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~ Many species of wildlife are at risk of extinction, and we can learn how to protect them by referring to the following excellent English essays. Here are some revised essays on protecting wildlife, which I hope will inspire you.
**Essay 1: The Need for Effective Wildlife Protection**
Recently, there has been public concern over our efforts to safeguard wild animals. News reports frequently detail the increasing number of wildlife killed by humans, particularly those that are rare and precious. Innocent creatures are slaughtered for their meat, fur, and teeth, fueling human desires. In my opinion, effectively protecting wildlife still requires significant progress.
Firstly, people must strive to create a more suitable environment for animals. Over the centuries, humans have cleared forests for agriculture and habitation, displacing wildlife from their natural habitats. With no alternative, these animals are forced to migrate. Moreover, human activities have disrupted the natural food chain, leaving wildlife struggling to find enough sustenance to survive. The destruction of nature has become a major threat to wildlife, as seen with polar bears starving to death due to melting ice and shifting food sources. If we wish to protect wildlife effectively, we must prioritize environmental conservation.
Secondly, we must adopt a 'no buying, no killing' approach. Some individuals, particularly the wealthy, view fur clothing as a status symbol. They fail to consider that the fur they wear was once an animal's skin, their entire life jacket. These people choose to ignore the cruelty involved in fur harvesting. If we stop purchasing fur and other animal products, many wildlife species could be spared.
In conclusion, wildlife is our friend, and we must return the favor by protecting their habitats and refraining from supporting the sale of their body parts. Otherwise, future generations may only see these creatures in zoos and museums.
**Essay 2: The Value of Animals**
Throughout history, humans have wasted natural resources, including animals. They have been killed for their fur, feathers, meat, sport, or simply because they were in the way. Thousands of animal species have been permanently eradicated from the Earth, and hundreds more are currently endangered. Alone in the United States, approximately 170 species are at risk.
Why should we care? Because we rely on animals, and once they're gone, they cannot be replaced. Animals are more than just beautiful or interesting; they play a vital role in the balance of nature. Destroying one species can lead to numerous problems. For instance, when farmers eliminated a large number of hawks, their stored corn and grain were destroyed by rats and mice, which multiplied unchecked in the absence of their natural predators.
Fortunately, some individuals are working to save animals. Groups raise funds to raise awareness about the issue and advocate for government laws to protect endangered species. Many countries have passed such laws, banning the killing of animals and plants on the endangered list. Gradually, the numbers of some endangered species are increasing.
**Essay 3: The Joy of Animal Care**
In my view, there is no greater pleasure than looking after animals.无论我走到哪里,无论我做什么,我通常都会记住,动物是我们天堂来的天使,给我们带来无尽的舒适和快乐。我从小就是熊猫的爱好者。熊猫是如此的可爱,给人们带来欢乐,它们被视为我们国家的宝贝。不幸的是,这样一个稀有的物种现在面临着灭绝的危险。我渴望做的是提高人们对动物保护的意识,并呼吁更多的人关心我们的地球。
**Essay 4: The Importance of Protecting Wildlife**
Protecting wildlife is crucial, and it is something I am very passionate about. Throughout my life, I have always been aware that animals are angels from heaven, bringing us endless comfort and joy. Since my childhood, I have been an ardent lover of pandas. They are so adorable and bring joy to people, and they are also considered a treasure of our country. Unfortunately, such a rare species is now facing the risk of extinction. What I am eager to do is to raise people's awareness of animal protection and appeal to more people to take care of our planet.


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