
来自:学习    更新日期:早些时候

1.I like the Chinese new year better than any other festival. This is a time especially for rest and joy. I need not study. I wear good clothes and eat good food. I have a good time from morning till night. I am as happy as a king.

2.No sooner had the witer vacation begun than I returned to my native town. Of course I
must make good use of it;.In the morning I reviewed my lessons and read newspapers or magazines. In the afternoon I played ball games with my friends or went fishing in the river. At night I watched television with my family. hardly had the clock on the wall struck ten when I went to bed.
寒假刚一开始,我就回故乡了。自然我须好好利用它。 早晨我复习功课并阅读报纸或杂志。下午我和朋友打球,或去河中钓鱼。晚上我就和家人看看电视。墙上的钟刚敲十下,我就去睡觉了。

3.I live very happily today! In the morning, it is very fine! Then I climb the mountain with family, the air on the mountain is very fresh, the flowers plants and trees on the mountain all seem extremely beautiful. Coming back home in the evening, family and I sat and watched TV together, we are returning and eating the fruit while chatting, the whole family is happy and harmonious!

1.A young business man had just started his business, and rented a beautiful office. Sitting there, he saw a man come into the outer office. Wishing to appear busy, the businessman picked up the phone and pretended that he had a big deal working. He threw huge figures around and made giant commitments.


Finally, he hung up and asked the visitor. "Can I help you?" The man said, "Sure. I've come to install the phone."


2.Julie was saying her bedtime prayers. "Please God," she said, "Make Naples the capital of Italy. Make Naples the capital of Italy."

Her mother interrupted and said, "Julie, why do you want God to make Naples the capital of Italy?"

And Julie replied, "Because that’s what I put in my geography exam!"




3.The Swimmer

The teacher told the class the story of a man who swam a river three times before breakfast.

Johnny laughed.

"Do you doubt that a good swimmer could do that?" asked the teacher.

"No, sir," answered Johnny, "but I wonder why he did not swim it four times and get back to the side where his clothes were."






4.It was the day of the big sale. Rumors of the sale (and some advertising in the local paper) were the main reason for the long line that formed by 8:30, the store's opening time, in front of the store.

A small man pushed his way to the front of the line, only to be pushed back, amid loud and colorful curse. On the man's second attempt, he was punched square in the jaw, and knocked around a bit, and then thrown at the end of the line again.

As he got up, he said to the person at the end of the line,” That does it! If they hit me one more time, I won't open the store!"

一天,一个商店降价大甩卖。人们在开店之前就排在了商店门前,排成了很长的一队。一个身材矮小的人推挤着想到队伍的前面,但被推了回来,而且被咒骂着插队。那个人又一次努力往前挤, 但是又被挤到了最后面,而且下巴被重重的碰了几下,他对最后一个人说:“如果他们再次这样对我,我就不去开商店门了!!!”


Stan: I won 92 goldfish.

Fred: Where are you going to keep them?

Stan: In the bathroom 。

Fred: But what will you do when you want to take a bath?

Stan: Blindfold them!

斯丹:我赢了 92 条金鱼。





The wolf and the sheep

A wolf had been badly wounded by dogs. He lay sick and maimed in his lair.

He felt very hungry and thirsty. When a sheep passed by, he asked him to fetch some water from the stream.

"If you bring me the water," he said, "I will find means to get some food."

"Yes," said the sheep, "if I bring you the water, you would undoubtedly make me your food."





寓意: 谎言是经不起推敲的,它很容易被人们识破。

One hot summer day a fox was walking through an orchard. He stopped before a bunch of grapes. They were ripe and juicy.

"I'm just feeling thirsty," he thought. So he backed up a few paces, got a running start, jumped up, but could not reach the grapes.

He walked back. One, two, three, he jumped up again, but still, he missed the grapes.

The fox tried again and again, but never succeeded. At last he decided to give it up.

He walked away with his nose in the air, and said“I am sure they are sour.”





寓意: 在经历了许多尝试而不能获得成功的时候,有些人往往故意轻视成功,以此来寻求心理安慰。



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