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迈克杰克逊 说过经典的话~


  迈克尔杰克逊语录by被神膜拜的男人2008-08-22 21:53
  术存在的原因。” (1993)
  带上。“The Girl is Mine” 并不是完完全全我想要达
  (恰恰)使他变得令人兴奋。” (1995)
  ,也想制作它们。我还喜欢动画。” (1995)
  就像钢铁一样。” (1995)
  了。” (1999)
  烛,然后你就会想,“哇!” 你知道这真的能让你内心
  创造” 这就是我一直以来的感觉。我记得很小的时候创
  这麽做了,这曾是我们的命运。 (1995)
  了。” (1999)

2009年6月25日,杰克逊辞世,享年50岁。2011年11月7日下午,杰克逊的私人医师莫里 “过失杀人罪”罪名成立,服刑四年监禁。


全名:Michael Joseph Jackson
出生日期:1958年8月29日12:13 a.m.
身高:1.78 米(5英尺10英寸)
出生地点:美国 印地安那州 加里市 Jackson街21号(Gary, Indiana, USA)
现今居所:美国 加利福尼亚州 圣芭芭拉市郊 Los Olivos镇,Neverland 河谷牧场(Nederland Valley Ranch, Los Olivos, California,USA)
主要音乐风格:New Jack Swing(新杰克摇摆舞曲),Club/Dance(俱乐部舞曲),Pop/Rock(流行/摇滚),Motown(摩顿黑人音乐),Urban(都市流行),Funk(放克),R&B(节奏布鲁斯)
兴趣爱好:阅读、油画、素描、武术(功夫、柔道、空手道)、舞蹈、游乐园、旅行、购 物、看电影、看卡通、打电子游戏

父亲:Joseph Jackson(出生日期:1929年7月26日)
母亲:Katherine Jackson(出生日期:1930年5月4日)
大姐:Rebbie(又名Maureen Reilette,出生日期:1950年5月29日)
大哥:Jackie(又名Sigmund Esco,出生日期:1951年5月4日)
二哥:Tito(又名Toriano Adaryll,出生日期:1953年10月15日)
二姐:LaToya Yvonne(出生日期:1956年5月29日)
四哥:Marlon David(出生日期:1957年3月12日)
小弟:Randy(又名Steven Randall,出生日期:1961年10月31日)
小妹:Janet Damita Jo(出生日期:1966年5月16日)


第一任妻子:Lisa Marie Presley (1994年5月26日——1996年1月)
[附注:Lisa Marie Presley出生于1968年,职业为歌手,是“猫王”Elvis Presley的独生女。她在同MJ婚姻之前曾同音乐人Danny有过一段婚姻并育有一子一女。]

第二任妻子:Deborah Rowe (1996年11月14日——1999年10月)
[附注:Deborah Rowe,又称Debbie Rowe ,出生于1960年,德国同爱尔兰混血,金发碧眼,职业为皮肤科护士。她在MJ婚姻之前曾同一名职业为中学教师的男子有过7年的婚姻,但无子嗣。]


长子:Prince Michael Jackson, Jr(出生日期:1997年2月13日,Debbie Rowe所生)
长女:Paris Michael Katherine Jackson(出生日期:1998年4月3日,Debbie Rowe所生)
次子:Prince Michael Jackson II(出生日期:2002年3月,生母不详)
教子: Michael Gibb(Bee Gees乐队成员Barry Gibb的儿子)


1、Charlie Chaplin(查理-卓别林,好莱坞默片时代最伟大的戏剧大师)
2、Fred Astaire(弗雷德-阿斯泰尔,好莱坞歌舞片巨星,一代舞王)
3、Gene Kelley(金-凯利,亦是好莱坞歌舞片巨星,踢踏舞王)
4、Berry Gordy(白瑞-葛迪,向世界推广黑人文化和音乐的Motown唱片公司创办人和前总裁)
5、Quincy Jones(昆西-琼斯,超级黑人制作人,创作家,音乐家,一代爵士乐传奇)
6、沃尔特-迪斯尼(Walt Disney,世界动画电影之父)
7、Three Stooges(“三个伙计”,即是Moe、Larry、Curly,他们与自己的经典作品——系列喜剧《三个伙计》联系在一起。在五、六十年代的美国,《三个伙计》是人们生活的一部分,伴随了整整一代人的成长。他们疯狂夸张的表演、经常被折磨得死去活来的狼狈样子,给人们带去了无尽的快乐。甚至,《三个伙计》在美国已成为了一种文化现象,影片中你可以一窥到三、四十年代美国的社会变迁和人事百态。其史无前例跨越三十五年的制作过程,还可堪称为美国早期电影发展的编年史……)

Michael Jackson(迈克尔杰克逊)是音乐全才,他一个人支持了世界上39个慈善救助基金会,保持着2006年的吉尼斯世界个人慈善纪录,是全世界以个人名义捐助慈善事业最多的人。




Michael Jackson,5岁出道,8岁成名,10岁出唱片,12岁成为美国历史上最年轻的冠军歌曲歌手,25岁时打破乐坛所有销售与获奖的记录,30岁时被誉为“流行音乐之王”!他是集作词作曲编曲制作乐器弹奏演唱舞蹈于一身的艺术奇才!直到今天,虽然树大招风,谣言满天,但他,仍然是全球乐坛上最闪耀的那颗星!

他一人在《吉尼斯世界记录大全》上占七个项目!其中包括:销量最高的唱片(THIRLLER专集至今全球销量第一 ;冠军曲目最多的专集(BAD专集11首歌就占了5首冠军歌!)等等。







Michael Jackson(迈克尔杰克逊)是这个世界的歌王和舞王,他创作的音乐作品旋律很棒,很经典!

michael jackson(迈克尔杰克逊)在20几岁的时候就已经获得了由里根总统亲自颁发的“世界杰出青年奖”以及“特别贡献奖”,并出席了由里根总统和南西夫人为他个人举办的颁奖仪式,并享受了国宾待遇。



The King of Pop(流行音乐之王)----Michael Jackson(迈克尔·杰克逊)创造了音乐的传奇,他的几亿张唱片销量,他魔幻般的舞蹈,绝美的的歌唱,作曲的天赋,他曾得过极多的人道主义奖,最负盛名的格莱美音乐奖的大多数奖项,奥斯卡最佳短片奖,同时,他也捐助过数量庞大的慈善机构,拯救过无数的各国贫苦儿童……

Michael Jackson的事业极为成功。他不仅是位歌手,还是杰出的创作者、制作人、组织者和音乐家,他开创了现代流行乐的模式,其专辑销量远远超出其他独唱歌手。他的现场表演向人们展示了不竭活力,不羁情感和最高境界的演出技巧。毫无疑问,他就是流行乐之王。

Steven Spielberg(斯蒂文•斯皮尔伯格)说:“我有幸认识Michael Jackson长达13年,MJ是个毫不矫饰的人,也并不虚幻。模仿他和毁灭他是件困难的事。他所做的最明智的一件事就是小心的保护了他最正直的内心。这正是他身上我们最喜爱的部分。Michael对这个世界上哭诉的声音有着超人的敏感。通过他的“Heal The World”基金会,他努力保护着这个地球上最珍贵的资源——孩子,还有环境。他感到了近乎父母般的责任——世界上所有的儿童都是他的孩子。Michael为如此多的人做出了这么多的贡献,而他本身已经成为这个星球上最珍贵的资源之一。”“Michael是世界公认的唯一的获得最多赞誉的艺人。当你聆听并且欣赏他的音乐时,我相信你会赞同我们这些他的乐迷得到了最好的回报。”“他是这个世界上最后一个按自己方式生活的天真无邪的人。我从没见过想他这样的人。他是一个情绪话的童星。他按自己的方式行事。有时他看起来行事飘忽不定,但事实上他做的每件事都有其自己的道理。他对自己演艺生涯和选择都很聪明。我认为他绝对是一个正直善良的人。”

Elizabeth Taylor(伊丽莎白•泰勒)说:“MJ的确是国际上最受欢迎的巨星,不论什么年龄段的人都喜欢他,他拥有难以置信的能量,是乐坛上的超强势力。在音乐艺术领域里,他是娱乐界高标准作品质量的标杆,他是个先锋人物。”“Michael是个智慧,精明,感性,善解人意,富有同情心,并且慷慨到过分的人。他个性正直——这正直经常带来痛苦——被戳到痛处易受伤害。他还很好奇,总想弄明白是什么使人们坚持到最后,幸存下来。他并不真正属于这个星球,如果他显得格格不入的话,那是因为他已经超越了生命的极限。”“没有人可以望其项背,没人能跳出他的舞步,没人能写出他的歌词,更不可能像他出现时那样引起如此大的骚动。当我听到MJ这个名字,我想到的是耀眼巨星的万丈光芒,激光般的眩目,我深深的敬佩他。我认为他是世界上最大最好的明星,同样也是世上为人所知的最有天赋的音乐制作人。他是震动全球的伟人,在我眼里,他是真命天子,是流行、摇滚和灵魂乐之王。”


Biography for
Michael Jackson (I)
advertisement Date of Birth
29 August 1958, Gary, Indiana, USA

Birth Name
Michael Joseph Jackson

The Gloved One
Wacko Jacko
King Of Pop

5' 9" (1.75 m)

Mini Biography
American superstar Michael Jackson was born in Gary, Indiana in 1958 and has been entertaining audiences nearly his entire life. His father, Joseph Jackson, had been a guitarist but was forced to give up his musical ambitions following his marriage to Katherine (Scruse). Together they prodded their growing family's musical interests at home. By the early 60s the older boys Jackie, Tito and Jermaine had begun performing around the city; by 1964 Michael and Marlon had joined in.

A musical prodigy, Michael's singing and dancing talents were amazingly mature and he soon became the dominant voice and focus of "The Jackson 5." An opening act for such soul groups as the O-Jays and James Brown, it was Gladys Knight (not Diana Ross) who officially brought the group to Berry Gordy's attention, and by 1969 the boys were producing back-to-back chartbusting hits as Motown artists. As a product of the 70s, the boys had emerged as one of the most accomplished black pop/soul vocal groups in music history, successfully evolving from a Temptations-like group act to a disco phenomenon.

Solo success for Michael was inevitable, and by the 80s he had become infinitely more popular than his brotherly group. Record sales consistently orbited, culminating in the biggest-selling album of all time, "Thriller." A TV natural, he ventured rather uneasily into films, such as playing the Scarecrow in The Wiz (1978/I), but had better luck with elaborate music videos.

In the 90s the down side as an 80s pop phenomenon began to show. Michael grew terribly child-like and introverted by his celebrity. A rather timorous, androgynous figure to begin with, his physical appearance began to change drastically and his behavior grew alarmingly bizarre, making him a consistent target for scandal-making, despite his numerous charitable acts. Two brief marriages -- one to Elvis Presley's daughter Lisa Marie Presley -- were forged and two children produced by his second wife during that time, but the purposes were obviously image oriented. Despite it all, Michael Jackson's skills as a singer, dancer, writer and businessman are unparalleled, and it is these prodigious talents that will ultimately prevail over the extremely negative aspects of his seriously troubled life.

IMDb Mini Biography By: Gary Brumburgh / [email protected]

Debbie Rowe (15 November 1996 - 8 October 1999) (divorced) 2 children
Lisa Marie Presley (18 May 1994 - 18 January 1996) (divorced)

Trade Mark
The Moonwalk.

Single sequined white glove.

He always wears white socks with black shoes.

Says "Hee Hee" in many of his songs

Through his "Heal the World" Foundation, Jackson spearheaded airlifts of food and medical supplies to war-torn Sarajevo, instituted mentoring, immunization and drug-abuse education programs and paid for a Hungarian child's liver transplant.

Second child, daughter Paris Michael Katherine Jackson, is born. [3 April 1998]

Wife, Rowe, gave birth to a son in Beverly Hills, named Prince Michael Jackson Jr. [13 February 1997]

Macaulay Culkin is godfather to his two eldest children.

Married Lisa Marie Presley in La Vega, Dominican Republic, by Judge Hugo Francisco Alvarez Perez. Witnesses present were Thomas Keough and Eve Darling (Lisa Marie's ex-brother-in-law and his wife, ex-sister-in-law). [26 May 1994]

Shares with Carlos Santana record for most Grammys won in one year, with eight in 1984.

First solo artist to generate four top ten hits on the Billboard charts on one album with "Off the Wall."

First artist to generate seven top ten hits (USA) on one album with "Thriller."

Only artist in history to generate five #1 hits (USA) from one album with "Bad."

With Lionel Richie, co-wrote the song "We Are the World," and was one of its performers.

His 1982 album "Thriller" is the biggest selling album of all time, with confirmed sales of over 47 million copies worldwide.

His 1991 album "Dangerous" is second to "Thriller" as the biggest selling album of all time, with over 20 million copies sold worldwide.

His 1987 album "BAD" is third to "Thriller" as the biggest selling album of all time, with 20 million copies sold worldwide.

Brother of (in this order) Rebbie Jackson, Jackie Jackson, Tito Jackson, Jermaine Jackson, La Toya Jackson, Marlon Jackson, Randy Jackson and Janet Jackson.

Copied his moon walk after mime Marcel Marceau in "walk-against-the- wind" pantomime techniques.

Wrote and recorded a song called "On the Line", produced by Kenneth 'Babyface' Edmonds, for the film Get on the Bus (1996) that was not included on the soundtrack for the film.

The name of his 2700-acre ranch near Santa Ynez, California, is Neverland Valley Ranch. It contains Jackson's house, an amusement park co-designed by Macaulay Culkin, a private theater and dance stage, and exotic animals.

Once dated Brooke Shields.

He is being sued by two former financial advisors for $25 million over alleged unpaid expenses. Jackson denies owing them anything. [9 September 2001]

Claims to have a skin disease called vitiligo.

Was a Jehovah's Witness.

Uncle of Jermaine Jackson II, Valencia Jackson, Brittany Jackson, Marlon Jackson Jr..

His estate contains a child's mini coaster, Zipper, Bumper cars, Merry go round, octopus, Giant slide and rocking dragon.. There is also a full size basketball court, water wars section (for water gun fights) 2 Trains, (one steam train) and a zoo where he has various exotic animals including elephants, giraffes, alligators, a tiger and even an Anaconda.

He does not own the right to the entire Beatles catalogue. For example, the family of the late George Harrison own songs he wrote, including "Something," and Sony music owns 50% of the catalogue after Jackson sold it to them because he needed the money.

Son of Katherine Jackson, and Joe Jackson.

Inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2001 (as a solo artist).

Inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1997 (as a member of the Jackson 5).

Jackson shocked his fans when he dangled his third child, infant Prince Michael II, over a balcony on the fourth floor of a Berlin, Germany hotel for all hovering fans to see. He later stated that he made "a terrible mistake." [November 2002]

Starting with Black or White (1991) (V), Jackson and his record company refer to his music videos, before or since, as "short films," never "videos".

Has his look-alike puppet in the French show _"Guignols de l'info, Les" (1988)_ .

Father of Prince Michael Jackson I, Prince Michael Jackson II, and Paris Jackson.

Is the godfather of Michael Gibb, son of Bee Gees frontman Barry Gibb.

He and his lawyer, Mark Geragos, sued jet charter company XtraJet for invasion of privacy. The firm allegedly installed hidden cameras to tape the two's confidential attorney-client conversations. A California judge has barred the firm from releasing or selling any footage it may have obtained. [25 November 2003]

In 2002 had planned to produce and star in the movie "The Nightmares of Edgar Allan Poe", about the last years of writer Edgar Allan Poe. He was to star as the famed 19th century author (who was Caucasian), and had written music for the film as well.

For a charity event held at the Neverland Ranch in September 2003, for the first time ever, he invited an artist from the outside to perform there. It was Yannick Harrison, also known as Jay Kid, from Denmark that performed a number of his interpretations of Michael Jackson songs for the specially invited guests.

Has sold 170 million albums worldwide.

Was present at the private funeral service for Maurice Gibb.

He was voted the 35th Greatest Artist of all time in Rock 'n' Roll by Rolling Stone.

His favourite "Beatles' song is "Come Together" - his version of the song is on "History - Past, Present and Future."

Was found not guilty on ten counts of child molestation on 13 June 2005 due to lack of evidence.

Ranked #11 in VH1's list of the "100 Greatest Kid Stars" with his brothers as the Jackson Five

He was (along with Tito Jackson) co-best man at Liza Minnelli's and David Guest's wedding

Tatum O'Neal was Jackson's first girlfriend and allegedly his first real love.

His hit song "Bad" from 1987 was initially supposed to be a duet with fellow 80's superstar Prince. Prince said in an interview that he did not wish to sing the line "Your butt is mine".

Ex-brother-in-law of James DeBarge.

President Ronald Reagan wanted to award a special White House medal to Jackson, Bob Hope and the late John Wayne in 1984. However, future Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Roberts advised against the proposal, saying the award was too much for a pop singer.

Received a Presidential Humanitarian Award from President Reagan at the White House in May 1984, in recognition of Jackson's contribution to the government's campaign against drunk driving. "Beat It" was used in television advertisements.

Jackson joined Chris Tucker, Tony Bennett, former president Bill Clinton and members of the Democratic National Committee at Harlem's Apollo Theatre in New York for a concert fundraiser. Tucker co-hosted the event with actress Cicely Tyson, while Rubén Blades, k.d. lang and Bennett performed. Jackson sang a medley of songs that included "Black or White" and "Smooth Criminal," and was joined by Jane's Addiction guitarist and former Red Hot Chili Pepper David M. Navarro for a portion of his set. (24 April 2002)

Attended a memorial service for the late actor Marlon Brando in August 2004, along with Warren Beatty, Jack Nicholson and Sean Penn.

Addressed the Oxford Union on the subject of child welfare and his new initiative "Heal the Kids". (6 March 2001)

Was asked to write and perform the songs for Batman (1989), but had to turn it down due to his concert commitments.

In January 2000 Jackson announced he was considering retiring from the music industry, citing his weariness at publicity as a reason.

In 1997, Jackson released an album of new material coupled with remixes of hit singles from the "HIStory" album titled "Blood on the Dance Floor: HIStory in the Mix". He dedicated the album to his friend Sir Elton John, who had helped him through his addiction to prescribed painkillers. It went on to sell 6 million copies worldwide, making it the biggest selling remix album of all time.

His album "HIStory: Past, Present and Future - Book I" has sold 16 million copies worldwide since its release in 1995, making it the biggest selling multiple-disc album of all time.

His 2001 album "Invincible" sold 8 million copies worldwide.

In January 1993 Jackson performed during the halftime show at Super Bowl XXVII. It drew the largest viewing audience in the history of American television.

In a move named by Jackson's advisers as "refinancing," it was announced in April 2006 that Jackson had struck a deal with Sony and Fortress investments. In the deal Sony may be allowed to take control of half of Jackson's 50% stake in Sony/ ATV Music Publishing (worth an estimated $1 billion) which Jackson co-owns. Jackson would be left with 25% of the catalog, with the rest belonging to Sony. In exchange, Sony negotiated with a loans company on behalf of Jackson. Jackson's $200m in loans were due in December 2005 and were secured on the catalog. Jackson failed to pay and the Bank of America sold them to Fortress investments, a company dealing in distressed loans. However, Jackson hasn't as yet sold any of the remainder of his stake. The possible purchase by Sony of 25% of Sony/ATV Music Publishing is a conditional option; it is assumed the singer will try to avoid having to sell part of the catalog of songs including material by other artists such as Bob Dylan and Destiny's Child. As another part of the deal Jackson was given a new $300 million loan, and a lower interest rate on the old loan to match the original Bank of America rate. When the loan was sold to Fortress investments they increased the interest rate to 20%.

Winner of the Brit Award for International Male in 1989.

Winner of the British Phonographic Industry Award for International Solo Artist in 1988.

Winner of the British Phonographic Industry Award for International Solo Artist in 1984.

Was a frequent guest at the infamous "Studio 54"

On 27 May 2006, Jackson accepted a Legend Award at MTV Japan's VMA Awards in Tokyo. It was his first public appearance since being found not guilty in his child molestation trial almost a year earlier. The award was honoring his influence and impact in music videos over the past 25 years.

Despite a number of surgeons' claims that Jackson has undergone multiple nasal surgeries as well as a forehead lift, thinned lips and cheekbone surgery, Jackson wrote in his 1988 autobiography "Moon Walk" that he only had two rhinoplastic surgeries and the surgical creation of a cleft in his chin, while attributing puberty and diet to the noticeable change in the structure of his face.

Jackson hired film director Martin Scorsese to direct the video for the "Bad" album's title track. When the 18-minute music video debuted on television, it sparked a great deal of controversy as it was apparent that Jackson's appearance had changed dramatically. Although Jackson's skin color had been a medium- brown color for the entire duration of his youth, his skin had gradually become paler since 1982, and had now become a light brown color. This was now so noticeable that the entire press took out widespread coverage on it and claimed that Jackson had bleached his own skin. In 1993 Jackson claimed that his changing skin color is due to a skin disorder vitiligo whilst on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" (1986).

Performed at the ball for President Bill Clinton's first inauguration on 20 January 1993.

"Michael Jackson: The Ultimate Collection", his third greatest hits package in less than ten years, sold 250,000 copies worldwide following its release in October 2004.

"The Essential Michael Jackson", another greatest hits package, debuted at a surprisingly high Number 2 on the UK charts and sold 200,000 copies within five months. In the United States it only reached Number 96 and soon disappeared.

Recorded an anti-war song about the US invasion of Iraq, "We've Had Enough", which was included on his greatest hits package "Michael Jackson: The Ultimate Collection".

His greatest hits compilation "Michael Jackson: Number Ones" sold 6 million copies worldwide following its release in November 2003, peaking at Number 1 in most countries except the United States. It had been planned at the last minute after "Resurrection", a follow-up to his 2001 album "Invincible", was canceled.

Fortress Investment Group foreclosed and took possession of Jackson's half- interest in the Sony/ATV Music Publishing company, estimated to be worth $1 billion, as well as the entire MiJac Music Publishing company. (December 2005)

Promotional videos of his songs directed by, among others, John Landis and John Singleton have cost more than some motion pictures.

Paid $1.5 million in 1999 for the Best Picture Oscar awarded to David O. Selznick for Gone with the Wind (1939).

Announced his intention to record a charity single dedicated to the victims of Hurricane Katrina entitled, "I Have This Dream". Ciara, Snoop Dogg, R. Kelly, Keyshia Cole, James Ingram, Michael Jackson's brother Jermaine Jackson, Shanice, the Shirley Caesar and The O'Jays all supposedly lent their voices to the charity song. At the time, Jackson's spokesperson, Raymone K. Bain, said the list of performers included Mary J. Blige, 'Missy 'Misdemeanor' Elliott' , Jay-Z, James Brown and Lenny Kravitz. All of these artists later appeared to be no longer participating. More than a year later, the Katrina Charity Single remains unreleased. (13 September 2005)

He is a close friend of the former child star Mark Lester, and is godfather to his children.

Former son-in-law of Elvis Presley.

Is spoofed in Eminem's music video "Just lose it"

Jackson was fired from Two Seas Records, with whom he had signed a recording contract in April 2006 for one album. The album had been set for a fall 2007 release. (September 2006)

California state authorities ordered Jackson to close the Neverland Ranch and fined him more than $100,000 for failing to pay the staff there or maintain proper insurance. (March 2006).

When Jackson and his brothers performed in England in the early 1970s, he asked to meet actor Mark Lester. "He wanted to meet someone who had a similar background, a child star," Lester said. The result has been a lifelong friendship.

Presented with an "Artist of the decade" award by Elizabeth Taylor in 1989, proclaiming him "the true king of pop, rock and soul".

Ordered to pay Debbie Rowe $60,000 for legal fees in their battle for custody over of their two children. Los Angeles Judge Robert Schnider gave Jackson until 28 September to obey the order. Rowe had asked for $195,000, but the judge noted that she had received eight million dollars in the divorce. (6 September 2006).

Was reported to have attempted suicide in December 2005.

His 2001 album "Invincible" had incredibly low sales figures. Instead of blaming this on what was, by most fans and critics, considered mediocre music, he blamed his record label and industry executives, most notably the legendary producer Tommy Mottola, whom Jackson likened to Satan and accused of racism.

In October 2002 it was revealed by various international banks that Jackson was in financial debt into the tens of millions of dollars due to various unpaid loans.

Some of his favorite pastimes were water balloon fights and climbing trees. He wrote several songs sitting in his favorite tree at Neverland, which he called Giving Tree, because it was so inspiring.

Is portrayed by Alex Burrall and Jason Weaver in The Jacksons: An American Dream (1992) (TV).

Godmother of his daughter Paris Jackson is Elizabeth Taylor.

Godmother of his son Prince Michael Jackson I is Elizabeth Taylor.

Godfather of Nicole Richie.

Besides being godfather to Michael's first child Prince Michael Jackson I, Macaulay Culkin is also godfather to Jackson's daughter Paris Jackson.

Did not tour America after the BAD tour in 1987.

Received a Special Award for a Generation at the Brit Awards in 1996.

Received the World Music Award for world's best-selling album of all time, "Thriller", at the Monte Carlo Sporting Club, on 8 May 1996.

Received the Diamond Award for selling more than 100 million albums at the World Music Awards in London on 15 November 2006.

Ended more than a year of speculation by buying the British music publishing company ATV Music for a reported £34 million ($50 million) in August 1985. The company owned 40,000 songs, including the Northern Songs catalog which contained all The Beatles songs up to their Apple Days. Jackson outbid Coca-Cola, EMI, CBS (who thereafter looked after the catalog for Jackson) and a very disappointed Paul McCartney, who had originally tried to buy Northern Songs for £21 million ($35 million) in 1981 and then later - again unsuccessfully - in conjunction with Yoko Ono.

1st May 2001: His video for "Thriller" was voted at #1 by VH1 on their countdown of the Top 100 Greatest Videos Of All Time. At #2 was "Like A Prayer" by Madonna.

Won a poll of superstars to have his image on a stamp issued by the Virgin Islands in July 1985. He asked that the Virgin Islands donated all revenue (the stamps were priced between 60 cents and $1.50) to welfare and education.


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    阎英侧迈克尔·杰克逊,1958年8月29日出生于美国印第安纳州盖瑞市,一个黑人小男孩,他的巨星之路从五岁就开始了。父母的慧眼识才,使他与四位兄长组成了The Jackson 5,随着乐队的成长,他逐渐崭露头角,成为团中的灵魂人物。1969年,市长的赏识和Motown老板Berry Gordy的青睐,让Jackson五兄弟登上音乐巅峰,...

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    阎英侧二、案件进展与结果 经过多年的调查和审判,该案最终通过司法程序进行审理。在法庭上,证据和证词均表明该指控为虚假。迈克尔·杰克逊被证明并没有实施性侵行为,该案最终判决他为无罪。三、公众反应与影响 这一案件对迈克尔·杰克逊的职业生涯和个人生活产生了重大影响。在案件审理期间,公众...

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    阎英侧姓名:迈克尔·杰克逊 英文名称:Michael Jackson 生日:1958年8月29日 星座:处女座 身高:178(cm)\/5尺10寸 体重:120(kg)婚姻状况:迈克尔现在没有结婚。最喜欢的零食:蔬菜,寿司 最喜欢的动物:黑猩猩,蟒蛇 最喜欢的电影作品:《阿拉丁》通讯地址:Neverland Vallec\/o PostmasFigueroa MounSanta ...

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