外贸函电 英译中

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英语外贸函电 术语翻译~

1.交货期delivery date
2.报实盘firm offer
3.最新价目表the latest price list
4.市场需求market demand
5.凭单付现cash against documents(CAD)
6. 修改信用证amendment to L/C
7.销售确认书sales confirmation
8.现货stock in hand
9.撤销一项发盘 to revoke an offer
10.远期付款交单documents against payment after sight (date)
11.加速开立信用证Accelerate opening l/c
12.商业发票commercial invoice
13.新货源new goods source
14.立即装运immediate shipment
15.用集装箱装运shipment in containers
16. 还盘counter-offer
17.长期业务关系long-term business relation
18.防潮包装damp-proof packing
19.小心轻放handle with care
20.起运港port of shipment
21.已装船清洁海运提单 clean on board ocean B/L
22.底价base price或者lowest price
23. 分批装船partial shipment
24.水渍险WPA (with particular average)
25.保险单policy of insurance

1.FCL整箱货;整柜装箱装载(full container load)
2.CIF到岸价;成本、保险费加运费(cost insurance and freight)
3.FOB离岸价;装运港船上交货(free on board)


The letters which you sent on september 2nd, 2001, we have received it.We are very happy to tell you, the product you metioned is just belongs to our business.According to your requirements, we will send one set of cloth samples, and we hope these samples can arrive at your company in time, and we hope these sample can meet your requirement.In order to make you clearly about what our product list is, we are here attached a products introduction collection, you can find the product specifications and its package information in this collection.

1:We have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you as a state corporation specializing in the export business of canned goods ,and express our desire to enter into business relations with you.

2:In order to give you a general idea of our canned goods, we are sending you by separate airmail a copy of latest catalogue.

1 很高兴能向您作自我介绍。我们是一家国有企业,专营罐装食品出口业务,非常希望与贵方建立业务关系。


外贸函电 英译中视频




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