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in the Zoo , l am very happy because I meet the monkey .
the monkey is very lovely, l like the monkey

一只调皮的猴子天天呆在动物园里,它觉得很烦。因为它的调皮,不仅时常遭到妈妈的责备,更是隔三岔五受到动物园治理员的打骂。它心里时时在想 ,我受够了!我要自由!一天,乘动物园治理员不注重,从没有关上的铁门静静溜了出来。于是,有个惊异的故事发生了……





The monkeys in the zoo
Last week I went to the zoo and saw many monkeys.They were very clever and so interesting!
They were brown.They had a very long tail.When I saw them,they were climbing the tall trees.They liked jumping from one tree to another tree.It really made me feel very happy.Some visitors threw some food to them,such as bananas peaches,they were happy and ate them quickly.How interesting they were!

The monkeys in the zoo
Last week I went to the zoo and saw many monkeys.They were very clever and so interesting!
They were brown.They had a very long tail.When I saw them,they were climbing the tall trees.They liked jumping from one tree to another tree.It really made me feel very happy.Some visitors threw some food to them,such as bananas peaches,they were happy and ate them quickly.How interesting they were!


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    蓟胡南They was climbed trees ,i love them,i hope i can go there again 楼主一定要注意时态保持一致 这么多够了吧 是我自己写的哦 翻译 。上个星期天,我去了动物园,我看见了许多动物,比如猴子,蛇和熊猫,熊猫是可爱的,但是我不喜欢蛇,因为他们让我感到害怕,...

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