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Successful person

成功者:winner ;success; achiever

successor 则是 继承者或后续的事物 的意思

If you want to be a success, you have to dress like a success.

成功人士按语法习惯即为“成功的人士” 那么用形容词做定语修饰名词人士。 successful person /people.

successful man/people/persons常用的是第二个。eg.The Six Beliefs of Highly Successful People 成功人士的6个信念


  • 17244986742用英语介绍成功人士!急!在线等!最好不要太长
    璩净路爱迪生 Albert Einstein Albert Einstein was considered the greatest scientist of the 20th century and one of the greatest of all time. His discoveries and theories have greatly influenced science in many fields.Einstein was born in 1879 in Ulm, a city in Germany. As a boy, he was...

  • 17244986742用英语说一段一个成功人士的故事
    璩净路A sucessful person Some people seem to believe that the richer one is,the more he gets success.Nevertheless,I disagree that just only wealthy people are successful in lives.Throughout my life,I have fortunately seen a lot of successful people.Those are not well-off,but they ...

  • 17244986742...他仍是个成功人士,被世界所知道。用英语怎么翻译?
    璩净路Although he never finished the University, but he is a successful person, be known to the world.

  • 17244986742求一篇关于描述某个成功人士的英语作文,一百个单词以内~
    璩净路I want to describe Lin Yi Fu, who is now the vice president of the World Bank.He is an admirable person.In the first place,he is a scholar。Mr.Lin is a teacher of Centre of China Development Research; Peking University. His broad knowledgement and responsible teaching attitude...

  • 17244986742story用英语怎么说
    璩净路short story短篇小说;detective story侦探小说;tell a story讲故事、说故事;funny story滑稽故事、好笑的故事、有趣的故事;moving story感人的故事;sob story伤感故事;it's a long story说来话长、一言难尽;success story成功人士、成功的事例;cover story封面故事、遮人耳目的说法、托词、借口;gh...

  • 17244986742成功人士 英文介绍

  • 17244986742用英语翻译"成功人士并非先天聪明,而是他们后来做了太多努力
    璩净路The successful people are not born. They are through their consistent hard work.

  • 17244986742学霸用英语怎么说?
    璩净路straight-A student全优生。这个说法指每门课都拿“优”的学生,单词straight的意思是“纯粹的”,可以理解为“成绩全优的”意思。High-flyer指在学术或职业道路上能力强且志向高远的成功人士。High-achiever 成功者。这个搭配也可以指学习成绩优异,表现非常出众的人,反义词为low achiever 或 under ...

  • 17244986742关于成功的人英语作文
    璩净路总之,不同个人特点导致了不同的成功人士。据我所知,自信,勤奋,天赋和好奇心是最成功的人拥有的一些特性。关于成功的人英语作文篇5:Thomas Edison Born in America, Thomas Edison was a great scientist and inventor. He was once thought to be a boy who was not worth educating. In fact...

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