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1," one piece" is Japan's best-selling animation, from 1997to 2007a total of78 became the magazine cover theme, created one of the sales to reach the fastest one hundred million records, so far, has sold more than one hundred million75000000 copies in total

( 1、《海贼王》是日本史上最畅销的动漫,从1997年至2007年共78次成为杂志封面主题,创立了单本销量最快到达一亿的记录,至今为止总销量已超过一亿7500万册 )

After a period of learning, I found myself in the course of study still exist many deficiencies, these disadvantages that I cannot get better progress, I decided to find yourself from the starting point, change their insufficient, trying to let oneself become more outstanding.
Once, I always feel like a skills ability is good, so has been also didn't go to enhance their own, when I met more severe than I when the people, I find that, is my own has been no progress, I neglected for personal skills training, also not very seriously considered but should how personal skills, this is causing a reason I couldn't progress; And now I find myself also won't be a very good student, although before, I feel very good for themselves, but also because I hard enough, I met opponents, however, I for their own advantages very understanding, I was a thinking person, only is very active, so no because of laziness always strict demands on themselves. Actually, I for knowledge, skill grasping and comprehend the fact or soon, because I will not take the time to study. So I think, cause I now ability is limited, because I myself hard enough, no definite goal, I'm not a accept ability is very bad student, even, I accept ability is good, I think, in the later study, I should know, their own goals, what is to become an excellent diligent student, I think I'll read more by think much, ask etc, many ways to change themselves, improve themselves.
For their future changes, I'm confident, I believe, overcoming the lazy, I can let oneself become more outstanding

Today I'm going to talk about my favorite anime ONE PIECE
It is a youth of blood. ONE PIECE was serialed on a magazine called JUMP on August by its author 尾田荣一郎. It talked a man called Monkey. D Luffy to be the king of pirate,collected a large group of partners with his companions set out on this route the adventures. when the weather is capricious of the route, roads and they have overcome many difficulties, and many a strong enemy, and in the ship spent a lot of time. this as a hero luffy is a bravery, importance of friendship and innocent people, when he had a lovely, but at the moment he will sacrifice all to my friends, so every time after the war of the enemy was flying the way of charisma and eventually became friends. ONE PIECE let me know so much things.Like the importance of friendship and the love from relative .many of the scene and make me tear.
If you are a brave young man ,I'm sure you'll like it!

我自己翻译了一部分。。用翻译工具翻译了一部分。。。既然都喜欢海贼~~如果有翻译的不好的地方还请见谅= = 内个尾田荣一郎读起来应该是读罗马音就好。。。以上。。祝lz演讲成功~~

Today I will say said my favorite anime pirates, king. He is a young to blood anime. The king was the author of pirates, his tail TianRong ichiro in August 1997 4 series in weekly young JUMP. He are mainly introduced in a call D.L MONKEY. Uffy male for when the pirates, king and multitude collected partner her company on great route adventures. When the weather is unpredictable great sensation drift-down, they overcame many difficulties, victory over many powerful enemy, and in the ship passed many happy time. The protagonist luffy is a brave, pay attention to friendship and innocent person, he sometimes silly get cute, but to the critical moment he will to friends and to sacrifice everything, so every time after the war enemies were flew the unique charm of personality and eventually become friends. The king gave me many pirates. Like friendship affection of valuable, many scenes let me to tears. If you are a blood teenager words I believe you will be like him






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