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Ms. Lin: Hello, Mr. Brown.

Mr. Brown: Hello, Lin.

Ms. Lin: It's nice to see you again in Shanghai.

Mr. Brown: Well, I'm so glad to be able to come to this World Expo.

Ms. Lin: How was your flight?

Mr. Brown: Just wonderful! Good food and good service.

Ms. Lin: Now, Mr. Brown, if all is ready, we'd better start for the hotel.

Mr. Brown: I'd like to. Let's go.

Ms. Lin: This way, please. Our car is in the parking lot3.

Mr. Brown OK ... But Ms. Lin, the airport looks different from what I saw last time.

Ms. Lin: (laughing) Your last time was two years ago, right?

Ms. Lin: In the past two years, Shanghai has speeded up the expansion project of the Pudong Airport. You'll see more changes elsewhere.

Mr. Brown: That's why I like Shanghai immensely.

对话 2


林女士: 您好,布朗先生。


林女士: 很高兴再次在上海见到您。


林女士: 飞行顺利吗?


林女士: 好,布朗先生,如果一切妥当,我们出发去宾馆吧。


林女士: 这边请。我们的车在停车场。


林女士: (笑)您上次是在两年前,对吧?


林女士: 在过去的两年里,上海加快了浦东机场的扩建工程。您在别的地方会看到更多的变化。


A:Hello!This is A.Is that B?B:YES.What will you say?A:There will be a world's fair in Shanghai on 2010.DO you know?B:Sure!I feel very pround of this piece of news.A:so what will you do about?B:I'll go and take pride in it that time.A:Me, too!B:I'll buy one ticket to the world's fair .A:So could you please buy one to me?B:Sure.A:I want to take part in some activities about the world's fair .Do you know some?B:Sorry,I don't know.But we can ask others.A:Ok.so Let's look up the Internet.B:Okey.If you find it,please tell me。A:Sure。Bye!B:bye!

After the Beijing Olympics, litters are being throw everywhere, even on the street and in the stadium even through trash bin are being provided. I think that since china can change the world impression about us having to holds the Olympics games, they are also able to change their mindset and think that china can go our part on going green.
Firstly, we have to start with reduces of carbon dioxides gas into the atmosphere to pollutants the environment. Next, we have to reduces the amount of litters that is being products per year and per house hold.
We will also have to educated the kids in school and tell them that caring for the environment start young. No matter how old you are, you are able to play a part in keeping the environment clean. We will also have to held campaign so as to spread the message across the nation that why and how is it important to keep our environment clean. And what are the consequences we have to face if global warming is starting sooner that what we have expected

My English teacher
  I'm have many teachers now and I love them all,but my favorate teacher,I think she is my English teachter Mis/Miss Gao.

  She is tall and thin,in my eyes she is most beautiful teacher woman in the world,I love her sweet smile and attractive.So I always feel free in her class.

  I like her class very much,she often tell us interesting stories in her class,and she teaches us to play English games and English songs,too.since she become my English teacher,I'm have madel a lot of progess.

   What a good teacher she is!I like English,I like my English teacher.


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