The Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet 关于网络利弊的英语作文 80字左右就行

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As human enters a age of information technology. The advantages and disadvantages becomes increasingly prominate.

The advantages are that internet made life much more convenient and effcient. People can shop, read, learn, interact and a whole lot more from their computer desk. It draws the world closer and makes lifes faster.
There are also disadvantages. On the internet, everyone is invisisble, this makes online fraud and identitity theft increasingly popular and easy. Also, on the internet, almost everyone can post or edit information, which means information on the web are not always accurate.

Therefore, as we become more and more relient on the internt, it's advantages and disadvantages should not be forgotten.


Some subjects may try to participant in the same study more than once
To overcome this problem, you can ask for the email addresses of each participant, and then look for duplicates.
Since nowadays its easy for people to create multiple email addresses, you can also ask for name and/or address of each subject. Sometimes researchers will have a "lottery" as incentive to participate (e.g., $100 lottery prize for each 400 participants), so asking for name/address is necessary to award the lottery check.
You can also collect the IP address of each participant and look for duplicates. One issue here is that sometimes DSL providers give the same IP address to multiple people.
Some subjects may drop out of the study before finishing
In traditional laboratory-based research its unusual for a subject to walk out of a study, but online a subject can get distracted or simply lose interest and end the study. Sometimes researchers will have a "lottery" as incentive to have the subject participate in the study, but with any type of monetary incentive IRB's typically require a statement in the consent form saying something to the effect of "you may discontinue participation at any time without any consequences or losing your entry in the lottery."
Since a certain number of online subjects wont finish the study, you can overcollect the number of subjects you think you need to offset the number of subjects who dont finish the study, usually around 10-20%.
Some subjects may stop the study and then continue minutes/hours later
The problem here is that some studies involve manipulations which may lose power if there is a time lag between the manipulation and measures in the study. One advantage of online studies is that you can record how long the subject is taking part in the study, so you can identify the average length of time of your study, and also identify those subjects who take an extrordinary long amount of time to finish the study.
Some subjects may rush through the study
Since you can record how long each subject is participating in the study, you can identify those subjects who may have rushed through the study.
How do I get subjects for my online study?
There is no single answer to this question and you may have to try a number of things before you find something that works for your study, depending on the subject matter and incentives you are offering. See How to recruit subjects online? for an ongoing discussion of subject recruitment.

With the developement of the tecknoledge, Internet has become an important part of our life. More and more people use the internet every day. The Internet brings lots of convinient for us. We can surf the internet for information, download musi and movies, listen to music on line and so on. Besides, it makes us communicate with each other easily, such as, chatting on line, sending and receiving e-mails. What's more, lots of people use the internet to work.
Like every coins has two sides. the internet has disadvantages,too. If you spend too much time on it, it will do harm to your health. Bides, cheating on line is very common,too.

In the 21th century, internet is one of the most common use to find resources, communicate with people, and spend time on other things. There is always has good side and bad side of the usetage of the internet. The advantages of internet are that it can help to find resources easily without spending much time and communicate with friends and relatives anytime you want. But the disadvantages are the there will be bad information pose on internet and it will harm to the children, and because of the convinence of the internet,people getting lazy and not go out search on their own.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet 关于网络利弊的英语作文 80字左右就行视频




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