求一篇关于描写枣的英语文章 有急用,高手帮下忙啊 字数多一点,好的话再追加50分啊,在线等啊 有急用,,

来自:    更新日期:早些时候

une belle histoire

hier, je suis alle avec ma soeur au cinema.
on regardait le film horreur.
ca me choque. parce que j'ai tres peur de ca.
mais il y a mon star prefere dans cette film
alors ,j'ai choisi ca.
quand le film a termine,moi et ma soeur sont allees a la maison.
il est midi. nous sommes alles dans un restaurant et on avait manger des spaghettis. ca a etait tres bon.tres delicieux.
apres le manger,nous avons pris le metro pour rentrer a la maison

nous sommes un peu fatigue et irons dormir. le jour apres ,l'ecole commence.

ahjh hhhwd hwiuhiuhkjnjhjsaghd hwduh nj hjhwah ijhew huh h.wu,uhdsi.hkjncjxzncmxcjjkdshdwhdiu.uishdui,dsfef.

Jujube is one of the endemic economic trees in China. Its cultivated history is more than 3000 years, and the edible history of jujube can be traced back to more than 7800 years ago. Up to date, the annual output of jujubes of China occupies 98 % of those of the world production totally.

In Shanxi Province, the resources of jujubes are very rich due to the unique natural condition. Among them, Huping jujube, as one of the “Four Major Jujubes in Shanxi”, is a very old variety with the long history. Huping jujube containing rich nutrition, best shape and special flavour, is favored by customers. Huping jujube, as the famous dried fruit, is good for fresh eating and dried processing.

{Proverb} According to the Chinese medicinal theory, jujubes are characterized by the effects of nutriting spleens and stomachs, increasing vital energy, detoxifying medicines, protecting livers and strengthening muscle force. As the Chinese proverb goes, three jujubes a day make the people (even 70 years old) always young.

1. Jujubes can increase people’s immunity and can control the cancel cells. The discovery of studies showed that jujubes also improve the growth of leucocytes and decrease cholesterin and increase serum albumin to protect livers.

2. Jujubes contain rich vitamin C, which can transfer the dedundant cholesterin into bile acid. Therefore the people who often take the fresh jujubes, has less the sickness of cholesterin and gallstone.

3. The rich calcium and iron in jujubes can help people avoid poroticbones and anaemia. Especially for the elder, youth and women. Jujubes have the best food curative effect, which is usually can’t be comparable.

4. The nutrition effect of jujubes is very suitable to the recovered weak people.

5. Rutin, as a substance of jujubes, is one kind of medicines can soften the brood vessels and drops brood pressure down. It also has the efficiency to protect the high blood pressure.

6. The jujubes can also used for curing antiallergy, deodorizing strange smell, calming the nerves, relieving the heart, benefiting mind and increasing appetite.

{Optimun and taboo} Jujubes are suitable to most of the people specially for elder, youth and women, however the people with weak stomach and spleen and the tooth patients can’t take jujubes too much. The constipation patients should notice too. Moreover, jujubes and seafood can’t be taken together.

{Dietary} Jujubes with mild character tasting sweet is good for stomachs and spleens. It can nurture yin blood and hearts and moderate the effect of medicines. Jujubes also have the characters to cure the people’s poor appetite, loose bowels and women’s internal organic mania.

{Edible method} Suitable for fresh-eating , cooking, stewing or drinking with boiled water, also for dishes.
枣(Ziziphus jujuba Mill.)是原产于我国特有的经济林树种,到目前已有三千多年的栽培历史,食用历史可追溯到7800年以前。目前,我国枣的年产量占世界总产量98%以上。

山西省枣树资源极其丰富,具有得天独厚的自然条件。其中尤以在历史上被人们称之为“山西四大名枣”之一的“壶瓶枣” 为地方古老的优质品种。“壶瓶枣”以其营养丰富,果形与风味独特,备受消费者青睐。其为鲜食与加工兼备的优良品种,是当前制干加工红枣中的上乘之品,一直被视为本地区“名优稀特”果品。






Jujube is one of the endemic economic trees in China. Its cultivated history is more than 3000 years, and the edible history of jujube can be traced back to more than 7800 years ago. Up to date, the annual output of jujubes of China occupies 98 % of those of the world production totally.

In Shanxi Province, the resources of jujubes are very rich due to the unique natural condition. Among them, Huping jujube, as one of the “Four Major Jujubes in Shanxi”, is a very old variety with the long history. Huping jujube containing rich nutrition, best shape and special flavour, is favored by customers. Huping jujube, as the famous dried fruit, is good for fresh eating and dried processing.

{Proverb} According to the Chinese medicinal theory, jujubes are characterized by the effects of nutriting spleens and stomachs, increasing vital energy, detoxifying medicines, protecting livers and strengthening muscle force. As the Chinese proverb goes, three jujubes a day make the people (even 70 years old) always young.

1. Jujubes can increase people’s immunity and can control the cancel cells. The discovery of studies showed that jujubes also improve the growth of leucocytes and decrease cholesterin and increase serum albumin to protect livers.

2. Jujubes contain rich vitamin C, which can transfer the dedundant cholesterin into bile acid. Therefore the people who often take the fresh jujubes, has less the sickness of cholesterin and gallstone.

3. The rich calcium and iron in jujubes can help people avoid poroticbones and anaemia. Especially for the elder, youth and women. Jujubes have the best food curative effect, which is usually can’t be comparable.

4. The nutrition effect of jujubes is very suitable to the recovered weak people.

5. Rutin, as a substance of jujubes, is one kind of medicines can soften the brood vessels and drops brood pressure down. It also has the efficiency to protect the high blood pressure.

6. The jujubes can also used for curing antiallergy, deodorizing strange smell, calming the nerves, relieving the heart, benefiting mind and increasing appetite.

{Optimun and taboo} Jujubes are suitable to most of the people specially for elder, youth and women, however the people with weak stomach and spleen and the tooth patients can’t take jujubes too much. The constipation patients should notice too. Moreover, jujubes and seafood can’t be taken together.

{Dietary} Jujubes with mild character tasting sweet is good for stomachs and spleens. It can nurture yin blood and hearts and moderate the effect of medicines. Jujubes also have the characters to cure the people’s poor appetite, loose bowels and women’s internal organic mania.

{Edible method} Suitable for fresh-eating , cooking, stewing or drinking with boiled water, also for dishes.


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