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1, F.N.G
Gaz: Good news first: the world in great sharp. We've got cvil war in Russia, government layalists against Ultranationalist

rebels, and 15,000 nukes at stake.
Price: Just another day at the office.
Gaz: Khaled Al-Asad ,currently second most powerful man in Middle-East. Now, word on the street is he's got marnials

to be top dog down there. Intel's keeping an eye on him.
Price: And the bad news?
Gaz: We've got a new guy joining us today, fresh out of selection. his name's soup.
盖茨: 有个好消息,世界总体良好,俄罗斯在打内战. 政府军正在对极端民族主义者的反政府武装作战,且有一万五千枚核子武器蓄

普莱斯上校: 那么坏消息呢?
盖茨: 今天要来一个的新兵蛋子,刚通过选拔,绰号是“肥皂”。

2, Crew Expendable

Captain Price: Bravo team, the intel on this op from our informant in Russia^
Captain Price: The package is aboard a medium freighter, Estonian registration number 52775^
Captain Price: There is a small crew and security detail on board.
Gaz: Rules of engagement sir?
Cpt Price: Crew Expendable.
盖茨: 长官,作战规则呢……?
普莱斯上校: 杀无赦!

3, The Coup


Act One

1, Black out
Gaz: Captain Price,Al-Asad just executed President Al-Fulani on national television.
Cpt. Price: The Americans have plans for Al-Asad.And it's too late to do anything for Al-Fulani. But in less than three

hours, code-name Nikolai will be executed in Russia
Gaz: Nikolai, Sir?
Cap. Price: Nikolai is our informant in the Ultranationalist camp. He supplied the intel on the cargoship operation.
Cap. Price: Nikolai 's in hell right now. We're gonna walk him out^
Cap. Price: ^We take care of our friends. Let's move.
普莱斯上校: 老美已经定下了抓捕阿拉萨德的计划,现在对阿尔法尼来说做什么都晚了,但是我们的代号为尼古莱的线人还活着,


2, “Charlie don't surf”(引用了电影《现代启示录》里面美国将军嘲笑越共不会冲浪,武器装备极差而肆无忌惮地去敌占区冲浪

Lt. Vasquez: Marines! Spotters have a possiable fix on Al-Asad in a building at the west end of this town.
Lt. Vasquez: We're gonna secure the perimeter and grab Al-Asad. Oorah? Lock and load!
瓦兹桂石少尉: 陆战队员们,侦察机发现阿拉萨德可能位于小镇西段的某幢建筑物内。

3, The Bog
News Caster: After heavy fighting today, U.S. Marines began their push into the city where Al-Asad is making his last

News Caster: Fighting has intensified in the Capital City. Anti-Aircraft fire and burning buildings light the night
Command: Roger on location. Repeating. Map Grid 52761-niner, over.
Lt. Vasquez: Bravo Six copies, over.
Command: Bravo Six we have an Abrams dead in the water. Callsign "War Pig".
Command: Lt. Vasquez, your unit is shotgun, over.
Lt. Vasquez: Bravo Six is inbount. Tell"War Pig" to stand by. We're on our way. Out
敌前委:收到方位报告,重复一遍 地图坐标52761-9,完毕。
瓦兹桂石少尉: 尖刀小队第六小组收到,完毕。
敌前委: 尖刀小队第六小组,我们有一辆阿布拉姆斯在泥潭里瘫痪了,代号是“豪猪”
瓦兹桂石少尉: 尖刀小队第六小组正赶往援助,告诉“豪猪”一定要挺住,我们已经出发,完毕。

4, Hunted
Gaz: We've got Nikolai! We're taking him to the safehouse in Hamburg!
Gaz:E.T.A. Oh-seven-hundred hours! Out!
盖茨: 我们已经成功解救出尼古莱,正在把他带往位于汉堡(德国)的路上!
盖茨 : 大概再过70个小时就到了,完毕!

5, Death From Above

6, War Pig
News Caster: Sporadic fighting can be heard as the bulk of Al-Asad's forces fall back towards the Presidential Palace.
Lt. Vasquez: Command this is Lt. Vasquez. War Pig is en route. We're not missing this party^
播音员: 由于阿拉萨德的大部分退守到他的总统宫殿去了,所以战斗的声音变的零零散散的。

7, Shock and Awe(冲击和震荡,此关美军全挂,急了眼的阿拉萨德引爆了核弹)
Command: Marines, we have a possiable fix on Al-Asad in the capital city. 1st Battalion is en route
Command: Intel gathered by S.A.S. indicates that Al-Asad may have a Russian warhead. Speed is critical NEST teams

have been deployed to the area.
Command: Force Recon and Wild Weasel units have taken out most of the air defenses but Al-Asad's ground forces still

pose a serious threat.
Lt. Vasquez: Look like we're rollin' in with everything we got. We get Al-Asad, we end this war right here, right now:

Lock and load Marines.
前敌委: 听好了,我们在敌人的首都发现了阿拉萨德可能的藏身处,战斗已打响
前敌委: 根据英国特别空勤队搜集的情报表明,阿拉萨德可能拥有一枚俄制战略导弹。国家应急抗毁小组已经到达那里
前敌委: 侦查组和游骑兵已经干掉了敌人的大部分防空力量,但敌人的地面部队任然控制着要害地带。
瓦兹桂石少尉: 看来我们上场的时候到了,阿拉萨德将会被我们逮捕,此时此地将这场战斗结束于我的手上。冲啊。

"B group listen well, we have the operation, a Russian intelligence source was the informant. Target items in the cargo aboard the Estonia on the nationality of the medium, only a few armed men on board." "War should pay attention to what? Executive ? "" eliminate all armed! "" B group Note, 1 minute 30 seconds to reach the target .... .. .... 10 seconds good, radio check, action action! "

B组听好了,我们这次行动的情报来源是一名俄罗斯的线人。目标物品在这艘爱沙尼亚籍的中型货轮上,船上只有少许的武装人员 B group listened, our motion's message source was a Russia's informer. Goal goods on this Estonian nationality medium freighter, on ship only then little armed personnels
交战时要注意什么?长官War when what we should pay attention? Executive?
消灭一切武装人员!”The elimination of all armed personnel!
B组注意,1分钟后到达目标....30秒....10秒..好的,无线电检查,行动行动B Group's attention to one minutes after the second arrival objectives .... 30 .. .... 10 second best, radio check, Action!

"B Unit Well listen, we have sources of information of the operation is a Russian informer. Aim at ship items Estonia membership on the medium-sized cargo on board, only some of the militants." "A state of war when what we should pay attention? Executive ? "" the elimination of all armed! "" B Group's attention to one goal minutes after the arrival of second .... 30 .. .... 10 second best, radio check, Action! "


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