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2011六年级小学毕业考试卷数学语文英语的答案 河北的卷子~


1、一个数亿位上是最大的一位数、千万位上是6,万位上是最小的合数,千位上是最小的质数,其余数位上是0,这个数是写作( ),把它四舍五入到亿位记作( )亿。
2、把 3/4:1.8化成最简整数比是( ),比值是( )。
3、2/5 小时=( )分 8.06立方米=( )升
4、一堆化肥有6吨,按1∶3∶4分给甲、乙、丙三个生产队,甲队分得这堆化肥的(——),乙队分得( )吨。
5、甲乙两地相距35千米,画在一幅地图上的长度是7厘米,这幅地图的比例尺是( )。
6、24和54的最小公倍数是( ),最大公约数是( )。
7、六年级同学开展植树活动,成活80棵,5棵没有成活。成活率是( )。
8、一根绳子的长度等于它本身长度的 3/5加上2/5 米,这绳子长( )米。
9、正方体棱长的总和是48厘米,它的表面积是( )平方厘米,体积是( )立方厘米。
10、一件工作,甲独做2天可完成这件工作的1/3 。照这样计算,剩下的工作还需( )天完成。
11、一个圆柱体,如果把它的高截短3厘米,表面积就减少94.2平方厘米。它的底面半径是( )厘米,体积减少了( )立方厘米。
1、平行四边形的对称抽有两条。……………………………………………( )
2、如果x×2/3 =y×3/4 ,那么x:y= 2/3: 3/4。…………………………………( )
3、甲数能被乙数整除,乙数一定是甲乙两数的最大公约数。………………( )
4、工作时间一定,制造每个零件的时间和零件个数成正比例。……………( )
1、3.496保留两位小数约是( )。
①3.49 ②4.00 ③3.50
2、打一份稿件,甲用5分钟,乙用8分钟,甲乙两人工作效率的最简比是( )。 ①5:8 ②8:5 ③1/5 : 1/8
3、下列分数中不能化成有限小数的是( )。
①7/10 ② 5/16 ③ 3/12 ④ 9/14
5.4+8= 9-2/3 = 9÷27/29 = 1/9×18=
3.75+1/4 = 8/3÷4= 9.625-5/8 = 8/5×1.5=
(1-1.2÷ 4/3)÷ 1/5=
① 3/8-4x= 1/8 ② 32:x=0.7: 7/8 ③ 1/3x+5/6 x=1.4

① 308×16-14874÷37 ②(10/3 +3/4 -21/8 )× 6/5 ③ 3.5÷5/8 × 8/15

④ 0.8×2.7+7.3÷ 5/4 ⑤ 9.8÷[28×(1-1/7 )÷6/5 ]
① 一个数的 1/3加上2.8,等于12.8,求这个数。

② 80的12%加上1.25除1/3 的商,和是多少?


2、男生总人数比女生少( )%。
3、六年级三个班平均每个班( )人。

2、某洗衣机厂五月份计划生产洗衣机504台,实际上半月完成了5/9 ,下半月完成了2/3 ,这个月实际生产洗衣机多少台?

3、一项工程,甲单独做 8天完成,乙单独做12天完成。现在甲乙合做3天后,剩下的由甲独做,还需几天完成?



6、某校参加数学竞赛的男生与女生的人数比是6:5,后来又增加了5名女生,这时女生人数是男生人数的 8/9。原来参加数学竞赛的女生有多少人?

1、选择正确答案的序号填写在( )里。(本题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)
(1)下列各组词语中,带点字的读音有错误的一组是( )。
①处理(ch ) 一缕(l ) 要挟(xi ) 闪烁(shu )
②勉强(qi ng) 胆怯(qi ) 僻静(b ) 简朴(p )
③标杆(g n) 峻工(j n) 飞翔(xi ng) 担当(d n)
(2)下列个组词语中,有错别字的一组是( )。
①骏马 虚弱 纯熟 悲惨 连绵不断
②惩罚 耻辱 书籍 军阀 兴国安帮
③逊色 阻挠 忧虑 剧本 应接不暇
(3)下列句子中的六个“和”,按意思可分为两组,正确的分法是( )。
(4)选择与“宁为玉碎,不为瓦全”一句的句子类型完全相同的一句是( )。
A一座 B 现代化的 C 北京市 D 唯一的 E 新型的
(1)写出含有“绿色”的词语。 --------------- -----------------
(3)写出带有动物名称的成语。-------------------- ----------------- --------------------
(4)写出含有夸张意思的成语。-------------------------- -------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A庐山 B小草 C春雨 D梅花 C柳树

我是一个叫晶晶的女孩,前几天,我晚自习回家,被一辆大卡车撞死了司机将我的尸体抛入了路径边的小河里,然后逃走了,你看见了这条消息后 ,请将她发给4个论坛,如果没有发,你的妈妈会在1个月后被车撞死,你的爸爸会得绝症,如果你照着上面做了,在5天后,你喜欢的人也会喜欢你,对不起大家不无意中看评论看 到了 这个吓死我了。不想害人的

一. 英汉互译
在星期五下午 look for _________ ___
跑得快 have a good time ________ _____
上车 ___________ __ take part in ________ _____
在……前面_________ ____collect stamps __________ ___
去购物 ___________ _ the Great Wall _________ ____

( ) 1. —Who’s taller than Wang Bing? —
A. I do. B. I am. C. Yang Ling does.
( ) 2. What animal is her cousin going to ?
A. look at B. look C. looking at
( ) 3. ________ his uncle any books?
A. Do, have B. Does, has C. Does, have
( ) 4. Who do you want to .
A. write to B. write C. writing to
( ) 5. —Whose hairdryer is it? —
A. It’s her B. They’re hers C. It’s hers.
( ) 6. —Where were you last weekend? —
A. She was at home. B. I was at home. C. I were at home.
( ) 7. My father _________ every morning.
A. ran B. run C. runs
( )8. — What’s the weather like there? — It usually _____________.
A. rain B. rainy C. rains
( )9.___________ bird is bigger, the blue one or the red one?
A. Which B. Whose C. Who’s
( )10.What are the twin sisters doing? —_____________.
A. They’re joging. B. She’s jogging. C. They’re jogging.
( )11. I would like _____________ you my new pen.
A. to show B. show C. showing
( )12. I am going to __________in the small town__________ two weeks.
A. live, for B. live, to C. living, for
( ) 13. — Do the girls in red jump higher than the girls in green?
— ?
A. Yes, they do. B. Yes, they are. C. Yes, she does.
( ) 14. My uncle very well in ten years ago.
A. does, swimming B. did, swimming C. did, swim
( ) 15. Do you have any _____________ ?
A. apples or oranges B. an apple or an orange C. apples and oranges
( ) 16. A: It’s a white shirt , is it yours ? B: No. ___ is yellow .
A. I B. My C. Mine D. Me
( )17. ______ any men in the room ?
A. Is there B. Are there C. There aren’t D. There isn’t
( ) 18 . Classes begin seven fifty -five .
A . in B . on C . at D . for
( ) 19. The bed the right is yours .
A . on B . in C . at D . of
( ) 20.These books are my .
A.classmates B.classmates's C . classmates' D . classmates of

1. _______________ (not draw) on the wall.
2. When_____ you _____ (go ) to school this morning?
I ____ (go) to school at seven.
3. Jim speaks ________. (France)
4. My birthday is on the ______ (three) of July.
5. ______ (who) mirror is it? Is it _____ (your)? No, it’s not ______ (I).
6.I _____________ (read ) English now.
7.There ______(be) a big cake and some fruit on the table.
8. Tom _______(have) a birthday party every year.

( ) 1. What can she do ? A. She always goes to the zoo.
( ) 2. Here’s a chair for you. B. Yes, I’d love to.
( ) 3. How much are these apples? C. It’s on Nanjing Road
( ) 4. Where are you going? D. About ten yuan.
( ) 5. Are you as tall as him? E. She can play the piano.
( ) 6. Where’s the bookshop? F. Thank you.
( ) 7. Would you like to come? G. No, I am taller than him.
( ) 8. How does she spend her weekends? H. I’m going to the playground.
四. 改错:(12分)
( )1. My birthday is on first of April. ___________
( )2. I’d like to some balloons . ___________
( )3.Does Ben and his brother like cartoons? ________ __
( )4.They are talk about the weather in Nanjing. ___________
( )5.What do it mean? ___________
( )6.Ben have a Chinese friend . ___________
( )Which season do you like best?
( )How about you?
( )I like autumn best.
( ) Me, too.

1.I like __________ best. Because it’s snowy. I can make snowmen.
2. She wants to write a __________ to her penfriend .
3. There are five p in my family.
4.Look!There are so many presents under the _________tree .
5. W camera is that? It’s mine.
6..His grandpa needs a pair of __________ when he reads newspapers.

1. He does well in Maths. (改为否定句)
__________ __________________
2. Mike is shorter than me. (改为同义句)
___________ _______________
3. _____________________(根据答句提问题)I play the piano.
4. This computer is my father’s. (对画线部分提问)
___________ ______
5. There are some old men in the classroom? (改为单数句)
______________________ __________________
6. I go to school by bus every day. (用Mike替换I)
_____________________________ ____________

1.— 我的书包比你的重.
My schoolbag is _______ than _______.
2.— 昨天上是六一儿童节。你们干什么的?
It _______ ________ ________ yesterday. _
_______ ________ you ______?
3. — 他们正在干什么? — 他们正在上语文课。
— What _______ they _______? — They’re _______ a Chinese lesson .
4. 你去年教师节给你的英语老师卡片了吗?是的。
__ __ you give a card to your English teacher ___ __ Teachers’ Day?
__ _,_ __ __ __.
My family live in a big house in Nanjing. In the morning, my father goes to work. My two sisters—Ann,Mary and I go to school. My father takes us to school every day. My mother doesn’t work. because she can’t speak any Chinese. She cleans all the rooms every day. She has lunch at home and then visits her friends in the afternoon. She wants to go back to England very much. Dad is very busy every day . My sisters and I come home by bus together at 5:10 in the afternoon. My father gets home at 6:30. My mother cooks dinner for us and we have supper together at home. I think I have a happy family.
( ) 1. My family are now in China.
( ) 2. My parents have two children.
( ) 3. My mother can speak a little Chinese.
( ) 4. My sisters and I come home by car.
( ) 5. My father isn’t free every day.
Miss Gao is our teacher. She likes to tell us about her weekends. She
usually gets up early on Saturday. She exercises in the garden for about half anhour.Then she has her breakfast. She doesn't do housework in the morning. Sheoften plays with her dog for about two hours in the park.. The dog runs and
jumps happily. She has lunch at a small restaurant near her home. She doesn't
take a bus home. She enjoys walking down the street and saying hello to her
neighbors. In the afternoon, she cleans her house. She often cooks dinner for
herself. Then she watches TV. She enjoys her weekends very much..
( ) 1. Miss Gao ______ early and ______ in the garden on Saturday .
A. get up ; exercise B. gets up , exercises C. gets up , exercise
( ) 2. She doesn't ______ in the morning .
A. get up B. have breakfast C. do housework
( ) 3. Who does she often play with in the park ? ______ .
A. Her neighbors B. Her dog C. Her teacher
( ) 4. She _______ in the afternoon .
A. exercises B. cleans her house C. watches TV
( ) 5. She often ______ for _______ .
A. walks ; her neighbors B. watches TV ;herself
C. cooks dinner ;herself

一. 英汉互译
在星期五下午 look for _________ ___
跑得快 have a good time ________ _____
上车 ___________ __ take part in ________ _____
在……前面_________ ____collect stamps __________ ___
去购物 ___________ _ the Great Wall _________ ____

( ) 1. —Who’s taller than Wang Bing? —
A. I do. B. I am. C. Yang Ling does.
( ) 2. What animal is her cousin going to ?
A. look at B. look C. looking at
( ) 3. ________ his uncle any books?
A. Do, have B. Does, has C. Does, have
( ) 4. Who do you want to .
A. write to B. write C. writing to
( ) 5. —Whose hairdryer is it? —
A. It’s her B. They’re hers C. It’s hers.
( ) 6. —Where were you last weekend? —
A. She was at home. B. I was at home. C. I were at home.
( ) 7. My father _________ every morning.
A. ran B. run C. runs
( )8. — What’s the weather like there? — It usually _____________.
A. rain B. rainy C. rains
( )9.___________ bird is bigger, the blue one or the red one?
A. Which B. Whose C. Who’s
( )10.What are the twin sisters doing? —_____________.
A. They’re joging. B. She’s jogging. C. They’re jogging.
( )11. I would like _____________ you my new pen.
A. to show B. show C. showing
( )12. I am going to __________in the small town__________ two weeks.
A. live, for B. live, to C. living, for
( ) 13. — Do the girls in red jump higher than the girls in green?
— ?
A. Yes, they do. B. Yes, they are. C. Yes, she does.
( ) 14. My uncle very well in ten years ago.
A. does, swimming B. did, swimming C. did, swim
( ) 15. Do you have any _____________ ?
A. apples or oranges B. an apple or an orange C. apples and oranges
( ) 16. A: It’s a white shirt , is it yours ? B: No. ___ is yellow .
A. I B. My C. Mine D. Me
( )17. ______ any men in the room ?
A. Is there B. Are there C. There aren’t D. There isn’t
( ) 18 . Classes begin seven fifty -five .
A . in B . on C . at D . for
( ) 19. The bed the right is yours .
A . on B . in C . at D . of
( ) 20.These books are my .
A.classmates B.classmates's C . classmates' D . classmates of

1. _______________ (not draw) on the wall.
2. When_____ you _____ (go ) to school this morning?
I ____ (go) to school at seven.
3. Jim speaks ________. (France)
4. My birthday is on the ______ (three) of July.
5. ______ (who) mirror is it? Is it _____ (your)? No, it’s not ______ (I).
6.I _____________ (read ) English now.
7.There ______(be) a big cake and some fruit on the table.
8. Tom _______(have) a birthday party every year.

( ) 1. What can she do ? A. She always goes to the zoo.
( ) 2. Here’s a chair for you. B. Yes, I’d love to.
( ) 3. How much are these apples? C. It’s on Nanjing Road
( ) 4. Where are you going? D. About ten yuan.
( ) 5. Are you as tall as him? E. She can play the piano.
( ) 6. Where’s the bookshop? F. Thank you.
( ) 7. Would you like to come? G. No, I am taller than him.
( ) 8. How does she spend her weekends? H. I’m going to the playground.
四. 改错:(12分)
( )1. My birthday is on first of April. ___________
( )2. I’d like to some balloons . ___________
( )3.Does Ben and his brother like cartoons? ________ __
( )4.They are talk about the weather in Nanjing. ___________
( )5.What do it mean? ___________
( )6.Ben have a Chinese friend . ___________
( )Which season do you like best?
( )How about you?
( )I like autumn best.
( ) Me, too.

1.I like __________ best. Because it’s snowy. I can make snowmen.
2. She wants to write a __________ to her penfriend .
3. There are five p in my family.
4.Look!There are so many presents under the _________tree .
5. W camera is that? It’s mine.
6..His grandpa needs a pair of __________ when he reads newspapers.

1. He does well in Maths. (改为否定句)
__________ __________________
2. Mike is shorter than me. (改为同义句)
___________ _______________
3. _____________________(根据答句提问题)I play the piano.
4. This computer is my father’s. (对画线部分提问)
___________ ______
5. There are some old men in the classroom? (改为单数句)
______________________ __________________
6. I go to school by bus every day. (用Mike替换I)
_____________________________ ____________

1.— 我的书包比你的重.
My schoolbag is _______ than _______.
2.— 昨天上是六一儿童节。你们干什么的?
It _______ ________ ________ yesterday. _
_______ ________ you ______?
3. — 他们正在干什么? — 他们正在上语文课。
— What _______ they _______? — They’re _______ a Chinese lesson .
4. 你去年教师节给你的英语老师卡片了吗?是的。
__ __ you give a card to your English teacher ___ __ Teachers’ Day?
__ _,_ __ __ __.
My family live in a big house in Nanjing. In the morning, my father goes to work. My two sisters—Ann,Mary and I go to school. My father takes us to school every day. My mother doesn’t work. because she can’t speak any Chinese. She cleans all the rooms every day. She has lunch at home and then visits her friends in the afternoon. She wants to go back to England very much. Dad is very busy every day . My sisters and I come home by bus together at 5:10 in the afternoon. My father gets home at 6:30. My mother cooks dinner for us and we have supper together at home. I think I have a happy family.
( ) 1. My family are now in China.
( ) 2. My parents have two children.
( ) 3. My mother can speak a little Chinese.
( ) 4. My sisters and I come home by car.
( ) 5. My father isn’t free every day.
Miss Gao is our teacher. She likes to tell us about her weekends. She
usually gets up early on Saturday. She exercises in the garden for about half anhour.Then she has her breakfast. She doesn't do housework in the morning. Sheoften plays with her dog for about two hours in the park.. The dog runs and
jumps happily. She has lunch at a small restaurant near her home. She doesn't
take a bus home. She enjoys walking down the street and saying hello to her
neighbors. In the afternoon, she cleans her house. She often cooks dinner for
herself. Then she watches TV. She enjoys her weekends very much..
( ) 1. Miss Gao ______ early and ______ in the garden on Saturday .
A. get up ; exercise B. gets up , exercises C. gets up , exercise
( ) 2. She doesn't ______ in the morning .
A. get up B. have breakfast C. do housework
( ) 3. Who does she often play with in the park ? ______ .
A. Her neighbors B. Her dog C. Her teacher
( ) 4. She _______ in the afternoon .
A. exercises B. cleans her house C. watches TV
( ) 5. She often ______ for _______ .
A. walks ; her neighbors B. watches TV ;herself
C. cooks dinner ;herself

语文考试有玛丽居里的那篇课文,4个变成 英语的作文是按2个图片 任选一个 1:一个女孩在滑冰 2:一个女孩在跳舞


260048000 26005 0.76 0.667 120 九分之四九分之五 4A+3 35 26


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    钭疮生2009-07-11 · TA获得超过2149个赞 知道答主 回答量:61 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:36.2万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 二〇〇六年小学英语毕业试卷(2006.5) Part 1 Listening(听力部分) 30%一.Listen and choose听录音,选出你所听到的单词)6% ( ) 1.A.work B.walk C.worker ( ) 2...

  • 19310224549求2011小学六年级下册英语期中考试试卷及答案
    钭疮生2010-2011学年度第二学期 广州六年级英语期中教学质量检查题 听力部分 一、 听录音, 选出与录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里。(10分)( ) 1. A. when B. went C. where ( ) 2. A. short B. shirt C. girl ( ) 3. A. parents B. present...

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