
来自:奥礼    更新日期:早些时候

Whether on the bus seatA seat is a virtue, is a man of virtue.让座是一种美德,是一种做人的美德。在公民道德素质日益提高的今天,仍有小部分人道德素质低下,在公交车上眼看老人、儿童、孕妇、残疾人等不给让座,甚至和这些行动不方便的人争座,那其实都是道德素质的退步Increasing civic and moral qualities of today, there are still few people who low moral qualities, on the bus, such as the elderly, children, pregnant women, persons with disabilities are not to the seat, and even those who can't walk, that actually are is moral setback。我认为应该让座,帮助他人是中华民族的传统美德,这种让座行为也潜意识地教导了一些人I think we should seat, helping others is the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, this seat acts subconsciously teaches some people

Nowadays,either Asian or any other Europe countries is try to Create urban civilization . everybody should do their best to make contributions to it. Regretfully,moral consciousness hasn't come into everybody's heart. in the bus ,a baby is in a pregnant women's arms,but nobody offer his seat to the woman. angryily,other person doing nothing.If you are in the bus,what things you will do? Through this thing,we can get a conclusion.create civilited city should everyone's efforts
Buses are always crowded in rush hours.Students and office workers go to work or go back homeat that time.There are often full of people and one can hard to get a seat. And so does today.A mother with a kid is in the bus.An old adult offer a seat for her. But the young ignore her.
As the youths,I think it's necessary for us to offer seats for those who really need them,such as expectant mothers,disabled people ,old people and so on.
First, it's the behavior of good manners.You are polite enough if you do so.Second,it's the need of social morality.
However,if you can't achieve this, you are probably a definit person.And as a result,you can't be trust in the social activities.
So,let's build a good social order from offering a seats,just from you and me.

Giving up your seat to senior citizens,pregnant women and the disabled is the benchmark of courtesy.Relinquishing those seats to a pregnant woman is not only thoughtful,but it will keep all the other women on the train from scowling at you while a pregnant woman is standing.Also,giving the seat up to someone carrying a kid or dealing with a stroller is great,and will probably keep that kid from falling all over the floor or touching their drooly hands to the poles.Giving the seat up to someone in a cast or brace is a nice gesture as well.


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