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How to maintain one steady love's main factor

I think that it was important to at first:don't censure each other.Always talk with each other,you are so bad,you must do that,you should be mild,I think that you were so strong,I like a gentle girl,always talk someone's shortcoming,and you can not have a look someone's advantage.
At secondly:How about your hobby?If you were the similar hobby,you will have got the common words.
At thirdly:always respect of your partner.Never stayed in the public have an aloud censure him.
At fourthly:you can't stay with you don't really like person.Never fall in love with that one.You will disappoint stay with him.Because you were not really like him.
At fifthly:Never cheated with your partner.Nobody like cheating.
At sixthly:If you were think about that something you can't speak out,shout up,don't speak too much,he's your lover,not your best friend,and your mother,don't need you have a talk too much.Sometimes shout up will be better,some secret make their to be secret.
At seventhly:Never fickle in love,if you were fall in love with someone,only just fall in love one person.If you don't want to with him together,apart and choice another love!!!Never have a foot in two camp!
All in all,falled in love with someone,you need improve your love skill,the top love lever I think that it also was very useful.

No one can deny that Chinese is a great invention of the Chinese people.
Since the emergence of Chinese characters and their circulation in China, they have been transformed again and again.

We have to say that none of our present Chinese characters is without the wisdom and painstaking efforts of our ancestors.
Chinese characters are different from other languages in that they are phonetic and ideographic.
Every word is a lovely little creature.
They play together, exuding the vitality of life.
In this era of advanced technology, keyboard has gradually replaced handwriting.
One by one lively and lovely square characters are thus forgotten in the corner. Writing is the soul of a nation.
It is precisely because of the existence of Chinese that the Chinese nation has a strong cohesion, so that the Chinese nation can unite as one, go through the darkest period, and establish a new China.
No matter when and where, we can't forget the root, forget our words.
Let us always remember the 5000 year old culture of the Chinese nation and carry it forward.
Let it shine in the world culture forever.

What is love?It is one of the most difficult questions for the mankind.Centuries have passed by,relationships have bloomed and so has love.But no one can give the proper definition of love.To some,love is friendship set on fire.For others,maybe love is like luck.You have to go all the way to find it.No matter how you define it or feel it,love is the eternal truth in the history of mankind.
Love is patient and love is kind.It has no envy,nor it boasts itself and it is never proud.It rejoices over the evil and is the truth seeker.Love protects,preserves and hopes for the positive aspect of life.Always stand steadfast in love,not fall into it.It is like the dream of your matter of affection coming true.
Love can occur between two or more individuals.It bonds them and connects them in a unified link of trust,intimacy and interdependence.It enhances the relationship and comforts the soul.Love should be experienced and not just felt.The depth of love can not be measured.Look at the relationship between a mother and a child.The mother loves the child unconditionally and it can not be measured at all.
A different dimension can be attained between any relationships with the magic of love.Love can be created.You just need to focus on the goodness of the other person.If this can be done easily,then you can also love easily.And remember we all have some positive aspect in us,no matter how bad our deeds maybe.


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