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My birthday is on 某月某日. My mother was born on 某月某日. My father was born on 某月某日. He is X years older than my mother. I don't know the birthdays of my grandparents'.

I have a wonderful family, My family is my parents, my sister and I. My birthday is on 16th February,My mother's birthday is on 27th April. My father's birthday is on 9th June. and my sister's birthday is on 7th July. My life is very happiness,and I love my family.


I have a wonderful family, My family is my parents, my sister and I. My birthday is on 16th February,My mother's birthday is on 27th April. My father's birthday is on 9th June. and my sister's birthday is on 7th July. My life is very happiness,and I love my family.




生日蛋糕一般是一种装饰的非常漂亮的蛋糕,而且在端上来的时候上面要插上与寿星年龄一样多的蜡烛。 寿星要手捧许愿石默默的许个愿望,然后吹灭蜡烛,这是因为古时欧洲人相信烟是能升上天堂的,许愿后吹灭蜡烛,就代表愿望能随著烟传达到天空。


There are four people in my family.They are my father,my mother ,my sister and me .My father's birthday is on xx日xx月,xxxx年.My mother's birthday is on xx日xx月,xxxx年.My sister's birthday is on xx日xx月,xxxx年.My birthday is on xx日xx月,xxxx年.In the birthday ,we eat a big cake.We sing and dance .My mom usually cook a big dinner for us.What about you ?
我的家人有四个人,他们是我的父亲,我的母亲,我的妹妹和我。我父亲的生日是在xxxx年xx月xx日。我母亲的生日是在xxxx年xx月xx日。我姐姐的生日 是在xxxx年xx月xx日。我的生日是在xxxx年xx月xx日。在生日,我们吃了一个大蛋糕。我们唱歌和跳舞。我妈妈通常为我们做一个大晚餐。你呢?

Hello!I' m jingjing!
m y birthday is on June 10th.my father' s birthday is on Jhly 19th.my mather 's birthday is on october 17th..my grandma's name is shunxiu.her birthday is on Deceber 3rd.shixing is my grandpa.he was born on January 2nd.

There are four people in my family.They are my father,my mother ,my sister and me .My father's birthday is in July.My mother's birthday is in February.My sister's birthday is in February,too.My birthday is in September.In the birthday ,we eat a big cake.We sing and dance .My mom usually cook a big dinner for us.What about you ?

There are four people in my familiy, The yare my father, my mother my mater and me
My athers birthday is on xxx 年xx月xx 日,my mother's birthday is on xxx 年xx月xx日 my mater birthday is on xxx 年xx月xx日,my birthday is on xxx 年xx 月xx 日,ln birthday weeat a big cake, we sing and dance, my mom usually cook a big dinner for us
what about you ?


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