在酷狗音乐播放器上搜“经典非主流 qq 空间专用 dj 英文舞曲” 出来的这首歌的歌词是什么 帮个忙告诉我

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求酷狗里面的一首歌,搜索“dj舞曲”的第二首叫“qq 空间 dj 舞曲 非主流”这首歌叫什么名字~

Floorfiller - 阿巴少年组(A-Teens)
Hey Mr. DJ in case you forgot
I came to get down So you better make it hot
Cause I can't jump around when I hear groove killers
When I'm out sitting down it's a clear time stealer
Give me a track with a phat kind of beat
A groove so unique that it kicks me off my seat
Cause I won't find a mood with a new spine chiller
When the crowd hits the room it's a true crowd thiller
Freeze better make it hot
Music please blow the spot
Play that funky music
That is how we want it Floorfiller
That is how we need it Floorfiller
Something's outta order people in the corners
Don't you see it
Can't you feel it
Crank up a bass that can raise up the roof
A bomb diggy drum comin' at me with a poof
Gotta boom shake the room cause we're all heat seekers
With a jam that can slam down the walls mindfreaker
Freeze better make it hot
Music please blow the spot
Play that funky music
That is how we want it
That is how we need it
Something's outta order people in the corners
Don't you see it
Can't you feel it
You know by the sounds when the crowd is getting wild
Hands swinging high like a chopper in the sky
But a slow bump or flow ain't the way floorfreezer
See the name of the game is to play crowd pleaser
Freeze better make it hot
Music please blow the spot
Play that funky music
That is how we want it
That is how we need it
Something's outta order people in the corners
Don't you see it
Can't you feel it
That is how we want it
That is how we need it
Something's outta order people in the corners
Don't you see it
Can't you feel it

stand 珠儿

jewel stand
Walk in a corner shop〖步入街角的一家商店〗
See a shoplifting cop〖看见一个行窃的当差〗
See the old lady with a gun〖看见一位老奶奶端着枪〗
See the hero try 2 run〖看见我们的英雄想逃跑〗
Nothing's what it seems, I mean〖凡事都不是想象的那样 我想说〗
It's not all dirty, but it's not all clean〖没有人是坏透的 也没有人是纯洁无暇的〗

There's children paying bills〖那里有小鬼们付账〗
There's monks buying thrills〖也有修道士寻求刺激〗
There's pride for sale in magazines〖卖杂志的小贩也有尊严〗
There's pills for rent 2 make u clean〖也有药丸出租能令你感到虚无〗
Marvin Gaye, there's no brother, brother〖Marvin Gaye 那儿并没有兄弟 没有兄弟〗
Woody Guthrie's land can't feed Mother〖Woody Guthrie的土地也不能养育祖国〗

Mothers weep, children sleep〖母亲哭泣 孩子入睡〗
So much violence ends in silence〖如此多的暴力在安静中结束〗
It's a shame there's no one 2 blame〖可耻的是找不到该责备的人〗
For all the pain that life brings〖人生中会有许多苦难〗
If u will just take me It might just complete me〖如果你和我在一起 就能使我更完美〗
And together we can make a stand〖大家一起忍耐 共渡难关〗

A waitress brings me lunch〖女服务员端来我的午饭 〗
We meet but do not touch〖我们只看不吃〗
On TV, D.C. is selling lies〖电视上卖着虚假的广告〗
While in the corner, King's dream dies〖此时角落里 King的梦想破灭〗
Go 2 the counter, pay for me and my friend〖他去到柜台 为我和我的朋友付账〗
A homeless man pulls out a roll, says it's on him〖一个无家可归的人抽出一叠帐 说他照单全付〗
The mayor has no cash〖头头说没有现金〗
He said he spent it on hookers and hash〖他说钱都花在吃喝嫖赌上了〗

Mothers weep, children sleep〖母亲哭泣 孩子入睡〗
So much violence ends in silence〖如此多的暴力在安静中结束〗
It's a shame there's no one 2 blame〖可耻的是找不到该责备的人〗
For all the pain that life brings〖人生中会有许多苦难〗
If u will just take me It might just complete me〖如果你和我在一起 就能使我更完美〗
And together we can make a stand〖大家一起忍耐 共渡难关〗

U will love me, I will love u〖你会爱我 我也会爱你〗

U will love me, I will love u〖你会爱我 我也会爱你〗

Mothers weep, children sleep〖母亲哭泣 孩子入睡〗
So much violence ends in silence〖如此多的暴力在安静中结束〗
It's a shame there's no one 2 blame〖可耻的是找不到该责备的人〗
For all the pain that life brings〖人生中会有许多苦难〗
If u will just take me It might just complete me〖如果你和我在一起 就能使我更完美〗
And together we can make a stand〖大家一起忍耐 共渡难关〗

Mothers weep, children sleep〖母亲哭泣 孩子入睡〗
So much violence ends in silence〖如此多的暴力在安静中结束〗
It's a shame there's no one 2 blame〖可耻的是找不到该责备的人〗
For all the pain that life brings〖人生中会有许多苦难〗
If u will just take me It might just complete me〖如果你和我在一起 就能使我更完美〗
And together we can make a stand〖大家一起忍耐 共渡难关〗

Mothers weep, children sleep〖母亲哭泣 孩子入睡〗
So much violence ends in silence〖如此多的暴力在安静中结束〗
It's a shame there's no one 2 blame〖可耻的是找不到该责备的人〗
For all the pain that life brings〖人生中会有许多苦难〗
If u will just take me It might just complete me〖如果你和我在一起 就能使我更完美〗
And together we can make a stand〖大家一起忍耐 共渡难关〗

Jewel - Stand 一定是

迈克尔-杰克逊的《beat it》

alk in a corner shop
See a shoplifting cop
See the old lady with a gun
See the hero try 2 run
Nothing's what it seems I mean
It's not all dirty but it's not all clean
There's children paying bills
There's monks buying thrills
There's pride for sale in magazines
There's pills for rent 2 make u clean
Marvin Gaye there's no brother brother
Woody Guthrie's land can't feed Mother
Mothers weep children sleep
So much violence ends in silence
It's a shame there's no one 2 blame
For all the pain that life brings
If u will just take me It might just complete me
And together we can make a stand
A waitress brings me lunch
We meet but do not touch
On TV D C is selling lies
While in the corner King's dream dies
Go 2 the counter pay for me and my friend
A homeless man pulls out a roll says it's on him
The mayor has no cash
He said he spent it on hookers and hash
Mothers weep children sleep
So much violence ends in silence
It's a shame there's no one 2 blame
For all the pain that life brings
If u will just take me It might just complete me
And together we can make a stand
U will love me I will love u
U will love me I will love u
Mothers weep children sleep
So much violence ends in silence
It's a shame there's no one 2 blame
For all the pain that life brings
If u will just take me It might just complete me
And together we can make a stand
Mothers weep children sleep
So much violence ends in silence
It's a shame there's no one 2 blame
For all the pain that life brings
If u will just take me It might just complete me
And together we can make a stand
Mothers weep children sleep
So much violence ends in silence
It's a shame there's no one 2 blame
For all the pain that life brings
If u will just take me It might just complete me
And together we can make a stand

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