
来自:女装评    更新日期:早些时候


in the last 4 years(或者不写,然后在句子后面补上 for the last 4 years), i've been working as a system(系统) manager(管理员)或者 i've been managing operating-systems (管理系统4年,属于另一种系统,比如win7,安卓)


i have huge experience(巨多的经验)in IT devices(设备), software(软件) management(管理,不是动词) and software maintainment(维护,维持是maintain).
还可以说:i am skilled(技术很高的意思,如果是专业的话就把skilled 改成professional) in IT devices, software management and software maintainment.
如果你是指,对设备的管理和维护不是对软件的管理和维护可以说,device management and maintainment.


and also i have the ability(能力) required(需求) for software development(制作,开发).


in 2013, i finished a photo-scan(图片扫描,如果是数字图片不是实体的,用picture或image,识别是:recognize动词,recognition名词 比如识别是jpg,Gif,还是txt,或者用identify(ing), identification,) project(项目). greatly(大大的) increased(提升) the efficiency(效率) of the company(公司), and also reduced(降低) the requirement(需求) for man-work (人力)


i love to learn new knowledge(或者说:热情的学者 enthusiastic learner), My standard (基本,用基础的话是:basic)knowledge in IT is flawless(没有漏点,缺点的)sturdy and strong (类似扎实), so i am able to learn to use new device quickly. (所以我可以很快的学到如何使用新设备)


I am a person with great sense of reponsibility (我拥有很大的责任意识)and i will do my very best for every job(或者用assignment 作业,不是学校作业) i'm given to.(我会为给我的每一个任务劲我最大的努力,还可以理解为:做到我所能做的最好的。)


for habits and interest(关于习惯和兴趣), i'd like to jog (比跑慢比走快,在国外理解为公园长跑。再长一点有marathon 马拉松,可以前加short 短的意思)basketball, reading novels(故事书,小说,非文学和教育类,如果什么书都读的话直接用book) and watch movies(或者films,movies 个人认为比较通顺).


also i am very excited(兴奋) to have an opportunity(机会) to work overboard(境外), i really really do hope(希望) that i am hired(雇佣,和升职) for this job. if i am allowed to join the company then i wil do a hundred percent (100%) best as i can.或者用(a hundred percent of my best)




i am an out-going man(or girl) with a great interest in communicating with others, and always ready for a chanllenge. i often use my spare time doing part-time jobs,such as teaching as a tutor, advertising and sales promotion. these experiences help me to improve my socail skills and encourage me to work harder.
if i can have the honor to work for this company, i will definitely work hard and with enthusiam to make this company better.
thank you!

I'm a very open-minded boy/girl,so i like to communicate wiht others.

I also like to challenge something new.I often make use of vacations

to work.through tutor ,promotions etc,my social ability gets

improved and i becomemore hardy as well.

If I have the opportunity work in your comapnay,i'm sure to work

with my whole heart and enthusiasm to contribute to the company's development

I'm an outgoing girl.I like communicating with others.And l like challenge some new things.I often work in holiday. By house-education,publicity and promotion etc.My social skills already improve.I can work busy,too.If I can work at your company,I will try my best hard.

I open and bright, likes communicating with the human, and likes challenging the new thing. I using vacation time hiring out for working, through work and so on family education, propaganda promotion, my diffuse skills have the enhancement frequently, also even more can endure hardship. If can arrive at your firm work fortunately, I certainly completely greatest endeavor, will complete the work mission with the biggest enthusiasm, will make contribution for company's development.


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