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~ Unit 1 Features

Passage 1: Fuel Costs Could End Cheap Flight Era

This passage discusses the potential impact of rising fuel costs on the era of cheap flights, suggesting that the cost of flying may no longer be as affordable as it once was due to increasing fuel prices.

Passage 2: One of the Richest of All Cities Has 650,000 Poor Children

In this passage, London is highlighted as a city with a high level of wealth disparity, as it is home to over 650,000 children living in poverty.

Passage 3: China's New Empty Nest

This piece focuses on the phenomenon of the 'empty nest' in China, exploring the social and economic implications of a growing number of elderly individuals living alone without children to care for them.

Unit 2 Travel

Passage 4: Motoring around Britain

Details on driving and exploring the United Kingdom, offering insights into the country's roads, scenic routes, and driving culture.

Passage 5: High Spirits

A travel guide to events and festivities in various locations across the world, providing information on cultural celebrations, music festivals, and other spirited gatherings.

Passage 6: The First Resort

This passage introduces a popular vacation destination, emphasizing its amenities, attractions, and overall appeal as a first-choice resort for travelers.

Unit 3 Life

Passage 7: Loose Lips Sink Shifts

Offers tips on maintaining confidentiality and avoiding the sharing of sensitive information, emphasizing the importance of discretion in the workplace.

Passage 8: If Only the Dollar Were Stronger

A discussion on the economic implications of a stronger US dollar, including its impact on international trade, travel, and financial markets.

Passage 9: We Are What We Eat

This piece explores the relationship between diet and health, suggesting that our choices in food significantly influence our overall well-being.

Unit 4 Culture

Passage 10: Farewell to the Orochen

A reflection on the Orochen people, a nomadic group in Inner Mongolia, and the challenges they face as their traditional way of life becomes increasingly threatened.

Passage 11: Hanging by a Thread

Highlights the delicate balance of life and cultural preservation in the face of modernization and globalization.

Passage 12: Return of the Queen

Discusses the resurgence of interest in traditional monarchy, examining its cultural significance and potential impact on contemporary society.

Unit 5 Sports

Passage 13: Russia Eyes Waiving Visas for English Fans

Reports on Russia's consideration of easing visa requirements for English fans attending sporting events, potentially facilitating greater international participation and travel.

Passage 14: One Club Wants to Use a Gene-test to Spot the New Ronaldo

Explores the potential use of genetic testing in sports to identify athletes with traits that could lead to exceptional performance, using the example of the Portuguese football star Ronaldo.

Passage 15: High Achievements

Focuses on the importance of recognizing and rewarding exceptional athletic achievements, discussing the impact of high performance on motivation, team dynamics, and broader societal perceptions of excellence.

Unit 6 Environment

Passage 16: When Nature is Nurture

Discusses the interplay between environmental factors and personal development, emphasizing the role of nature in shaping human characteristics and behaviors.

Passage 17: Learning to Love Climate ‘Adaptation’

Encourages acceptance and proactive adaptation to environmental changes, promoting strategies for sustainability and resilience in the face of climate challenges.

Passage 18: Lost in the Concrete Jungle

Examines the negative effects of urbanization on nature and human well-being, advocating for the preservation of green spaces and the reconnection with the natural world within cities.

Unit 7 Education

Passage 19: What's New at the E-Library

Updates on advancements in digital libraries, exploring how technology is transforming access to information and the educational resources available online.

Passage 20: A World View Must Be Part of School Culture

Argues for the inclusion of global perspectives in education, emphasizing the importance of fostering a world view in students to promote understanding, empathy, and global citizenship.

Passage 21: Balancing Prestige and Debt in Choosing a College

Guidance on making informed decisions about college education, balancing considerations such as academic prestige, financial costs, and personal interests to achieve a well-rounded educational experience.

Unit 8 Health

Passage 22: Are Vaccines the Answer to Addiction?

Investigates the potential role of vaccines in addressing addiction, discussing the scientific research and implications for public health strategies.

Passage 23: Government Warns on DIY Cancer Treatments

Cautionary advice against self-administered cancer treatments, highlighting the risks and emphasizing the importance of professional medical guidance in cancer care.

Passage 24: Hypertension: In Retreat, but Hardly Vanquished

Looks at the management and control of hypertension, a common cardiovascular condition, discussing the ongoing challenges in treatment and the potential for improved preventative measures and therapies.


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