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  • 17049962744英语高手请帮忙,帮我将下面一段话翻译成英文,谢绝在线翻译和工具翻译...
    索柴陈这么长,我慢慢翻译了,等我哈。我手动翻译的,要一天时间。。。第一段 4 The strategies for the development of Chinese commercial banks' Personal Financial Services With the opening of the financial market and the development of financial globalization, the Personal Financial Services of our...

  • 17049962744请各位英语高手帮我把下面的中文信件翻译成英文的,谢谢
    索柴陈Hello, xxx,Very glad to know you. Always want to find time to know your friend, but because the work is busier in this side of ours, my knowledge is not too high, so I can hope for me a bit harder in work, get hold of this job. Mother and elder sister said you ...

  • 17049962744各位英语高手帮帮忙!急啊!!请将以下一段英文翻译成中文...要求只有一...
    索柴陈In China, left symbolize hono(u)r, right means subordinate; Upper side symbolize hono(u)r, lower side means subordinate; Middle symbolize hono(u)r, deviation means subordinate. But in the west, rightsymbolize hono(u)r, left means subordinate.翻译得很辛苦, 但希望可以帮你:)...

  • 17049962744求英语高手帮忙将以下句子翻译成英文(千万别用翻译器)翻译多少都行,拜 ...
    索柴陈由于时间有限,先帮搂着翻译一部分,等下次有空再翻译剩下的部分:附言:仅供楼主参考,希望有所帮助 目前的电解技术消耗资源,造成电解液电解并析出物质,可应用于各种电解工业及电化学领域.Substances electrolzed by mordern electrolysis technology can be widely used in electrolytic industry and ...

  • 17049962744小弟恳请各位英语高手们帮忙将这篇自我介绍译成英文。我将感激不尽...
    索柴陈各位老师,大家下午好!能够参加此次面试,我感到非常的荣幸。现在我的心情十分激动,也有一点紧张。如果表达得不好,还请各位老师多多包涵!Good afternoon, dear teachers. It’s my great honor to have so good an opportunity to attend the interview. I’m a little excited and nervous as ...

  • 17049962744急急急!跪求专业英语高手帮忙:将以下一段关于统计专业英语的文章翻译...
    索柴陈统计学的涵义 统计学(statistics)这个词有两种含义:(1)在广义上,它指的是对具有数字特征(指标)的事件的收集,并广泛应用于涉及到一些诸如人口、犯罪与教育等等的事件与数字。统计学家将这些收集到的数字称为“数据”。(2)狭义上,它指的是处理统计数据的科学(或技艺)。对数据的收集、分析与整理...

  • 17049962744聪明能干的各位英语高手,请帮帮忙把下列句子翻译成英文(要用上括号里...
    索柴陈5、她把这件事和其它一些事情联系在一起,意识到有人在她的办公室故意捣乱。(relate to,realise)She relates this matter to other issues and realises that there are people deliberately causing trouble in her office.6、他是个很有经验的人,总是受到年轻人的尊敬。(look up to)Young ...

  • 17049962744紧~急~英语高手的进来帮帮忙,帮我将以下中文句子翻译成英文!还要根 ...
    索柴陈答案正确,放心使用。鉴于有这么多道题,鼓励补给奖赏分:①毫无疑问,当时老师对同学们的表演评价很高。(doubt ,think highly of)Without a doubt, the teacher thought highly of the students' performance.②老实说,那个梦想当歌唱家的青年人是他自己。(dream of)To tell you the truth, the...

  • 17049962744请各位英语高手帮忙把下面的中文翻译为标准的英文,非常感谢!
    索柴陈Avril Lavigne children (English: Avril Ramona Lavigne Whibley, 1984 年 9 27 -), Canadian pop rock singer, songwriter and actor. And the song "skater boy> (Skater Boy) famous. Her two albums, "Fly" and "Under My bones" in several countries to the forefront of the music ...

  • 17049962744请各位英语高手帮忙把此中文译成英文,急!
    索柴陈Office assistant:1. Email, fax, scan files,Assists supervisor processing related matters,3 communication customer, customer information feedback, handling of customer information,4 data entry, proofreading and attendance statistics,5..25 drafting and modified report, manuscripts,6 and ...

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