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英语作文 假定你是李华,你的美国笔友汤姆暑假要来中国旅游,希望你为他推荐~

Dear Tom
Welcome to China,a friendly country.I'd like to invite you to visit Guilin. Guilin is in the north of Guangxi. The population in the city of Guilin is more than six hundred thousand. There are famous and beautiful sceneries in Guilin.
If you come to Guilin, you will know how clear the water is and how green the hills are. Every year many tourists come to Guilin for a visit. You can take a boat to see the scenes of the Li River. You can also visit the scenic spots in the city on free buses.
You will enjoy yourself if you go to Guilin.
Guilin is in the subtropical monsoon zone and has four distinctive seasons. The weather here is characterized by heavy humidity. Though Guilin is suitable for traveling all year round, and Li River has its beauty in all four seasons, the most popular time is from April till October.
Spring is warm with some rain, building up towards May and June, the wettest months. On rainy days, the rivers, pinnacles and the city itself are shrouded in mist, which is especially enchanting.
Summer in Guilin is hot and humid, but the beauty to be found out doors is quite adequate compensation.
Autumn is beautiful as the weather cools. The terraced fields of Longsheng are wonderfully golden in the harvest season at the end of September or beginning of October.
Winter is cold and moist, especially in January, but can still be very pleasant when the sun is out. It snows occasionally. Winter is the low season so Guilin is lecrowded and it is cheaper to travel.

Dear Tom
Long time no see! Miss you so much!
I know your birthday will be coming, congratulation and happy birthday!
Wish you have a good day!
Best regards
Li hua

Dear Tom,

Chinese students celebrate birthdays just like other people do. We have parties! At a party, gifts are given to the person whose birthday it is. There are many activities, like singing and dancing, as well as giving good wishes. However, I think a more meaningful way to celebrate would be to thank the person who gave birth: the mother. On our birthdays, we could buy a bouquet or make a nice meal for our mothers, to thank them for their love and dedication. What do you think?

Your friend,
Hua Li

亲爱的mark 我是李华,你下个月就要过生日了,我知道你喜欢邮票,所以为你准备了几张中国邮票希望你能够喜欢,在这里我预祝你生日快乐,我还为你准备了一份礼物,希望能给你惊喜,最后祝你生日时许的愿望能够实现。希望能收到你的回信

hello。。。 bye bye


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