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原图来源于剑桥雅思8,即Cambridge 8。
小作文:- 图表作文
1. Summarize 写作目的、最重要的信息
2. Make comparisons 归类、
1、 开篇:明确指出文章的写作目的
a) 随着时间,变化
b) 大小的比较
2、 结尾:结合写作目的,明确的给出图表中最为重要的信息
a) 看变化:哪些对象上升,哪些对象下降,哪些不变
b) 看比较:哪个对象是“最好王者”
3、 细节分类讨论,给出一些支持结论的证据或过程
分段模式:2+X (2代表开篇和结尾;X代表分类的结果和图形的数量)
1) 重点要突出“写作目的”change or compare “C&C”
2) 名词照抄,动词和抽象名词替换,时间和地点不变,但要突出“指代”
e.g. Cambridge 8 – Test 1
The chart compares the proportions of overgrazing, over-cultivation, deforestation and others. The table compares the percentages of overgrazing, over-cultivation and deforestation in North America, Europe and Oceania during 1990 – 2000. 文章的开篇与提示句不同之处在于:你是在看过图表后产生的具体的描述。
Overall, it is clear that overgrazing, over-cultivation and deforestation are main causes of global land degradation, and that the primary causes of land degradation in the three areas were different : North America (Over-cultivation), Europe (Deforestation), and Oceania (Overgrazing), and Europe had the most seriously affected land of the three countries.
中间段:- 分段,每段的主题句如何支持最后的结论 X= 2
第一段:第一句:最大值, while第二句:接近的值归类. However, 其余的不重要的值
The most primary cause of land degradation in the world is over-grazing, accounting for 35%, while other two main causes are over-cultivation and deforestation, occupying 28% and 30% respectively. The reminder only takes up 7%.
23% of land in Europe was degraded, which was the most serious, and 9.8% of land degradation was caused by deforestation, as well as 7.7% (over-cultivation) and 5.5% (overgrazing). 13% of land in Oceania was spoiled, and 11.3% of land spoiled was because of over-grazing, while 5% of land was degraded in North America, and 3.3% of the land degradation was subject to over-cultivation.
A complete composition
The chart compares the proportions of overgrazing, over-cultivation, deforestation and others. The table compares the percentages of overgrazing, over-cultivation and deforestation in North America, Europe and Oceania during 1990 – 2000. 文章的开篇与提示句不同之处在于:你是在看过图表后产生的具体的描述。
The most primary cause of land degradation in the world is over-grazing, accounting for 35%, while other two main causes are over-cultivation and deforestation, occupying 28% and 30% respectively. The reminder only takes up 7%.
23% of land in Europe was degraded, which was the most serious, and 9.8% of land degradation was caused by deforestation, as well as 7.7% (over-cultivation) and 5.5% (overgrazing). 13% of land in Oceania was spoiled, and 11.3% of land spoiled was because of over-grazing, while 5% of land was degraded in North America, and 3.3% of the land degradation was subject to over-cultivation.
Overall, it is clear that overgrazing, over-cultivation and deforestation are main causes of global land degradation, and that the primary causes of land degradation in the three areas were different : North America (Over-cultivation), Europe (Deforestation), and Oceania (Overgrazing), and Europe had the most seriously affected land of the three countries.

下文是一篇以描述趋势变化为主的范文:素材来自Cambridge 8 Test 2
开篇和结尾 – 重点强调写作的目的是:变化;结论重点回应这些对象是如何变化的。将占比例最大的对象名称,作为次要内容,写在开头段是为了保持文章的前后一致。
The charts illustrate changes of yearly costs by the school in the Years 1981, 1991 and 2023. In the three years, teachers’ salaries were always the main cost.
Overall, it is clear that the school spent more on teachers’ salaries, furniture and equipment, and insurance, but less on other workers ‘salaries and resources.

中间段:X = 3
A complete composition

The charts illustrate changes of yearly costs by the school in the Years 1981, 1991 and 2023. In the three years, teachers’ salaries were always the main cost.

In 1981, teachers’ salaries accounted for the highest percentage, with 40%. Other workers’ salaries took up 28%, while resources and furniture & equipment did the same percentages, 15%. Insurance was the minimal.
However, during 1981 – 2023 the percentage of teachers’ salaries rose up to 45%, ever peaking at 50% in 1991. That of furniture & equipment also increased to 23%, but reaching the bottom at 5% in 1991, while that of insurance was increasing to 8%.
On the other hand, the percentage of other workers’ salaries was declining to 15%. That of resource also decreased to 9%, though reaching the summit of 20%.
Overall, it is clear that the school spent more on teachers’ salaries, furniture and equipment, and insurance, but less on other workers ‘salaries and resources.
希望以上的答复能对您的留学申请有所帮助。留学的道路充满了无限可能,但选择和准备的过程可能也充满挑战。如果您有任何更详细的问题或需要进一步的协助,我强烈推荐您访问我们的留学官方网站 https://liuxue.87dh.com/ 。在那里您可以找到更多专业的留学考试规划和留学资料以及一对一的咨询服务。我们的专业团队会全程陪伴您,助您圆梦海外学府。祝您留学申请顺利!


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