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World University Games is organized by the International University Sports Federation of comprehensive large-scale international events, known as "Little Olympics," said. Universiade held every two years, sub-Summer Games and Winter Games, to the Universiade in Turkey in August this year so far, has held 23 sessions. Our success in 2001 Beijing 21th Summer Universiade, Harbin also in last year's successful bid to host the 2009 Winter Universiade.

第一个板块是 首届大运会 First start
In 1959, the first session of the World University Games in Turin, Italy, from 45 countries, 985 athletes participated in the competition. Since then, the biennial event, to 1999, the World University Games have been held at the 20th.
World University Games event officially under the general track and field, swimming, diving, water polo, gymnastics, fencing, tennis, basketball and volleyball 9, the host country have the right to add one. For example, the host country of Bulgaria in 1977 increased by wrestling, football in 1979 increased in Mexico in 1985, an increase of judo in Japan
第二个是吉祥物 Mascot
Mascot "UU" is the emblem of the Shenzhen 2011 Universiade "Happy U " evolved a smile, the same time, it has the "UNIVERSIADE" (World University Games) in the first letter "U" shape . According to the design industry, film and animation industry, toy manufacturing industry professional advice, "UU" the most suitable as the mascot of the Universiade, which broke the previous Universiade mascot design modeling traditionally realistic style, with the Shenzhen Grand show Games emblem "Happy U " blood relationship between the two, and permanent signs with the FISU showing a gene inheritance, so they have a common temperament and appearance, to form a family relationship by blood.
第三个是 奖牌特色 Medals
Medals style is the most glittering sporting events, the most exciting, most likely to be part of the concern. Shenzhen Universiade medals with three-dimensional design, Medals diameter of 60 mm, thickness 5 mm; FISU logo engraved on the front and "the Shenzhen 26th Summer Universiade" in English fonts; emblem engraved on the back and Chinese full name of the Universiade , which has a folding surface wavy multicolored mosaic inlaid with mother; ribbon from the core game will be the name of the graphics and so on.
第四个是 口号 Slogan
"from here"(Start Here), this simple and neat, concise sentences but full of impact, was designated as the Shenzhen 26th Summer Universiade Games theme slogan. "from here" that the city of Shenzhen as the vanguard of China's starting point in the value of the globalization process, that of Shenzhen as a "testing ground"and the"vanguard"in China's reform and opening up process in history. Meanwhile, the slogan also shows the 26th University Games to promote friendship between the global aspirations of youth.

The early 20s of this century, when the International Student Organization had already begun plans to organize the World University Games. In May 1923, held in Paris in the World University Sports Congress, the meeting decided the following year to hold the first session of the International University Games. In 1924, the First International University Games (International Universities' Games) held in Warsaw, athletics, swimming and fencing three events. Since then, the games from time to time held in 1939 organized a total of eight sessions. After the Games, was interrupted by World War II in 1947 has resumed. However, in 1951 the causes of the international situation changes, split into East and West, two games, the West called "International Students Sports Council", the East is called "Youth Student Games" or "Youth Friendship Games." The two camps organized by their respective organizations and Universiade.
In 1957, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the French National Federation, was held in Paris an international University Games and the International Cultural Festival. After meeting representatives of 30 countries unanimously agreed to decide the future of university students regularly organize sports competitions worldwide, known as the "World University Games," in principle, held every two years.
In 1959, the first session of the World University Games in Turin, Italy, from 45 countries and 985 athletes participated in the race. Since then, the biennial event, to 1999, the World University Games have been held 20 sessions.
World University Games events generally have the formal requirements of the track and field, swimming, diving, water polo, gymnastics, fencing, tennis, basketball and volleyball 9, the host country have the right to add one. For example, the host country, Bulgaria in 1977 increased by wrestling, football 1979, an increase in Mexico in 1985 an increase of judo in Japan.
In 1960, fake Olympic competition system, but also held in Chamonix in France, the World University Winter Games. Initially, the Summer Games and Winter Games respectively in a single number and held in even years, since 1981, changed to be held in the same year. To 1999, the World University Winter Games have been held over 19 sessions of the competitions, there speed skating, short track speed skating, figure skating, alpine skiing, cross-country skiing, ski jumping, biathlon, ice hockey, Nordic combined, snowboarding.
The first session of the 1959 World University Games, China has participated in some track and field competitions. From 1961 until the second session of the eighth, the Chinese were not to send a delegation to participate. In 1975, China was accepted as full members of the International University Sports Federation. From 1977, the Ninth, China sent a delegation to participate in the World University Games to date successive.
As the World University Games are second only to the Olympics Games, the world's large-scale comprehensive, self-organization of the first race in 1959, the world attach great importance to all countries, have sent the best athletes compete. From the age of 60 since the previous World University Summer Games, a total of 18 broke the world record in track and field and swimming 20多岁的的这个世纪,当国际学生组织已经开始计划组织举办世界大学生运动会。1923年5月,在巴黎举行的世界大学体育大会,会议决定在接下来的一年里举行的第一届国际大学生运动会。1924年,第一届国际大学生运动会(奥运会)举行的国际大学在华沙、田径、游泳、击剑这三个比赛项目。从那时起,奥运会的举办,从时间,以时间在1939年组织了一共有八届。在奥运会结束后,被第二次世界大战在1947年已经恢复。然而,在1951年的国际形势变化的原因,分成东部和西部,两场,西方称为“国际学生体育协会”,东是被称为“青年学生游戏”或“青年友谊比赛。”两个阵营主办的各自组织和大运会。







The early 20s of this century, when the International Student Organization had already begun plans to organize the World University Games. In May 1923, held in Paris in the World University Sports Congress, the meeting decided the following year to hold the first session of the International University Games. In 1924, the First International University Games (International Universities' Games) held in Warsaw, athletics, swimming and fencing three events. Since then, the games from time to time held in 1939 organized a total of eight sessions. After the Games, was interrupted by World War II in 1947 has resumed. However, in 1951 the causes of the international situation changes, split into East and West, two games, the West called "International Students Sports Council", the East is called "Youth Student Games" or "Youth Friendship Games." The two camps organized by their respective organizations and Universiade.
In 1957, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the French National Federation, was held in Paris an international University Games and the International Cultural Festival. After meeting representatives of 30 countries unanimously agreed to decide the future of university students regularly organize sports competitions worldwide, known as the "World University Games," in principle, held every two years.
In 1959, the first session of the World University Games in Turin, Italy, from 45 countries and 985 athletes participated in the race. Since then, the biennial event, to 1999, the World University Games have been held 20 sessions.
World University Games events generally have the formal requirements of the track and field, swimming, diving, water polo, gymnastics, fencing, tennis, basketball and volleyball 9, the host country have the right to add one. For example, the host country, Bulgaria in 1977 increased by wrestling, football 1979, an increase in Mexico in 1985 an increase of judo in Japan.
In 1960, fake Olympic competition system, but also held in Chamonix in France, the World University Winter Games. Initially, the Summer Games and Winter Games respectively in a single number and held in even years, since 1981, changed to be held in the same year. To 1999, the World University Winter Games have been held over 19 sessions of the competitions, there speed skating, short track speed skating, figure skating, alpine skiing, cross-country skiing, ski jumping, biathlon, ice hockey, Nordic combined, snowboarding.
The first session of the 1959 World University Games, China has participated in some track and field competitions. From 1961 until the second session of the eighth, the Chinese were not to send a delegation to participate. In 1975, China was accepted as full members of the International University Sports Federation. From 1977, the Ninth, China sent a delegation to participate in the World University Games to date successive.
As the World University Games are second only to the Olympics Games, the world's large-scale comprehensive, self-organization of the first race in 1959, the world attach great importance to all countries, have sent the best athletes compete. From the age of 60 since the previous World University Summer Games, a total of 18 broke the world record in track and field and swimming

乒乓球Table tennis
1.体操 gymnastics
2.游泳 swimming
3.击剑 fencing
4.举重 weightlifting
5.棒球 baseball
6.篮球 basketball
7.排球 volleyball
8.乒乓球 table tennis
9.足球 soccer
10.跳水 diving
11.马球 polo
12.水球 water polo
13.垒球 softball
14.网球 tennis
15.赛艇 canoe
16.冲浪 surfing
17.自行车 cycling
18.羽毛球 badminton
19.田径 track and field
20.手球 handball
21.摔交 wrestling
22.拳击 boxing
23.射箭 toxophily
24.射击 shooting
25.柔道 judo
26.骑马 equestrian
27.曲棍球 hockey
football 足球
rugby 橄榄球
basketball 篮球
volleyball 排球
tennis 网球
baseball 垒球
handball 手球
hockey 曲棍球
golf 高尔夫球
cricket 板球
ice hockey 冰球
gymnastics 体操
horizontal bar 单杠
parallel bars 双杠
rings 吊环
side horse, pommelled horse 鞍马
weight-lifting 举重
boxing 拳击
Greece-Roman wrestling 古典式摔跤
judo 柔道
fencing 击剑
skiing 滑雪
downhill race 速降滑雪赛,滑降
slalom 障碍滑雪
ski jump 跳高滑雪
ice skating 滑冰
figure skating 花样滑冰
roller skating 滑旱冰
middle-distance race 中长跑
sprint 短跑 (美作:dash)
the 400 metre hurdles 400米栏
marathon 马拉松
decathlon 十项
cross-country race 越野跑
high jump 跳高
long jump 跳远 (美作:broad jump)
triple jump, hop step and jump 三级跳
pole vault 撑竿跳
throw 投掷
throwing 投掷运动
putting the shot, shot put 推铅球
throwing the discus 掷铁饼
throwing the hammer 掷链锤
throwing the javelin 掷标枪
walk 竞走
swimming 游泳
medley relay 混合泳
crawl 爬泳
breaststroke 蛙式
backstroke 仰式
freestyle 自由式
butterfly (stroke) 蝶泳
diving competition 跳水
water polo 水球
water skiing 水橇
rowing 划船
canoe 划艇
boat race 赛艇
yacht 游艇
kayak 皮船
sailing 帆船运动
jockey, polo 马球




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