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1. 深圳的变化(英语作文)

shen zheng is a beautiful city.

It is famous for it's peaceful.

As the industry develops,more and more badman came to shen zhen,crimes happen everyday.

Service develops,but human relationship dissapears.

What a nice city!The window of the industry city in China.

2. 深圳的变化英语小作文

As the population ages, the traffic also more and more crowded. Every day, the streets are many bicycles, cars and buses. Most students are walking to school. Some go to school by bike. The other is to take a bus to school. Every morning, is traffic rush. Work and students are on the road to walk that traffic bees more and more crowded. Solving the traffic is the only way of controlling the population growth. I hope one day traffic no longer crowded.



3. 英语作文关于深圳变化


Today, the republic had left LiuShiYiNian, today, shenzhen is a sky, it is sunny sentient beings vicissitudes. 六十一年前,深圳各种各样的小饭店,小超市出现,洋面,洋面最抢人眼球。 61 years ago, shenzhen various *** all hotel, *** all supermarket sea, it appears, the most grab people's eye. 现在,中国的产品已普遍大江南北。

Now, China's products have generally great river north and south. 六十一年前,深圳的人们还住在简陋的小木屋里,屋外是淅沥的水泥路和平平的大戈壁,现在,映入眼帘的是一座座的高楼,修得非常平坦的马路和挺拔的树木。 61 years ago, shenzhen people still living in makeshift shack, outside the patter cement road and flat is big gobi desert, now, view is the place of tall buildings, the very flat roads and forceful trees. 六十一年前,六十一年前,深圳的人们是在外国人的耻笑和唾骂中度过的,现在,大街上的人们个个都是昂首挺胸的,春光满面。

61 years ago, 61 years ago, shenzhen humans are foreigners spent disdain and reviled, now, "people on the street all are the faces, spring heads held high. 六十一年前,深圳的人们还正在农田里耕梨种田,现在,高级代的机械已开进深圳的农田。 61 years ago, shenzhen people are still farms plow pears, senior and earned, now already into the machinery of shenzhen of farmland. 六十一年前,深圳的人们是在饥饿与疲劳中熬过的,现在,深圳的人们是在幸福的光芒中度过的。

61 years ago, shenzhen people are in hunger and fatigue endured, now in shenzhen, people in the light of happiness is spent. 六十一年前,深圳的科学技术使人失望又懊恼,现在,深圳的科学技术都是响当当。 61 years ago, shenzhen science and technology make people disappointed and annoyed, now, shenzhen science and technology are famous. 六十一年前,深圳最好的学校让外国的名胞瞧不起,现在,深圳的学校有的是人才。

61 years ago, shenzhen the best school let foreign name cell despises, now, shenzhen school plenty of talents. 六十一年前,深圳的孩子吃不饱,没钱读书,现在,深圳的孩子却是父母的掌上明珠,捧在手中怕摔了,含在嘴里怕化了。 61 years ago, shenzhen children do not have enough to eat, no money reading, now, shenzhen children is the apple of her parents' eye, hold it in your hands, including fell in fear of mouth afraid. 这就是变化,巨大的变化啊,为了深圳的未来,为了祖国的前途,我们就更应该沿着真理,沿着理想奋发图强! This is change, great changes in shenzhen, o the future, in order to our country's future, we will be more should follow the truth, unyielding along the ideal!。

4. 英语作文关于深圳变化


Today, the republic had left LiuShiYiNian, today, shenzhen is a sky, it is sunny sentient beings vicissitudes. 六十一年前,深圳各种各样的小饭店,小超市出现,洋面,洋面最抢人眼球。 61 years ago, shenzhen various *** all hotel, *** all supermarket sea, it appears, the most grab people's eye. 现在,中国的产品已普遍大江南北。

Now, China's products have generally great river north and south. 六十一年前,深圳的人们还住在简陋的小木屋里,屋外是淅沥的水泥路和平平的大戈壁,现在,映入眼帘的是一座座的高楼,修得非常平坦的马路和挺拔的树木。 61 years ago, shenzhen people still living in makeshift shack, outside the patter cement road and flat is big gobi desert, now, view is the place of tall buildings, the very flat roads and forceful trees. 六十一年前,六十一年前,深圳的人们是在外国人的耻笑和唾骂中度过的,现在,大街上的人们个个都是昂首挺胸的,春光满面。

61 years ago, 61 years ago, shenzhen humans are foreigners spent disdain and reviled, now, "people on the street all are the faces, spring heads held high. 六十一年前,深圳的人们还正在农田里耕梨种田,现在,高级代的机械已开进深圳的农田。 61 years ago, shenzhen people are still farms plow pears, senior and earned, now already into the machinery of shenzhen of farmland. 六十一年前,深圳的人们是在饥饿与疲劳中熬过的,现在,深圳的人们是在幸福的光芒中度过的。

61 years ago, shenzhen people are in hunger and fatigue endured, now in shenzhen, people in the light of happiness is spent. 六十一年前,深圳的科学技术使人失望又懊恼,现在,深圳的科学技术都是响当当。 61 years ago, shenzhen science and technology make people disappointed and annoyed, now, shenzhen science and technology are famous. 六十一年前,深圳最好的学校让外国的名胞瞧不起,现在,深圳的学校有的是人才。

61 years ago, shenzhen the best school let foreign name cell despises, now, shenzhen school plenty of talents. 六十一年前,深圳的孩子吃不饱,没钱读书,现在,深圳的孩子却是父母的掌上明珠,捧在手中怕摔了,含在嘴里怕化了。 61 years ago, shenzhen children do not have enough to eat, no money reading, now, shenzhen children is the apple of her parents' eye, hold it in your hands, including fell in fear of mouth afraid. 这就是变化,巨大的变化啊,为了深圳的未来,为了祖国的前途,我们就更应该沿着真理,沿着理想奋发图强! This is change, great changes in shenzhen, o the future, in order to our country's future, we will be more should follow the truth, unyielding along the ideal!。

5. 求一篇英语作文,写的是深圳的变化,题目是《Changes in

50 years ago,shenzhen was a *** all fishing village.It was very *** all.There weren't many people.There were not any tunnels.There were not any cars,busas,taxis,trains and plants,either.Now,there are very different from 50 years ago.Shenzhen became a big modern city.There are lots of people.There are a lot of tunnels.There are many cars,buses,taxis,trains and plants,too.。

6. 【写一篇关于深圳的英语小作文(要介绍游乐场所)

Speaking of Shenzhen's touri *** ,of course there are numerous “theme parks” famous both in China and overseas,because Shenzhen's theme parks are not only multitudinous but also excellent,they take the lead in China's theme parks,some people even entitle Shenzhen the “Capital of Thematic Parks” as a good fame.Whether it is the Window of the World of “You give me one day,and I will give one world” or the Splendid China Folk Culture Village of “Walking into the history by one step,and traveling all around China by one day”; whether it is the happy valley of “prosperous bustling urban happy land” or Minsk Aircraft Carrier bearing glory and dreams,all of them are not only a series of wonderful exhibitions,but also one vivid miniature after another of blend of the Chinese culture with the world civilization.A tour of Shenzhen's thematic parks should not miss several large-scale literary performances there – the music epic Distinguished and Admirable Heroes of Bygone Years in the Window of the World,the singing and dancing pageant Dragons and Phoenixes Dancing in China in the China Folk Culture Village,and the urban melodrama Unlimited Gladness in the Happy Valley.All of the.。

7. 有关深圳的变化英语作文500词

English is widely known in the world, and is recognised as the international language for munication. It would be so useful for me if I goes on a trip to other countries. Moreover, if i have to work with overseas partnership panies in the future, English is definitely the mon language for business and trades。

8. 英语作文深圳的景点选一个写(1)世界之窗(theWindowoftheWorld)

深圳世界之窗的英文介绍On June 18,1994 started doing business window of the Shenzhen world,was situated to the beautiful Shenzhen bay bank,the area 480,000square meters.The scenic area divides into the world square,theAsian area,the Oceanian area,the European area,the African area,the Americas area,the world sculpture garden and the internationalstreet eight wide ranges according to the world region structure andthe tour active content.As take brings honor to the world cultureessence as the subject large-scale cultural traveling scenic area,shegathers together 130 worlds famous landscapes,the collection naturalscenery,the folk custom character and style,the folk dance,thelarge-scale performance as well as the high tech participation projectto a garden,has reappeared a wonderful world.。


Shenzhen's Transformation

Over the past few decades, Shenzhen has undergone a remarkable transformation. Once a small fishing village, it has emerged as a modern metropolis and a hub for technology, innovation, and finance.

The city's urban development has been characterized by the construction of towering skyscrapers, expansive shopping centers, and high-speed transportation links. Its skyline has been transformed with steel and glass structures that shimmer in the sun.

But Shenzhen's transformation has not just been physical. Its economy has diversified to become a center of technological innovation, with the presence of companies such as Tencent and Huawei. As a result, the city has attracted a diverse and talented workforce, creating a vibrant and dynamic culture.

In addition, Shenzhen has offered numerous opportunities for entrepreneurs and small business owners, resulting in the proliferation of startups. This has led to an environment of creativity and innovation that is constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible.

Overall, Shenzhen's transformation is emblematic of China's rapid modernization. By embracing change and innovation, the city has evolved into a leading global example of what is possible when a community comes together to create a better future.

Shenzhen's Changes

Shenzhen is a young city, established only in 1980 as a result of the decision made by the Chinese government to open up the country and promote economic development. At that time, it was a small fishing village with poor conditions and few resources. However, since then, Shenzhen has undergone tremendous changes.

In the past four decades, Shenzhen has developed rapidly and become one of the most important cities in China. The city's economy has boomed, with many multinational corporations setting up their headquarters or branches in the city. Shenzhen is now a global technology hub, known for its innovation and creativity.

In addition to its economic development, Shenzhen has also experienced significant changes in infrastructure, urban planning, and environmental protection. New roads, highways, and public transportation systems have been built to improve traffic and connectivity. The city has also launched various projects to improve the living conditions of its residents, such as providing affordable housing and promoting green spaces.

Furthermore, Shenzhen has made great efforts to protect the environment. The city has implemented stringent regulations to reduce air and water pollution, and promote sustainable development. In recent years, Shenzhen has also become a popular destination for tourists, with many scenic spots and historical sites being developed for visitors to enjoy.

In conclusion, Shenzhen is a shining example of how China's Reform and Opening-up have brought about significant changes in the country. From a small fishing village to a global technology hub, Shenzhen has achieved an impressive transformation that is impressive. Its success not only benefits the people of Shenzhen, but also serves as a model for other cities seeking to promote economic growth and improve the quality of life for its residents.

The Changes in Shenzhen

Shenzhen, a city located in southern China, has undergone significant changes over the past few decades. For me, as a Shenzhen native, I have witnessed firsthand the rapid pace of development and transformation in my city.

Firstly, the skyline of Shenzhen has changed dramatically. The once sparse and low skyline is now dotted with towering skyscrapers, including iconic landmarks such as the Ping An Finance Centre and the Kingkey 100. The transformation of the city into a modern metropolis is reflected in this architecture.

Secondly, Shenzhen's economy has also undergone tremendous changes. Once a small fishing village, it has become a major economic hub and one of the wealthiest cities in China. The city's rapid economic development has attracted many foreign and domestic companies, which has in turn brought about an influx of talent and resources.

Thirdly, Shenzhen has also grown into a major cultural center. Innovative cultural and artistic activities such as exhibitions, performances, and festivals are held regularly throughout the city. This has allowed residents to appreciate not only the city's modern ethos but also its traditional roots.

Lastly, the transformation of transportation in Shenzhen has been remarkable. The city has one of the most comprehensive and well-connected metro systems in the world, which makes it much more convenient for residents and visitors to travel around the city. In addition, the city's road network has been extended, and modernized public transportation such as high-speed trains and electric buses have been introduced.

In conclusion, the changes in Shenzhen over the past few decades have been remarkable. The city has grown from a small village to a modern metropolis, with a booming economy, a vibrant culture, and a more modern and connected transportation system. As a native of the city, I am proud to have witnessed its transformation and look forward to contributing to its growth and development.





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