。要不然我先把31分钟及后面的一段发给你吧 !
美羊羊:Somebady! Someone help Madam Wolnie is not feeling well
Can you send a doctor or nurse here?
苦瓜兵:Our medical staff only treats plants and vegetations,they do not know how to treat animals If you want to enjoy our medical benefits, then you have to first change her into a botanic wolf.
懒洋洋:Wilie, even if you howl until you are hoarse, ir is useless. They are all rotten gourds!
小西瓜:You will be punished if you verbally insult anyone here!
红太郎:Rotten melon! Don’t you dare to touch my son.
小灰灰:Don’t hit Mummy!
美羊羊:Wolnie is pregnant,you can’t hit her!Don’t all of you have mothers?
小西瓜:We are cloned by high-tech techniques,unlike low caste mammals.
灰太狼:Bitter Gourd’s Base is very easy to locate!
电动门:Rocket launch Control Room.
灰太狼:The rocket launch control room. Is this the control switch?
电动门:It hurts! Report your name now! What is the password?
灰太狼:The password is…
电动门:The password is correct!
灰太狼:Excellentl Honey, I have found the way to return to Earth! Trouble!
电动门:Whoever is inside take note! You have been surrounded!
小南瓜:Pumpkin triple Kick! Pumpkin Flying Kick! High Kick!
小西瓜:Move away! Watch my Melon Seed Kung Fu!
灰太狼:Please don’t hit my face,Okay? Otherwise, I won’t be allowed in front of the TV camera!
哈密瓜:My Lord, I have brought the animal you are looking for?
苦瓜王: Wolffy!
灰太狼:How do you know my name?
苦瓜王:With your despicable and cunning nature, who does not know you, Wolffy! Let me introduce myself I am the all knowing, all-acpable, green with good looks, and most powerful Lord of the Universe, the Bitter Gourd King! My plan to turn the Moon bitter is only my first step. Next, I plan to turn the whole Solar system bitter, followed by the entire Universe!
众小瓜:The Bitter Gourd King is great!
灰太狼:I dislike the calligraphy of the bitter word on your face! Quickly release my wife and son!
苦瓜王:Foolish Gourd!
灰太狼:What? How dare you call me a foolish gourd?
苦瓜王:You are even fit to be a foolish gourd I am referring to hin!
傻瓜: Beside the Bitter Gourd King no one dares to call me a foolish gourd
苦瓜王:Foolish Gourd, take care of him!
灰太狼:With you alone?
傻瓜:Scissors cut!
灰太狼:No one can disarm my bombs, Disarm…
苦瓜王:Wolffy, since we are all anti-establishment elements If you help me execute one task, I can consider releasing you wife and son .
灰太狼:Order your gourds to do the dirty work I am not foolish gourd!






喜羊羊与灰太狼之兔年顶呱呱3 英语全集片段翻译视频

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