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平凡也美丽(2006年嘉兴中考满分作文) 嘉兴考生 一滴水可以折射太阳的光辉,一朵花可以点缀春天的美丽,一颗螺丝钉可以带动机器的运转。尽管世间繁华万千,但你依然可以发现:其实平凡也美丽。 平凡的一滴水很美丽。茫茫人海中,洪战辉便是一滴...

[作文 一个老人,一座图书馆]老人,常言:走过的桥比我们走过的路还要多,吃过的盐比我们吃过的饭还要多,如此丰富的人生经验和渊博知识,我们会发现一个老人...

Spring Festival gala

Spring Festival gala began at 8:00. The first is song, has the home New Year and days of blue. Then is crosstalk,have interesting expert guidance Playing the four experts teasing Jiang Kun. See I was very happy. Still,mang ofthe programe I don't explain. But I must talk about crosstalk My deskmate. Because I like Zhao Ben shan's crosstalk very much. By 2011, Spring Festival gala is a successful Spring Festival gala.
只要你不是一中的 就抄吧


Good times

Rabbit cctv1 sketch good age is in by a true story about winning, is about the story: the hero accidental discovery won the lottery, but detection is someone's wife bought a lottery ticket, end webmasters still introduced to the audience the show real background, was a sir help a friend bought the lottery, 533 million, generous to the lottery back to friends. "Somebody else the lottery is itself, which have what good hesitate. I took the lottery is greedy millions, but I could not suffer this the rest." The gentleman said, this one expresses, human standards - integrity

Deal, a promise is a promise is our ancestors from generation to generation of virtue. Credit is just one kind of the invisible power, it is a kind of intangible wealth, or connecting friendship intangible link. An honest man, no matter how many shortcomings, and with him at contact, mind will feel relaxed. Such, can certainly find happiness, on the business have success. This is because honest with other people, others will be sincere meet.

But now, does not keep your words wind gradually spread: ever moved moment of anhui fake milk event, those manufacturers in order to seek profits, apllicant without a little life will therefore life stopped at the bassinet, are they no sympathy and morals? And the 2008 happen "melamine" incident, the so-called Chinese famous brand: SanLu, yili, mengniu, how they bear for their own interests and will dark, greed march to seize always believe that their parents and children? How do they bear to see that one's puerile smiling face losing life brilliance? Their moral where? Their good faith "where did you go?

However, as middle school students, we as the Chinese nation successors of the us, one heart to ask ourselves, My honesty? We can puffed out his chest, clap breast said: I would never do that against honesty? However, some classmate let us disappointed: in order to play computer, they can deceive parents, In order to do well in exams, they can cheat, copying, by hook or by crook, such already cheated teacher, cheated parents, cheats the classmate, also deceive himself. Lose honesty, lost human standards, scores again tall, again have what use? Everything is in vain! So let us for your words and deeds, do a profound re-consider.

On the Chinese New Year's eve ,I watched the spring festiva gala together with my family .
There were a lot of interesting programs on show and also many famous stars I liked the magic show most and until now I still could not figure it out.It seemed like the fish jumped from the paper directly into the fish tank. Every one in my family enjoyed it a lot.We were chatting happily while watching. And in the middle of the show,we had delicious dumplins.
It was really a great program


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