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  • 18879753063求大神帮忙翻译一小段英语
    魏豪褚Bana hill is really worth a visit place. From morning to evening, every scene of the Bana hill looks like a colorful painting. Beauty of the Bana hill, only can use the eyes to appreciate, use heart to feel.

  • 18879753063求大神翻译一篇英语谢谢了!!!

  • 18879753063求大神翻译后面的文章英文翻译 各位导师好,我叫李星羽,来自于美丽...
    魏豪褚Hello everyone, I'm Lee Xingyu from the beautiful city Kunming. I believe that serving others can make ourselves feel happy. In the past three years, with my teachers' strict education and my own efforts, I have been provided sturdy professional knowledge....

  • 18879753063求大神帮我翻译一篇英语文章,不长滴,速度
    魏豪褚原文:1. There are some famous buildings that everyone can recognize.When you see a picture of a sports stadium that reminds you of a bird's nest,you probably know it is the Olympic stadium in Beijing.When you see a picture of a famous concert hall that reminds you of a...

  • 18879753063求英语大神翻译文章---关于NBA的科比
    魏豪褚doubt whether he can return to the track, he only said one sentence: if you leave me in the trough, then don't in my most brilliant back. This sentence struck me deeply.I want to say: we will never leave, I wish to return to the battlefield, Kobe invincible!百度翻译 ...

  • 18879753063哪位大神能够用英语翻译这封信?很短小的一篇!
    魏豪褚Hello,I am XXX.This is the first time that I write to foreign penfriend.I am very excited.I like France very much,and I am willing to know something about French culture and delicious food etc.For example,Is there any special festival in France?How about French architectures?Wh...

  • 18879753063求大神翻译一下这篇英语文章!The Power of the Violin急!
    魏豪褚I drove back to the villa. Just as I entered the living room,I heard a slight sound coming from the bedroom upstairs- it was the sound of my favorite violin.那天中午,我开车回到别墅。当我走进起居室时,我听到楼上的卧室里传来了一种轻微的声音,这是我最喜欢的小提琴的声音。

  • 18879753063跪求大神帮忙翻译一篇英语稿(汉—英),高分!!
    魏豪褚but they are no doubt the fairer ways to provide the measurement of an individual’s quality level. We must not dismiss them totally. Also should be more active, more sunshine state of mind to face up to it,已精工精心替你翻译好了,很希望会对你有帮助,并望满意采纳,谢谢。

  • 18879753063求英语好的大神来翻译下面的小短文 超级短喔!超级简单喔!速度点喔...
    魏豪褚next morning,the groups started to go down the mountain.It was a difficult journey,but the group members encouraged and supported each other.译文:一清早,这个团队开始下山。尽管这是一趟艰苦的行程,但团队成员彼此鼓励,彼此支撑。--- 如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮...

  • 18879753063英语作文,求大神翻译.
    魏豪褚With your help we enjoyed our stay in the U.S. very much. And we arrived in Shanghai safe and sound yesterday morning.If some day you'll visit China, please do let us know. We would like to get a chance to return your kindness.With best wishes.Yours sincerely,Li Hua ...

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