求约14年前听过的一首英文歌,是男生唱的,记得零碎的歌词是:dreams "埋win" have dreams ,try to have

来自:    更新日期:早些时候
请问这首英文歌叫什么名字啊?我记得歌词里面好像有句i have no try~

歌名: 《这份爱 This Love 》
歌手: Maroon 5
专辑: Songs About Jane

我是如此激昂而不自觉 I was so high I did not recognize
火焰在她眼里燃烧 The fire burning in her eyes
狂乱占据我脑海 The chaos that controlled my mind
轻说一声再见她高飞远走 Whispered goodbye and she got on a plane
不再回来 Never to return again
我心里她却常在 But always in my heart

这份爱我付出代价无数 This love has taken its toll on me
再见她已说了太多 She said Goodbye too many times before
她的心正在我面前碎裂 And her heart is breaking in front of me
没有选择 再见我不会再说 I have no choice cause I won't say goodbye anymore

噢..噢噢...噢 Oh..Ohh...Oh

她的需求我尽量给予 I tried my best to feed her appetite
让她每晚高潮迭起 Keep her coming every night
要她满足太难...噢 So hard to keep her satisfied...oh!
不停玩着爱 仿佛只是一场游戏 Kept playing love like it was just a game
装作和她有同样感受 Pretending to feel the same
然后转身再度离开 Then turn around and leave again

噢..噢噢...噢 Oh..Ohh...Oh

我要整理这些毁颓 I'll fix these broken things
补修你残破的翅膀 Repair your broken wings
以及确保所有一切无恙 And make sure everything's alright
我压着你的臀 My pressure on your hips
我在指间沉沦 Sinking my fingertips
进入你的每一寸 Into every inch of you
因为我知道这就是你要我做的 Cause I know that's what you want me to do

这份爱我付出代价无数 This love has taken its toll on me
再见她已说了太多 She said Goodbye too many times before
她的心正在我面前碎裂 And her heart is breaking in front of me
没有选择 再见我不会再说 I have no choice cause I won't say
这份爱我付出代价无数 This love has taken its toll on me
再见她已说了太多 She said Goodbye too many times before
她的心正在我面前碎裂 And her heart is breaking in front of me
再见她已说了太多 She said Goodbye too many times before
这份爱我付出代价无数 This love has taken its toll on me
再见她已说了太多 She said Goodbye too many times before
她的心正在我面前碎裂 And her heart is breaking in front of me



Baby won't you tell me why there is sadness in your eyes 宝贝,你能否告诉我为何你的眼中充满忧郁和悲伤
I don't wanna say goodbye to you 我不想和你说再见
Love is one big illusion I should try to forget 爱是一种假象,我应该试图去忘记它
but there is something left in my head 但是总有一些事情停留在我的脑海里挥之不去
You're the one who set it up now you're the one to make it stop 你就是让我产生爱的那个人,但是你现在也要让它停止
I'm the one who's feeling lost right now 此时此刻我感到迷茫
Now you want me to forget every little thing you said 你要我忘记你说的任何事情
but there is something left in my head 但总有些事情我忘不掉 Chorus: I won't forget the way you're kissing 我忘不了我们的吻 The feeling's so strong were lasting for so long 那感觉多么强烈,而且会永远留在我心中
But I'm not the man your heart is missing 但是我不是你心所思念的那个人
That's why you go away I know 我也知道那就是离去的原因
You were never satisfied no matter how I tried 无论我怎样努力你都未曾感到满足
Now you wanna say goodbye to me 而现在你要和我说再见了
Love is one big illusion I should try to forget 爱是一种假象,我应该试图去忘记它
but there is something left in my head 但是总有一些事情停留在我的脑海里挥之不去
Chorus: I won't forget the way you're kissing 我忘不了我们的吻 The feeling's so strong were lasting for so long 那感觉多么强烈,而且会永远留在我心中
But I'm not the man your heart is missing 但是我却失去了你的心 That's why you go away I know 我也知道那就是离去的原因
Sitting here all alone in the middle of nowhere 独自一个人迷茫地坐在这里
Don't know which way to go 没有方向
There ain't so much to say now between us 我们之间已经没有什么好说的了
There ain't so much for you 我们之间对于你已经不再重要
There ain't so much for me anymore 对于我也不再重要了
Chorus: I won't forget the way you're kissing 我忘不了我们的吻 The feeling's so strong were lasting for so long 那感觉多么强烈,而且会永远留在我心中
But I'm not the man your heart is missing 但是我却失去了你的心 That's why you go away I know 我也知道那就是离去的原因

youth dream

求约14年前听过的一首英文歌,是男生唱的,记得零碎的歌词是:dreams "埋win" have dreams ,try to have视频

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