
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

Tom and Ben are fond of skating.

I have changed my mind. I don't want to go to college.

It is not healthy to stay up late.

Pandas will become extinct if we don't protect them.

We will have holidays in space if our dreams come true.

いくらお袋だからといって、仆 の日记を読むなんて许せない

  Our school is in great(need)of English teachers.【in need of 表示处于“需要”之中】

  The film (is worth)seeing.【be worth doing 表示 “值得一做”】

  When I lose heart,my mother always tells me, “(keep) (on)trying!”【keep on doing 表示“继续做”】

  Thank you(for)your help. 【thank sb.for sth.表示 “因某事而感谢某人”】

Do you usaually get up early?
What does Alice often play?
He has a pen friend in Beijing.
Your father works hard.
What does your brother make for you?
Are Daniel and Tommy in Class One ?
We don't have an English class every morning .
Where is Diana?
I'm always late for school.
How does he go to school?
Does Tom like playing football?
She often goes swimming.

1 need
2 is worth
3 Go on
4 for



他 “穿在身上” 时不小心让烟头烫个洞,因为有了洞不能穿了,这才去裁缝铺做另一件一模一样的新衣服,原因是他很喜欢原来的那种 fine, blue coat。

你可能没有理解问句 When there was a hole in the old coat 的的意思,问题指的是 “旧衣服上什么时候有了洞”,这不就是 “他穿在身上时让烟头给烫才有了洞” 吗?

第3个不是Keep on?

这么说,Go on有继续的意思?

go on doing sth继续做某事


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