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Pork and Vegetable Dumplings Mix some pork,leafy vegetables and salt.Then make small circles of dough. Put the meat,leafy vegetable and salt on the dough.Close the dough around the meat. Put the dumpling into a wok with hot water. Now,it's time to eat.Enjoy your delicious dumplings.

My favourite recipe: Lotus root stewed spare ribs
Lotus root stewed spare ribs is a nutritious soup, main ingredient is the lotus root and spare ribs, the main cooking process is to boil. Lotus root and ribs with meat and vegetables can balance nutrition, which can be consumed as a tonic soup.
Raw materials: Lotus root 200 g, spare ribs 300 g, 3 jujubes.
Spices: onion 10 g, ginger 10 g, salt 8 g, pepper 5 g, cooking wine 10 g, cooking oil 30 ml.
Production steps:
Cut spare ribs into inch segment, and wash lotus root after using a knife scrape the surface of the bark.
Put oil into the pot till the fragrant smoke from onion and ginger. Then fry the spare ribs into the pot and stir it, and put the cooking wine into the pot after the spare ribs changes colour.
Take a pot, pour the fried spare ribs, fill water, then add the lotus root, dates, then add the lotus root block and jujube, after stirring to boil, switch to small simmer for one hour, and then add salt and pepper to taste.
It can help to clear heat, cool blood, nourish yin, and it is also rich in nutrition. So I like it very much.

1.Cabbage heart the root pares into a sharp form with the small Yin, on breaking two halfs cut into 7 Li rices long, the cabbage, ham of 0.6 Li rices breadth, the bamboo shoot cuts into a sparerib slice and each chestnut up slices 10, fill with water inside pot, put to cook the skin soft into the chestnut and take advantage o heat to peel off the chestnut skin.

2.Descend into the chestnut while going to the peanut oil into inside the pot, ascending fire to burn into 60% heat, cabbage, a little bit fry once, get to control clean oil.

3.Fry the pot set fire up, put is 30 grams into the lard, immediately next go into a cabbage, chestnut, ham slice, bamboo shoot slice, the salt monosodium glutamate refined sugar boils with the wildfires, use small fire Men again for 5 m


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