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Koala考拉熊 tiger老虎 elephant象
Dolphin海豚 panda熊猫 lion狮子
Penguin企鹅 giraffe长颈鹿 parrot鹦鹉
Gorilla猩猩 wolf狼 bear熊
Shark鲨鱼 whale鲸 deer鹿
Sheep绵羊 goat山羊 mouse老鼠
Frog青蛙 ox/bull牛
kind of,a little,a bit,a little bit都表示“有一点”,后面加形容词

Kind of有一点
Kinds of各种各样的

Unit one:
1.first name名字 2.last name姓氏 3.telehpone number电话号码
4.family name姓氏 5.in English用英语 6.what color什么颜色
7.on a piece of paper在一张纸上
Unit two:
1.pencil case文具盒 2.pencil sharpener卷笔刀
3.excuse me请原谅 4.computer game电子游戏
5.lost and found失物招领
6. a set of 一套 7. call sb at打。。号码 8.in lost and found case在失物招领处 9.ID card身份证 10.look at看
the same看起来像
11.listen to听 12.in notebook
Unit three:
thank you for sth/doing sth 因。。感谢
2.talk of /about sth谈论。。 to /with sb与。。交谈
3.family tree家谱 4. a photo/picture of 。。的图画
5.one…the other2个中1个。。另1个。。 some….others许多中一些。。。另一些。。。
Unit four:
1.video tape录像带 2. on page 1 = in 1 page在第一页
turn to page 1翻到第一页 3.take…to带去/bring …from带来 carry携带
4.the way路
note注释 to
5.next to在…附近 on在…上
under在…下 behind在…后 beside在…旁
near在…附近 on the right/left在…右左边
6.in order to do为了干…
write down写下 keep your book closed关上课本
Unit five:
1.soccer ball英式足球 2. tennis racket网球拍 3.watch TV看电视 4.play/do/have/take sports/exercise做运动
5. do you have你有? does he have他有? 6.let/make/have sb do sth让某人干某事 7.sounds good听起来不错
8.sports club体育俱乐部/shoes运动鞋 9.want sb to do sth= would like to do sth= feel like doing sth想干…
10.introduce yourself to自我介绍
11. one of + Npl/人代复数宾格 +V单 …之一 12.join参加(长) take part in /be in /join in参加(一次性)
13.interest(un)兴趣 interesting(adj)有趣的 be interested in(人)对感兴趣 place (s)of interest 14.fun(n)趣事 funny(adj)有趣的=interesting
have fun doing sth= have a good time=enjoy oneself玩得高兴 15.difficult(adj)困难的/ difficulty(n)困难 have trouble/difficulty (in) doing sth有困难干…
16.watch /talk… on TV在电视上看、谈 17.collect(v)收藏 collection(n)收藏品 sports collection体育收藏品
18. relax放松/bore烦/excite激动 +ing(物)/ed(人)
Unit six:
1.french fries薯条
2. ice cream冰激凌 3.find out找出 4.add…to加上
5. tomato西红柿/potato土豆 +es
6. how many+(cnpl)多少
7.fill in the form/chart填表
8.many(cn)/much (un)/a lot of /lots of许多
act out表演出 actor(n)男演员 actress(n)女演员 activity(n)活动
active(adj)积极的 take an active part in积极参加
action(n)行动 10.running star跑步明星
for breakfast作为早餐
eat/have… for吃…作为…
Go on a picnic去野炊 11. health(n)健康
in good health健康 healthy(adj)健康的 be/stay/keep healthy = keep fit保持健康
12. good= nice= fine(adj)修试名词 well修试动词
Unit seven:
1.here you are给你 2.have/take a look at看一看
3.on sale出售 4.how much +un多少 price tag价签 memory game记忆游戏
5. can/may I help you what can I do for you is there anything I can do for you我能帮助你吗?
I want… = I’d like to do sth我想要。。 I’ll take/get it我将买了
what color/size 什么颜色、尺寸
6.clothes store服装店 great sale大甩卖 at a very good price以一个很好的价格 bags for sports运动方面的包
for ¥12售价12元 for boys对于男孩来说
have a sale销售 can/could afford to do sth…得起
Unit eight:
1.happy birthday生日快乐
2.how old are you= what’s your age你有几岁
3.speak(v) speech contest演讲比赛 4.school day学校上课日
school trip学校旅行
5.art(n)美术 artist(n)艺术家
music /art festival音乐、艺术节
6. he is 8 years old= he is an 8-year-old boy =he is at the age of 8 他有8岁 7.have /hold a birthday party举行生日聚会 8.basketball/volleyball game篮球、排球赛 English party英语晚会
9. music (n)音乐 musician (n)音乐家 music festival音乐节
Unit nine:
1.go to/see/watch a movie/film= go to the cinema去看电影 2.Beijing opera京剧 3.favorite actor最喜欢的演员
4. kind种类 kind of有几分 a kind of一种 It’s very kind/nice of you你太好了 It’s very hard/easy for sb to do sth它太难、容易了对于某人来说去干…
5. success(n)成功 successful(adj)成功的 successfully(adv)成功地
succeed(v)成功 really like真的喜欢 on weekend/ weekday在周末、工作日
6. in the movie在电影中
Unit ten:
1. play the guitar弹吉他
2. rock band摇滚乐队 3. a little一点儿
a little bit一点儿 4.art/music/swimming club美术、音乐、游泳俱乐部
5. take turns to do sth轮流干…
It’s one’s turn to do sth轮到某人干… 6. be good /friendly to/with sb对某人友好
7. help sb to(do) sth with sth 帮助某人干某事
8. musicians wanted for school music festival 学校音乐节招聘音乐家 9. follow (v) 跟随 following (adj) 下列的
10. sports day体育活动日
school show学校公演
11. e-mail address电子邮件地址
Unit eleven:
1. what time is it =what’s the time现在几点
2.go to school去上学 3. take/have a shower沐浴
4. go to work去上班
5. go to bed去睡觉 6.do one’s homework作某人的家庭作业 7. get up起床
8. have/eat breakfast吃早餐
8. what time is it =what’s the time 现在几点 It’s…它是…点
a quarter一刻钟 half an hour半小时 o’clock整点(后) to几点差几分
in(大时) at几点几刻 on 具体的某一天
9. wash/brush teeth刷牙
10. get to =reach = arrive in(大) /at(小)到达 (后面是 here there home时省略to/in/at)
11. what a funny time to do sth 干…的好时光

all night/ day整夜、天 12. in the morning/ afternoon /evening 在早,下午,晚上
on Monday morning在周一早晨
13. know about…了解。。。
at around seven在大约7点
14. a famous movie star 一个著名的影星 be famous for因…有名 / as以…身份出名 well-known=famous有名
Unit twelve:
1.favorite subject最喜欢的科目
2. have/ take class/ lesson上课
3. be free有空 be busy with/ doing sth 忙于(干)某事
4. science科学/scientist科学家
5. be tired 累
6. play with和…玩 7. put… in order按秩序排列
8. describe (v) description (n) 描述
9. be strict with sb对人严格 in sth对事严格 10. be +adj + for sb to do sth对于某人来说去干…太…
Unit one:1.pen pal笔友
2. be from=come from来自于 Eg where are you from= where do you come from
3. write to sb写信给某人
Unit two:
1.pay phone投币式公用电话
2. across from在…对面
3. next to…旁
4. in front of在…前面 5. on the right/ left在…右,左边 6.take/have/ go out for a walk散步
7.have fun doing sth= have a good/nice/great/wonderful time =enjoy oneself玩得高兴 8.between…and 在..与…之间
9.How do I get to/where is /which is the way to/ Is there a…/Could you tell me the way to/give me directions to /please tell me how to get to/ Could you tell me how I can get to我如何到达…
go/walk down/along 沿着…走下去 take the first turning/crossing on the right/ left = turn right at the first crossing在第一个十字路口向右左拐
10. on center street在中大街
first avenue一大街 center (n)中心 central (adj)中心的 11. the beginning of…的开端
12. a good place to have fun一个好玩的地方
13. be busy/free/hungry/full/thirsty(注意系表结构)
14. have a good trip祝旅途愉快
Unit three:
1.kind of有几分 2.at night在晚上 3. the first/second… to do sth第一、二个去干… 4. friend朋友/ friendly有好的 5. clever/bright/smart聪明的
Unit four:
1.shop assistant店员
2.bank clerk银行职员
3.TV电视台/police station警察局
4. what be sb=what do/does sb do=what’s one’s job=what do/does sb want to be ?你干什么工作
5. in the day在白天 at night= in the night在夜里
6.danger (n)危险 dangerous (adj)危险的 be in danger处于危险中 safe (adj)安全的 safety (n) 安全
at work在工作 be late for干…迟到 work hard努力工作 hard work 艰难的工作
have a job for you as a…有一份工作给你作为…
call sb at打…号码 find out找出
my job is to do sth我的工作是去干… an international school for children of 5-12一所为5-12孩子举办的国际学校
Unit five:
1.TV show电视节目 2. wait for等候 3.talk on the phone通话
4.in photo在照片中 at school在学校
at home在家
a photo of my family一张家庭照 an old photo of my family一张旧家庭照 be+Ving (直接+ing、去e+ing/双写+ing/ ie改为y再+ ing)

Unit six:
1.on vocation 度假 2.take a photo拍照 3.have a good time 玩得高兴
4.how’s the weather=what’s the weather like ?天气怎么样 It’s…
5. sun太阳 sunny晴朗的
wind风 windy风大的 rain雨 rainy多雨的 cloud云 cloudy多云的 fog雾= mist
foggy多雾的= misty be+adj句型 strong(风大)
heavy(雨雪大) here is the weather report of china for the next 24 hours这是中国未来24小时天气预报 above 零度以上/below zero零度以下
6. how’s it going一切还好吗
7.report for CCTV’s around world show为中央电视台作环球表演节目作报道
8.take photos/pictures拍照
9.lying on the beach躺在沙滩上
10.look cool看起来酷 11. surprise (v)惊讶 surprising (adj)惊讶的(物) be surprised about/at (adj)人对…感到惊讶 to one’s surprise令某人感到惊讶的是 in surprise惊讶
12. wait for等候
work for 为…工作 play for为…效力 make a list制一份清单 13. sb+find/think/feel/believe+it+adj for sb to do sth 某人发现、认为、觉得、相信它太…对于某人来说去干…
Unit seven:
1.good looking漂亮的 2. a little bit一点
3. medium height中等高度
4. what do/does sb look like某人看起来像什么样子
5.high (adj)高的 height (n)高度
hot (adj)热的 heat (n)热量
6. tell jokes开玩笑/story讲故事
tell sb (not) to do sth告诉某人(不)干… 7. play chess下象棋 8. stop doing停止干/to do sth停下来去干 9. the pop singer with funny glasses戴着滑稽眼镜的流行歌手 10.long curly black hair长卷黑发
Unit eight:
1.green tea绿茶
2. would like (sth、) to do sth想要 would you like to do sth?你愿意…吗 I’d love/like to我愿意 would you like sth你要…吗 yes, please no, thanks
3.what kind哪种/size什么尺寸 of noodles
4. take order订购 orange juice橘子汁 house of dumplings饺子之屋
dessert house甜品屋 sale for卖 …
Unit nine:
1.what/how about=how do you like=what do you think about/of…怎么样
2. do some reading阅读
3.middle school中学
4.go shopping=do some shopping=go to the shop买东西 5.talk show访谈节目
6.It’s time for sb to do sth/for sth/for doing sth是该某人干某事的时候了 7.study for test为考试而学习
8. go to the pool去泳池/beach去沙滩 9. have/hold a party举办聚会 10.practice (n) practise (v) doing sth练习干… 11.play the guitar弹吉他
12.stay at home待在家里
13.be busy with sth忙于某事 doing sth忙于干某事 14.listen/hear二听 look see watch notice四看 sb do全过程/doing sth两动作同时进行

Starter 1 Good morning!
预备篇 1 早上好!
Starter 2 What's this in English?
预备篇 2 这个用英语里怎么说?
Starter 3 What color is it?
预备篇 3 这是什么颜色?
Unit 1 My name's Gina.
第一单元 我的名字叫Gina.(介绍自己)
Unit 2 Is this your pencil?
第二单元 这是你的铅笔吗?(确认物主关系)
Unit 3 This is my sister.
第三单元 这是我的姐妹.(介绍他人,确认人物)
Unit 4 Where's my backpack?
第四单元 我的双肩包在哪儿?(Where开头的特殊疑问句,谈论物体位置)
Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?
第五单元 你有一个足球吗?(谈论物主关系,球类运动)
Unit 6 Do you like bananas?
第六单元 你喜欢香蕉吗?(谈论好恶)
Unit 7 How much are these pants?
第七单元 这些裤子多少钱?(How much开头的特殊疑问句,询问价格,感谢)
Unit 8 When is your birthday?
第八单元 你的生日在什么时候?(问时间,接触序数词)
Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie?
第九单元 你想去看电影吗?(电影种类于形容词是重点)
Unit 10 Can you play the guitar?
第十单元 你能弹吉他吗?(能力)
Unit 11 What time do you go to school?
第十一单元 你几点去学校?(问时间,将what time,when分清)
Unit 12 My favorite suject is science.
第十二单元 我最喜欢的科目是科学.(学科,谈论喜好,阐述理由)

kind of有几分
at night在晚上
Let's see the pandas first.
Why do you want to see the pandas?
Because ther'er very cute.
What animals do you like?
I like pandas.
Where are pandas from?
pandas are from China.
What other animals do you like?


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